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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * - (4.44 - 188votes)


Alt Names: alt 奧德曼, OLDMAN奧德曼
Author: Chang Sheng
Artist: Chang Sheng
Genres: Action ActionAdventure AdventureAward Winning Award WinningComedy ComedyFantasy FantasyHistorical HistoricalSeinen SeinenTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manhua (Chinese)
Status: Complete
Description: From Dan of Population GO:

The son of the empress, sentenced to life in prison, although blind and old declares revenge on his unaging mother who gave him the sentence. He recruits a fellow inmate, who lost her arms and legs in addition to her sentence, in his revenge.

There are 4 (Complete) Volumes.
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Blind Sean Connery rescues limbless Catherine Zeta-Jones from prison, after which Owen Wilson develops automail replacements for her, which she uses to save psychic Dakota Fanning.

Man the Flow of this Manga is honestly just completely terrible.  The story jumps around with horrible scene transitions or none at all, the "jokes" are forced and rely far too heavily on "These characters are yelling and that's funny!" which works precisely never.  Characterization, man, apparently there's a 1 year time skip that doesn't change Rebecca's personality at all until the end of chapter 4 where she suddenly says that all this character growth happened which we have just never seen before.


And all of this is crammed into 4 actually rather short chapters.  i feel like this should have been like 12 or 16 chapters instead so we could actually have some time with these characters to Show their character.  In general there's just way too much telling and practically no showing at all.


Also "Oh and hey this random tree I stopped near is randomly the right tree I needed to stop at" is a terrible plot device.  Also they killed at least 4 soldiers all wearing the same heavy suit of armor they should have more than 1 working set.


Honestly the only part of this Manga I like is the Art.

I guess chapter 1 was actually really cool.

It's like a David Cage game.

I can't find a place to buy Volume 2, but here are some links to buy volume 3 and 4. http://www.yesasia.com/us/oldman-vol-3/1035841912-0-0-0-en/info.html



Perhaps somebody will have money to spare and buy the books to donate to the translation team?


EDIT: It seems that for some reason, Volume 2 is out of print. If there's some way to contact the author, Chang Sheng, perhaps we can find a way to buy a copy.

That comedy though.


Loving the series so far. Hopefully the second vol can be find and translated.

The author seriously trying hard to joke around, in a good way. 

Thanks a lot for the new releases creitrod and xeixei. ;)

Combat mode totally fit better as a translation then combat stance. Stance is a particular positioning of your body, mode means switching to a different state. The latter totally makes more sense, and apparently that was the original interpretation too, total failure getting clever with the interpretation. "More fantasy like" what ever the hell that means, but this story clearly has sci-fi elements anyway.

Seems like she doesn't mind, so enjoy! End of volume 1.

Credits: creitrod



is that me?? billy oldman?

If only Oldman wouldn't be so similar to Sean Connery...

Anyway, it seems very interesting.

whoever did this second chapter should work more on their grammar. through out the chapter, 'you're' is used in stead of 'your'.

go to hell potato!!

So you are trying to say that.. you would sell your body to old man and pay them for it? Weird.

Pay in negative currency would mean that he gets payed? He pays with -$100 (the old man will be in debt). I guess that's what and how he ment it.

Don't worry! You can always sell your body to old men. If you pay in negative currency, that is! Pfahahaha.(<-that was a 100% natural laugh)

So you are trying to say that.. you would sell your body to old man and pay them for it? Weird.

That very beautiful thing in the cover got me here :D





I was talking about the sword!

chapter 2 is being redone by another person and is mostly finished

creitrod hold credits for those chapters, so I've taken them down because she is the one who should be uploading them. In any case. I believe she is working to translate the rest of volume 1 (chapter 4), and a better version of chapter 2 and 3 with cleaner images and fixed spelling..

Why the chapters got deleted?

Don't worry you can always be raped by man.

Don't worry! You can always sell your body to old men. If you pay in negative currency, that is! Pfahahaha.(<-that was a 100% natural laugh)

At least I could read 2thchapter before vanishhhhhhh.. 5% of my life accomplished

What happened to the chapters??

Yeeeeeeesss. Thanks so much. I have been hoping forever that someone would pick this up. Thank you xeixei!!

I'm a 21 year old virgin who will never have a girlfriend. Leave. Me. A-lone.

Don't worry you can always be raped by man.

sir sean connery!!!

and lovely rebecca

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