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Only Sense Online

Alt Names: alt オンリーセンス・オンラインalt O.S.Oalt Only Sense Onlinealt OSO
Author: Aloha Zachou
Artist: Hani Kuraun
Genres: Action ActionAdventure AdventureFantasy FantasyGender Bender Gender BenderShounen ShounenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Utilizing a system called "Sense," each player aims to create their unique character in the VRMMORPG "Only Sense Online." Joining this realm is Yun, an absolute beginner in the world of gaming, equipped with some of the worst customized "Sense" ever. While his two sisters, both veterans in this world, criticize his choices of equipment, he continues to delve into the skill sets he has acquired. Along his way, he meets the art of "production" and people that have mastered this art. Watch as a total novice creates a revolution in the gaming world and create the "ultimate" support class.

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1) It's time consuming from preparation to the process to the clean up..
2) And not everyone is like you when it's about cooking..
3) An "Average" adult or youth will think 1) will be difficult since they don't have much experience and time to do it..
4) An "Average" person can do the simple cooking like stir-frying some meat or boiling the food or deep frying or microwave their food and such ..
5) An "Average" person doesn't want to spend their earnings and time to all of those different kinds of required ingredients and cooking utensils..

Stir-fry is actually much harder to do properly than baking a pound cake, although I admit it's generally less time-consuming. (It's also more mess to clean up, because the stir-fry pan will be greasy and have stuff burned to the bottom, whereas if you use parchment paper you might not even have to rinse the cake pan.) Trust me on this. Having to hold your hand over a hot wok and stir stuff around constantly to make sure it doesn't burn, after cutting a bunch of junk up (which is annoying), and then adding it in the right order because different stir-fry ingredients cook at different speeds... and if you want noodles in the stir-fry, they will absorb all the liquid and then stick to the cooking surface about a million times more than any of the veggies or meat. Stir-fry is much harder to learn than basic baking.

And if you're eating healthily -- which is generally cheaper in the long term than eating restaurant meals -- then you should be going to the store regularly anyway. (Only a few vegetables keep for more than a week, and if your stir-fry contains nothing but those veggies it's going to suck.) The perishable ingredients are things you can buy in approximately the right quantity (you can buy milk in little boxes, and half-dozens of eggs) and the non-perishables last for ages so you can keep using the first purchase for a long time (the shelf life of sugar is supposedly "forever" as long as you don't let pests get into it). It's fairly rare for a baking ingredient to sit around unused. If you bake something occasionally (maybe once or twice a month) you will gradually use up the rest, so the price isn't really a factor either.

Also: the complaint in manga/anime isn't "this is time consuming" or "I hate having to buy ingredients", it's "performing the process of baking so that it works properly is difficult", and that's really not the case for baking. (Well, okay, if you want to go in for super-decorated stuff, fancy wedding cakes or curlicues of symmetrical icing or thin sheets of colored fondant in precisely-cut shapes, that's different -- decorating is a separate skill from baking and it's got a steep learning curve which I have never bothered to even try to ascend. But once again: this is presented as "it's really difficult to even make the simplest cakes and cookies" and that's just not true. It's much harder to assemble a large-ish piece of furniture from IKEA than it is to make pound cake, speaking as somebody who has put together a dresser and a wardrobe.)

Since I'm posting anyway, here's another really, really easy recipe, spoilered again for length:


>8 hours
nuff said


That, uh... that "8 hours" in that recipe means make it before lunch on your day off and that's what it'll be like shortly after dinner time. It's not a meaningful element of the time or effort you have to put into it, it's just letting it sit for an extended period.


Now, all the other arguments about experience, time (both having it and wanting to use it), costs (especially for things you make rarely), storing implements in limited space, and so on. Those are very real concerns to weigh, especially for baking treats versus regular cooking, and I can't actually fault anyone for not wanting to put over an hour in each time on an occasional treat. Speaking as someone who does cook near-daily and bakes regularly.


To bring it back around to the comic, though, I think it's less surprise that Shun is cooking so much as that a teenage boy is cooking, and especially baking sweets. The stereotype is that both are more girl things, in more places than just Japan.

>8 hours
nuff said

That's the amount of time it takes for the crust to soften. You don't actually do anything during that 8 hours, and you can eat it earlier than that.

