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Groundless - Sekigan no Sogekihei

Alt Names: alt グランドレスalt 隻眼の狙撃兵alt Groundlessalt Groundless - The One-eyed Sniper
Author: Kagemachi Keita
Artist: Kagemachi Keita
Genres: Action ActionDrama DramaSeinen SeinenTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Civil war continues to wage on the island nation of Alistria.

The Waldrons lead a small arms shop on this island when they receive a large order of rifles from the army. However, this turns out to be a ploy by the colonel who made the order. He uses his ties to the rebel army to have them ransack the shop.

Having her husband killed, her daughter taken away and her own left eye lost, Sophia decides to take the only remaining sniper rifle and sets out for revenge.
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it's gonna be a tank girl, isn't it? hope we can keep the tank girl yes?

You can see her on the right of the volume 4 cover shown up above.

Another take on the Sophia vs Yuzuha concerns their professions.

Sophia takes lives while Yuzuha saves them.


A medic/doctor probably would have negative feelings toward a sniper after seeing so many people killed.

Even if those same people are trying to kill her(Yuzuha).

it's gonna be a tank girl, isn't it? hope we can keep the tank girl yes?

Considering Sophia isn't okay with the killing still (admittedly Yuzuha wouldn't know), and just went and will continue to go through a lot just to save your and everyone else's life, Yuzuha is still acting like a bag of dicks

Of course she is.


I'm just saying that's her reasoning.


People's reasoning for doing something can be logical and still have the end result of them being a total cock-goblin.


It's just silly to say it makes no sense or comes out of nowhere. Because it makes sense and doesn't.

All right! I hope you all liked this two-for-one combo. Groundless is officially back in business, thanks to a new translator and other helpers. Chapter releases should be semi-normalized now, but this may change starting volume 5/6 (with chapters going beyond 80+ pages). I'm just hoping to have the current stuff finished by next year for the volume 7 release (July 2017). The rough timeline is on the series' wiki page, if anyone wishes to see that.


For filler between the end of 6 and the arrival of 7, I'm planning on going back to other series (like Shidenkai no Maki and Cat Shit One '80) to fill the gap.


Anyway, hope you all enjoy, and get ready for some urban combat!




Rip Nikolai, a true soldier who live up with his words until last breath.


And I have feeling that the tank commander in chapter 13 has connection with Sophia.

You'll see...



I am kinda confused as to her reaction. Is it better that all of her squad died instead?

Remember, we don't know any real backstory besides she was looking for medical knowledge to help her town. All the characters have much deeper backstories that you think, which shall be revealed in upcoming chapters.


And for all those not exactly happy with Yuzuha, remember what everyone was saying about Nikolai. Everything happens for a reason...

People realize she was being facetious, right?


Yuzuha wasn't shitting on her for being a murderer she was needling her for shitting on the rest of them for basically being like "I'm not like you guys, okay with killing" when she quit the militia. After basically joining them for selfish reasons and leaving when she was done with those reasons she then comes back after disparaging what they do for unselfish reasons, trying to maintain order and keep people protected. She killed that dude then said "I'm done" and meanwhile the militia is trying to prevent shit like that from ever happening to anyone else again. Yuzuha sees Sophia as selfish and hypocritical for suddenly being okay with "murder" when she made such a big deal about it before.

Considering Sophia isn't okay with the killing still (admittedly Yuzuha wouldn't know), and just went and will continue to go through a lot just to save your and everyone else's life, Yuzuha is still acting like a bag of dicks

Well, I think Yuzuha is like most of the people that says "kill is bad, maybe you can kill for a reason. But is no good just keep going with that" and probably she think that Sophia likes kill people as Rutzen ¬¬. And for other way, sophia is a human sniper, those who thinks in those who they killed but keep the mentality of being apart from the battlefield like common soldiers, for something the american snipers are being trained for being something else and not just being humans (i say this for psychological reasons not for make "killing machines"), i mean she was just a "housewife" who lived "happy" and now she need kill for her "friends" like Monado said when Nadia was taken... and I think Sophia has weak mind for think for that... but well she's airhead (gj for that, a form of scape from hell ¬¬) and because that, well she's being taken like some psyco... atleast is better that being useless at battlefield like marcy, just my personal opninion :D

People realize she was being facetious, right?


