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* * * * - (4.28 - 54votes)

Happy if You Died

Alt Names: alt 죽어도 좋아♡alt Til Death♡
Author: Gold Kiwi Bird
Artist: Gold Kiwi Bird
Genres: Comedy ComedyJosei JoseiRomance RomanceSupernatural SupernaturalWebtoon Webtoon
Type: Manhwa (Korean)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Everyone would be happier if this boss was dead...

Original Webtoon on Daum -> http://webtoon.daum.net/webtoon/view/verygood
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WHOA??? THIS IS SO GOOD??? I read all 13 chapters in one sitting!

I can't help getting excited to know how she'll solve the other time loops! Also, I feel so relieved that this manhwa is being handled by such a reliable team like eg scans! Thank you for the scanlation!!!

I agree with most of what you said, but I have to disagree on what you said about chopsticks. It's not social convention that makes certain usage correct or incorrect. Holding chopsticks incorrectly prevents you from using them to their fullest. If learned properly, you should be able to cut food into smaller pieces or pick up items like ice and peanuts with a pair of chopsticks, neither of which can be done when holding it in any of the incorrect positions.

Maybe if someone is actually failing to eat, you might want to suggest doing it differently in some way that was actually helpful (as opposed to telling them off for being badly brought up), although even there it wouldn't really be your business if they didn't ask for help.  If they are successfully eating lunch, if their method is working for them, there is nothing that makes it your business.  But anyhow, what we are dealing with is not a case of someone saying "You know, you could pick up certain things better if you did it different", we are dealing with a case of someone saying "It's screaming at me 'I went to a lowly community college that doesn't even teach proper chopstick form'.  This is why people ignore you".  That's a social convention issue, pure snobbery.


As to the handedness thing--oh, bull.  You scooch a little closer to the person on your right/farther from the person on your left, and take up the same amount of space; maybe you learn to keep your elbow in a little closer than some people.  That kind of shit is just an excuse for conformity and bullying minorities.  People in the West as recently as the 1950s or so would get beaten for writing with their left hand, and I'm sure they had lots of plausible-sounding crap reasons for it, but the sky didn't fall in when they stopped.  I'm left-handed and that kind of smug asinine nonsense pisses me right off.

Oh no... I see flags being raised... on the chief.

Are you really asking for an explanation of something so glaringly obvious?  OK, I'll bite.  Back to first principles:

Because snarking off at them will not improve any of those things (none of which are really relevant to you in the first place), but it will create a toxic workplace in which your subordinates don't want to do the work for you which it is your job to get them to do. 


I agree with most of what you said, but I have to disagree on what you said about chopsticks. It's not social convention that makes certain usage correct or incorrect. Holding chopsticks incorrectly prevents you from using them to their fullest. If learned properly, you should be able to cut food into smaller pieces or pick up items like ice and peanuts with a pair of chopsticks, neither of which can be done when holding it in any of the incorrect positions. This may be less important today with the knife and fork becoming more common in Asia, but traditionally, we only had a pair of chopsticks and a spoon with which to eat, so learning how to use chopsticks correctly was important. Personally, I think it's still a good skill to have because it makes chopsticks a much more flexible utensil in general.


Also, the requirement of using the right hand to hold chopsticks may be socially learned, but it also has a good reason, at least in Asian culture. We tend to sit in large groups at small tables in close quarters, so if everyone else is using chopsticks in their right hand, and one person is using their left hand, then the chopsticks are likely to clash. Most children are taught to use their right hands to eat even if left handed. I have a friend who was able to do homework back when we were in school while eating because he could write with his left hand while eating with his right.

If their apperance is sloppy, their education is bad, and the way they hold their chopsticks wrong, how is it not?

Are you really asking for an explanation of something so glaringly obvious?  OK, I'll bite.  Back to first principles:

Because snarking off at them will not improve any of those things (none of which are really relevant to you in the first place), but it will create a toxic workplace in which your subordinates don't want to do the work for you which it is your job to get them to do. 