Introduce a new character and another new mysterious character in-game. Gee, I wonder if they have any connection.

assuming we don't revert to feudalism or glass the planet with ww3 it's only a matter of time

Or Fanatic Muslims take over...

1) It's time consuming from preparation to the process to the clean up..
2) And not everyone is like you when it's about cooking..
3) An "Average" adult or youth will think 1) will be difficult since they don't have much experience and time to do it..

4) An "Average" person can do the simple cooking like stir-frying some meat or boiling the food or deep frying or microwave their food and such ..
5) An "Average" person doesn't want to spend their earnings and time to all of those different kinds of required ingredients and cooking utensils..

Also, Japanese culture is a very "workaholic" culture, which is even more than the US. It's not that they don't know how to do it, it's because they don't have the time to do so. That's literally the entire basis and function of fast food.

>8 hours
nuff said

I've made pound cake plenty of times before, but I'm WAY too lazy to do it now that I'm a functional human with a job and university and have to go to the store to get the ingredients instead of just taking it from my parents' kitchen.


Why spend time cooking when you could be watching anime/debating politics instead?

i hope MMOs in the future have this level of interactivity.

assuming we don't revert to feudalism or glass the planet with ww3 it's only a matter of time

Why do Japanese people think cooking is so difficult? I was cooking as a semi-serious thing when I was in 6th grade. And pound cake is super-duper easy, and tastes much better when homemade than the plastic-wrapped junk they sell in stores. (No chemical taste from preservatives, mainly.)

Recipe for those who doubt my word (spoilered for length):


>8 hours
nuff said

And that girl from beginning meet Shun in-game .

Why do Japanese people think cooking is so difficult? I was cooking as a semi-serious thing when I was in 6th grade. And pound cake is super-duper easy, and tastes much better when homemade than the plastic-wrapped junk they sell in stores. (No chemical taste from preservatives, mainly.)

Recipe for those who doubt my word (spoilered for length):


1) It's time consuming from preparation to the process to the clean up..
2) And not everyone is like you when it's about cooking..
3) An "Average" adult or youth will think 1) will be difficult since they don't have much experience and time to do it..

4) An "Average" person can do the simple cooking like stir-frying some meat or boiling the food or deep frying or microwave their food and such ..
5) An "Average" person doesn't want to spend their earnings and time to all of those different kinds of required ingredients and cooking utensils..

Why do Japanese people think cooking is so difficult? I was cooking as a semi-serious thing when I was in 6th grade. And pound cake is super-duper easy, and tastes much better when homemade than the plastic-wrapped junk they sell in stores. (No chemical taste from preservatives, mainly.)

Recipe for those who doubt my word (spoilered for length):


The cleanup after cooking is a bitch tho. 

Why do Japanese people think cooking is so difficult? I was cooking as a semi-serious thing when I was in 6th grade. And pound cake is super-duper easy, and tastes much better when homemade than the plastic-wrapped junk they sell in stores. (No chemical taste from preservatives, mainly.)

Recipe for those who doubt my word (spoilered for length):



As far as crafting goes, they made a big deal about it in OVRMMO, but it matters how you make your stuff in this one too, it isn't just about following a recipe. This is most notable with the Mixing sense, Yun notices that results can vary greatly with any small difference in the creation process. This applies, in a sense, to the Senses too. The combinations of senses you have equipped affects how effective you are with a wide variety of things. Anybody watching Yun for long enough will notice she's using Hawk Eyes with her Bow sense to extend range, they may even notice it works with magic, but they won't know about the bonuses to hit and crit she gets from production senses like cooking (tells her the edible parts and the weak parts of enemies, very specifically if she's wielding a knife) and blacksmithing (shows weaknesses in solid "mineable" enemies) in the same moment.


i hope MMOs in the future have this level of interactivity.

maybe i'm missing something but isn't MC like a founding member of the tailoring guild or merchant guild or whatever the guild the loli and cosplayer created?

He's more of a sponsor. He gave them money to help them get started, but it was specifically said he wouldn't join them, since he plays solo.

maybe i'm missing something but isn't MC like a founding member of the tailoring guild or merchant guild or whatever the guild the loli and cosplayer created?