Yuzuha wasn't shitting on her for being a murderer she was needling her for shitting on the rest of them for basically being like "I'm not like you guys, okay with killing" when she quit the militia. After basically joining them for selfish reasons and leaving when she was done with those reasons she then comes back after disparaging what they do for unselfish reasons, trying to maintain order and keep people protected. She killed that dude then said "I'm done" and meanwhile the militia is trying to prevent shit like that from ever happening to anyone else again. Yuzuha sees Sophia as selfish and hypocritical for suddenly being okay with "murder" when she made such a big deal about it before.

I am kinda confused as to her reaction. Is it better that all of her squad died instead?


I believe it's related on how Sophia quit the militia after one battle and rejoin after her baby is taken away. Looks like Yuzuha start hating her when Sophia said she want to quit

I am kinda confused as to her reaction. Is it better that all of her squad died instead?

Yeah, it didn't really make sense. Maybe if it were a civilian saying it instead, but come on woman you know that Sophia isn't some bloodthirsty maniac like Rutzen, and that she's putting herself through an extreme amount of stress just to save you and your friends' lives (which you JUST said meant so much to you).


It felt like a hamfisted way of carrying the "snipers aren't heroes" monologue that happened right after, tbh.

Oh man, Sophia is so cute. And deadly.


I think Yuzuha is being a bitch because she sees Sophia's actions and words as extremely hypocritical. After what she said when she refused to join the militia it comes across really poorly to Yuzuha for Sophia to shit on them for killing people by hating what she did and then to turn around and kill the most people that night even if it was saving them in the process. It's not like...a very logical conclusion or very nice considering she did save their lives but no gut reaction to something that pisses you off ever is. It's a human reaction.

Yuzuha being a dick to Sophia. ):<

I am kinda confused as to her reaction. Is it better that all of her squad died instead?

Yuzuha being a dick to Sophia. ):<

sleepy sophia is so kyuuuute.

Rip Nikolai, a true soldier who live up with his words until last breath.


And I have feeling that the tank commander in chapter 13 has connection with Sophia.


You are doing god's work, sir! 

!!!!!Nooooo,she just have tried kill one more enemy soldier¡¡¡¡¡

That would have done 40 deaths.A nice natural number and 10G achievement.

Alright, hope you all liked the exciting conclusion of the Wuzma Plateau granary area fighting. There is plenty (and I mean plenty) more fighting and other stuff to come, but only if I can find another translator to continue on where the original person left off (which is to say, at this point).


If anyone is interested, send me a PM and we will talk. I have a few criteria and nit-picks regarding what is needed that needs to be ironed out, but it should be good.

In the mean time, check out some of the other stuff that /ak/ scans is currently doing, it's all awesome stuff.


Edit: I'll be gone most of this week for family business, so please understand if I don't get back to anyone if they do send a message in a timely manner. Hope you all enjoyed!


Edit 2: Back, send me those PMs!

Killtrocity???? NOOO!!!!  Killimanjaro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!X5 + KilltacularX1

I love this manga! It really doesn't pull any punches.The complex feeling of being impressed and disgusted at the mercilessness of the battlefield and of the sophia team leaves me in awe...


But at this rate sophia will be really alienated from the rest of her team due to her monstrous skill and I fear that she will break unless she finds something to look foreword towards.  

The end of this chapter was chilling with the look she gave Monado when she said "Except murder?"

Sophia's skill is incredible.


I'm not sure which one impress me more, Sophia's skill or Monado's brilliant direction.

This is the Monado's power! 

I optimistically thought : Oh,the revolutionary chick trying to turn off the lights is going to be fine,because is a young girl,so then maybe only gets a shot in the leg or in the-!BANG¡!HEADSHOT¡....ehhh?,uhhh?

Equal rights?Hurray feminism?

War does rarely care what you have between your legs.

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