I have to wonder if the author actually saw The Imitation Game. It wasn't really focused on the scientific aspect; it was a rather fictionalized drama about the life of Alan Turing. I mean, it was a good movie, but it was filled with inaccuracies; it was historical fiction rather than a documentary. If you went to see the movie purely because you love technology and the history of technological innovation, you'd be sorely disappointed.

So constantly criticizing your subordinates on their appearance, their education, and the way they hold their chopsticks is being a rational human being?

If their apperance is sloppy, their education is bad, and the way they hold their chopsticks wrong, how is it not?

This is quite possibly one of the most unique webtoon-type comics I've come across. It's always a great read, every time. And hilarious.


I think our MC is gonna be what forces the Boss to change on a fundamental level. It wouldn't have to be romantic... but if it was I wouldn't mind. It'd be a pretty extraordinary thing to see someone go from low-level evil to a genuinely good person. Liking someone for being a good person, seeing them struggle through their own failings and over coming and loving for that, well... that's a cut above most romance stories.

So constantly criticizing your subordinates on their appearance, their education, and the way they hold their chopsticks is being a rational human being? Assuming you're better than everyone else (and treating others accordingly), and thinking they must be in love with you even when they're clearly angry at you is rational?


Also, I hate the idea of them dating. His personality is absolutely abhorrent, and I'd like her to just terrorize him into silence and move on with her life rather than getting into a relationship to change him (which everyone knows doesn't work) or god forbid falling in love with that sentient turd.


Don't feed BCS.


Dating thing is seconded. Though I've been skimming through the RAWs the best a non-Korean speaker could,



Thanks EGS!

I think where this is going is she will eventually actually start dating him to cure him of his being a rational human being "evil"

So constantly criticizing your subordinates on their appearance, their education, and the way they hold their chopsticks is being a rational human being? Assuming you're better than everyone else (and treating others accordingly), and thinking they must be in love with you even when they're clearly angry at you is rational?


Also, I hate the idea of them dating. His personality is absolutely abhorrent, and I'd like her to just terrorize him into silence and move on with her life rather than getting into a relationship to change him (which everyone knows doesn't work) or god forbid falling in love with that sentient turd.

She's trying to do amateur "Clockwork Orange".  I'm not sure if it's a good or bad thing that she's not very good at it.

Well, there's only one thing for her to do now!



I think where this is going is she will eventually actually start dating him to cure him of his being a rational human being "evil"

So basically Re:Zero - MC tries to prevent deaths by using loops. Here - MC tries to escape a loop by preventing a death.


Subaru should hook up with this chick, they could help each other out...

The main character is nuts...but in an awesome and completely relatable/understandable sort of way LOL.

I'm getting such a kick out of this series, I wish there was more because I am hooked.

This suddenly got really deep.

Oh my.... Is that Chief a presentation of a shitty SJW?
I hope that they will have a death tally at the end of this.

Now I really want the time loop to troll her. Couldn't it have a special rule that if she kills him on purpose it would activate with a delay? Maybe a few days/weeks? Oh all the possible events that would unfold. The panic while realizing how she just actually killed someone, then the desparate tries to hide the body and keeping quiet. After that she is discovered by the police and tries to explain it to them like this: "I only killed him because I thought it would send me back in time!".

And finally after her trial when she is in prison or rather in some kind of mental facility, doubting her own sanity, she is sent back.

She must be getting really good at murder by now.

Well, there's only one thing for her to do now!


Oh god. The boss is a freaking narcissist. 

"When did I ever do a thing like that? I only brushed it to compliment you!"


You can't really say that to the police now, can you. XD

She really lost it now. xD

I think it'd have been better for all involved if the protagonist saw her slave driver of a boss as a Pomeranian forever.


The Pomeranian returned.


I...I think I love this author.

The chief is becoming her whole world x)

Her reason to live.

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