As far as crafting goes, they made a big deal about it in OVRMMO, but it matters how you make your stuff in this one too, it isn't just about following a recipe. This is most notable with the Mixing sense, Yun notices that results can vary greatly with any small difference in the creation process. This applies, in a sense, to the Senses too. The combinations of senses you have equipped affects how effective you are with a wide variety of things. Anybody watching Yun for long enough will notice she's using Hawk Eyes with her Bow sense to extend range, they may even notice it works with magic, but they won't know about the bonuses to hit and crit she gets from production senses like cooking (tells her the edible parts and the weak parts of enemies, very specifically if she's wielding a knife) and blacksmithing (shows weaknesses in solid "mineable" enemies) in the same moment.

I suprised that "Resale Guild", so easily decided to liquidate  all the guild permits.


Long story short, the resale groups' big motivation was to prevent the crafters' guild from forming. They weren't really collecting the permits and driving the price up to make a lot of money (especially since the rest of the market shot up in cost to follow the leader, shortly cutting into any profit they could have made on continuing the practice), but to protect their own more exploitative practices that benefited from crafters being disorganized. Once that goal was no longer practical, they had no more reason to buy up permits and so the market itself would eventually trend back downward to a more normal price, devaluing the stockpile. Better to recoup some of those losses immediately by selling off the stockpile quickly at a "reduced" price that's still higher than what it was before they started driving the price up.

I suprised that "Resale Guild", so easily decided to liquidate  all the guild permits.

It's not entirely unsurprising. They probably bought them all at an extremely low price. The whole intention behind doing it was because they found out that Magi and Co. were trying to make the crafting guild. The crafting guild at its core basically puts the Resale Guild out of business by price fixing things and intermediates any resale to other shops to explicitly prevent price gouging, allowing for fairer competition. You know, how capitalism/free market is ideally supposed to work.

Now that they failed that, the guild basically is dead because they can't compete with the crafting guild fixing prices at a lower rate, one that is nowhere near as profitable as before (because that was the whole point of it's creation). The only thing left to do is try and recoup funds from all the stocked up permits.

Marketing 101. Failed venture, in this case it was preventing competition and sustaining monopoly, sell stock to get some return.

I suprised that "Resale Guild", so easily decided to liquidate  all the guild permits.

wow i didn't realize that the comments sect is now a public forum debating on cyberbullying. my solution is roughly the same as RL bullying: be so goddamn annoying, egoistic, and full of personality that you simply overwhelm them through sheer swaggery or something like that. it's still incredibly hard to bully someone who thinks he's superior than the bully since bullying is meant to target weaker opponents, not one of equal ego, and definetly not one with an even bigger ego


in short, Git Gud.

This is kinda sad because it's a vicious cycle but I've seen a lot of people who becomes so as a self-defense mechanism.

wow i didn't realize that the comments sect is now a public forum debating on cyberbullying. my solution is roughly the same as RL bullying: be so goddamn annoying, egoistic, and full of personality that you simply overwhelm them through sheer swaggery or something like that. it's still incredibly hard to bully someone who thinks he's superior than the bully since bullying is meant to target weaker opponents, not one of equal ego, and definetly not one with an even bigger ego


in short, Git Gud.

The point is, Keeping things secret and one player finding about things was the main point in my original argument, and you complained about my argument by posting the same thing, I should be the one asking you "what the fuck are you on about?"


Thing is that the whole point in this series, guy enters the game on the first day of it's official release, adops a underused and discredited playstyle and finds all sorts of things no one ever knew about because they had long since adopted META builds. Later on MC learns something that might make Archery join the ranks of META, but while he already has everything necessary to make that build, he still keeps his usual build because being meta is not his objective.



Can't he just log off the game if he wants to wait until things boil over?  If I was constantly getting harassed in a game it'd be the first thing I'd consider.  Just turn off the damn game.  Log in less.  Spending in game money to go into hiding seems excessive.



I feel like there's an unrealistic portrayal of the random players; most people in an MMO with millions of people would:

A. Not know who he was or what he was famous for

B. Not care because it doesn't matter to them

3. Avoid bothering or talking to someone infamous because people like their idea of what actually happened over the reality every time.

4. Not talk to someone behind their back when they're still in earshot, unless they wanted to be super passive aggressive.

5. Not personally threaten someone for something unique and would instead spam them endlessly via trial accounts until they're turned off private messages in their settings.

Huh, they toned it down her. In the novel there were guys debated what was the best look for her/him.

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