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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.52 - 90votes)

Tohai Densetsu Akagi

Alt Names: alt Akagialt Akagi - The Genius who Fell into the Darknessalt Akagi - Yami ni Oritatta Tensaialt Akagi~Yami ni Oritatte Tensai~alt アカギalt アカギ ~闇に降り立った天才~alt 鬥牌傳說alt 闘牌伝説アカギ 闇に舞い降りた天才alt Legend of Mahjong: Akagialt Mahjong Legend Akagialt Mahjong Legend Akagi: The Genius Who Descended Into the Darkness
Author: Fukumoto Nobuyuki
Artist: Fukumoto Nobuyuki
Genres: Drama DramaPsychological PsychologicalSeinen SeinenSports Sports
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: A genius who fell into darkness. The god of the underworld.

Akagi Shigeru runs from a Chicken race where he almost died to a Mahjong parlor, where a man is losing all his money to the Yakuza. Akagi, who is only 13, tells him that he plays it wrong, although he has never played the game before. Akagi then replaces him in the game, and there a legend is born.

When the police come to check in on the parlor to see if the child that ran from the Chicken race is there, they deny the relation of Akagi to the chicken fight. In the end the policeman invites Akagi to a much more organized Mahjong game and from there the legends only continue to develop.


- Washizu -Enma no Touhai- (http://www.batoto.net/comic/_/washizu-enma-no-touhai-r4536)
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Topic Missing chapters? where they go? T.T New Window Zonambulous
  • 3 Replies


Winning?  Screw that; the only reason to play is to break your opponents.

Akagi is enjoying himself.

2 chapters at once? What kind of sorcery is this?!


Thank you, FKMTkrazy!

So close, yet so far! I wonder whether this'll drag on all the way to Nan 4th.
Well, anyway, thanks yet again, FKMTkrazy! Happy holidays!

That's the spirit, Yasuoka! Screw that helicopter! ^^

Now then, will Akagi keep his oyaban, or will Washizu tsumo first - that's the big question.

Yasuoka, no!

Well, if this isn't a red herring, your previous statement might not've been far from the truth - Yasuoka might indeed take over the helicopter controls :D

Yasuoka, no!

Damn cliffhanger! Next chapter please!

Plot twist: Yasuoka is piloting the helicopter and Ohgi cuts off the rope ladder

He can't get a Renhou off Suzuki, since he draws before Suzuki gets a turn. Best he can do is a double riichi.

Oh, I thought a Renhou would work as long as it was the first tile someone discarded and no calls were made.

Well then, a Renhou off Yasuoka :)

Scratch that, a Renhou off Suzuki. A Chihou would kill Akagi.

He can't get a Renhou off Suzuki, since he draws before Suzuki gets a turn. Best he can do is a double riichi.

Scratch that, a Renhou off Suzuki. A Chihou would kill Akagi.

I smell a Chihou.

Oh, my. OH, MY.


I love when FKMT does his figurative speech panels.

This was Akagi's gameplan all along. Win the match? Chump change. Humiliate Washizu? Ain't nobody got time fo' that! Run him out of money? Bush league.


This is the Akagi that was hinted at in Ten, the demon legend of gambling who was so friggin' good at what he did, gamblers all over the world would chip at his gravestone in the hope that a shard of his luck would come their way. When this motherfucker says he'll take everything from you, he doesn't stop at your wallet. He'll buy out your mortgage, marry your wife, put down your dog, AND get your favorite tv show cancelled. THEN he'll start thinking about ending your miserable life.

Washizu was never told if he didn't stop making faces like that, someday he'd end up being stuck that way.

He kind of is already. Not as bad as Muraoka but still.

It seems the match has ended? Unless Akagi decides he also wants Washizu's blood...

You called it!

It seems the match has ended? Unless Akagi decides he also wants Washizu's blood...

Hey, that would actually be quite the twist!

It seems the match has ended? Unless Akagi decides he also wants Washizu's blood...

Finally! Well then, how will Washizu handle this, I wonder :)

Oh, my, I laughed so hard when 2sou.

Akagi is a true monster - damn!

Thanks for the updates! Can't wait to see how Akagi will pull this one off as a win.

I come here every now and then to see various kind of faces Washizu is making every release.


And I am waiting in suspense on how Akagi will win.

Washizu was never told if he didn't stop making faces like that, someday he'd end up being stuck that way.

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