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All-Rounder Meguru

Alt Names: alt All Rounder Megurualt オールラウンダー廻alt 全能格鬥士alt 全能格斗士
Author: Endo Hiroki
Artist: Endo Hiroki
Genres: Action ActionDrama DramaMartial Arts Martial ArtsSeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of LifeSports Sports
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Hiroki Endō’s latest series tells the story of two old friends, Meguru Takayanagi and Takashi Yamabuki, who after a long time meet each other again at an amateur shooto mixed martial arts contest. While Meguru only practices MMA for fun, Takashi is pursuing a serious goal. Even though each of them has their own reason to fight, both are becoming stronger with each match… Universally praised for its realism and accurate depiction of martial arts, All-Rounder Meguru is one of the first manga to provide a glimpse into the energetic and exciting world of modern MMA.
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You don't really need to rush, Everath (although it hurts me saying so, All Rounder Meguru is, by far, my favorite manga). Thanks for the awesome work you guys have been putting in this so far.

End of ch. 72--

She likes him.  And she's very pure.



Silent Sky, Thanks for ch 72!   


Everath, quicker would be better but, we understand this is a hobby and life comes first. 


ARM is such a fun, exciting manga, i wish i could TL for you. :-/

what a natural. hahaha

Sorry we cant realy rush it out atm, but yea, will see if we can shorten it down to 2 weeks atleast, but cant promise anything. :)

Thanks for this Silent sky but 1 month and all we got is a 20 pages chapter xD

It probably be 2015 before they got into the UFC.

For anyone who wants to know what that wacky ass stuff in chapter 71 was about, follow this link.



haha some of the faces remind me of Yotsuba

Teppu and All Rounder Meguru are my favorite MMA mangas. Thanks for the update guys.

Probably the most realistic and exciting MMA manga that i have ever seen. Where have you been all my life?!

My exact reaction when I started reading this manga about four (?) years ago. Endo never fails to deliver. By the way, what was that choke by Tamiya? Never thought the gi could be used like that!


Anyway, beautiful scanlation as always, Silent Sky and Everath!

Thanks for the new chap, was pretty funny at the end xD

Probably the most realistic and exciting MMA manga that i have ever seen. Where have you been all my life?!

It always cheers me up seeing a new Meguru chapter up! Thanks, Silent Sky and Everath!


Looking forward to Tamiya's fight!


Yeah, Meguru is a manga that always gives me a good feeling reading it, until I hit the "To Be Continued" part.  Thanks for translating guys, and I look forward to more, perpetually.

It always cheers me up seeing a new Meguru chapter up! Thanks, Silent Sky and Everath!


Looking forward to Tamiya's fight!

Must be because I have gotten tired of slapstick jokes in potential couples, but Maki is starting to annoy me with this whole "let's kick Meguru where it hurts him the most" act.

Well, they both are quite realistic fighting mangas, by realistic I also mean how they draw their characters: solid builds without excessive muscle definition or proportions (both for guys and girls). Endo-sensei's technique seems better though.

Endo has way more experience, that's probably part of it.

awww Maki

Jealous Maki strikes again.


And Momoko is just cute with her expressions.

Anyone else think that this mangaka draws females a bit like the lovely (well, some of them are lovely) ladies of Teppu? Today I noticed a bit of a similarity...

Well, they both are quite realistic fighting mangas, by realistic I also mean how they draw their characters: solid builds without excessive muscle definition or proportions (both for guys and girls). Endo-sensei's technique seems better though.

words cannot express how happy I am that this excellent manga finally has another group dedicated to it, thanks for all the hard work and here's to many more releases!

Silent Sky, Thank You!!!  Great fights! 

This is a great fight.

AHHHH. That was amazing. Thanks Silent Sky! =^.^=

Thanks for the new chapters and AARGH tha cliffhanger.

Anyone else think that this mangaka draws females a bit like the lovely (well, some of them are lovely) ladies of Teppu? Today I noticed a bit of a similarity...

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