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Kengai Princess

Alt Names: alt 圏外プリンセス
Author: Aida Natsumi
Artist: Aida Natsumi
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeShoujo Shoujo
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Meguro Mito has always been made fun of for her chubby appearance. Her sole happiness is discussing her favorite role-play game with her two best friends. One day, while she is being bullied, a handsome classmate saves her. Is this the beginning of her first love?
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Coming out gay is a really, really big deal, especially in highschool. It's something that eats you up pretty badly, and japan is pretty homophobic. He probably wanted to test the waters with someone he just met so he'd have an ally right off the bat.

I'm surprised BECAUSE it's a big deal. Usually this sort of confession is given more drama. Or at least not thrown in as a relatively minor detail in a sea of new information.

Can Kunimatsu come back yet? 


No? Please?

Dont tell me this is going to be a jerk train ride. you know, when the guy is a jerk and playing the girl feeling like a toy and when we almost got tired of this they show his weak side and we kinda feel like "omigood, i feel sorry for him" and the next chapter he turn to be a jerk again. and the cycle keep repeating. and then he turn out to have a daddy/mommy issues. and we feel sorry for him and saying "you know, it''s kinda make sense..poor him" and have sudden amnesia about how a jerk he is... even though the manga kinda turn to be some kinda softcore s&m play. it's not going to be like that isn't it? TELL ME IT'S NOT GOING TO BE LIKE THAT. ,mdljshkjnaldfn lqskbufelnk;fl 


I'm sorry guys. forget to take my daily dose of chill pill. i'm okay now.

I kind of like that it's all changed up for high school. It's a different environment, makes sense that the atmosphere and issues would be different too. Mito's grown a lot since chapter one, it would've been kind of boring if she moved over to a new school and a new ecosystem and didn't take the opportunity to stretch her wings a little. It also shows that falling in love with Kunimatsu was good for her, y'know? Even if it ultimately didn't work out as a romantic thing, they both gained a hell of a lot from their mutual friendship and respect, so having her boldly express that strength and confidence by herself, for herself, gives me all of the fuzzies.

I get what people mean when they say it's like a completely different manga, but I think it works. It's like when Warau Kanako-sama became Koi dano Ai dano. The environment changed, the characters had grown up a bit, so the structure of the story and the key issues changed with them. It's different, for sure, but it's a natural progression.

Hi guys, scanalator here. 

Please give the manga a couple more chapters to settle into its new setting! It is a little awkward at the moment! Please bear with me! 


I will persevere for the sake of my chubby-faced goddess.

It seems like the ground work is being laid out for the new characters, it'll be fun to see where this continues. I'm glad too that they have her still keep in touch with her old friends as well.


I get a kick of how Mito keeps referring to the girl at the chapel as "minor female character."


I don't get how girls though can find guys like Kanata (was that his name? The pretty boy new lead) attractive. No matter how good looking and well to do he is, a guy who only wants to play around and shows an attitude of superiority would automatically be rejected by me. Mind you these girls are not much better in that they know the conditions he lays and go along and they treat him as a potential trophy with complete disregard for his feelings. I guess you could say they bring out the negative in each other. I imagine though that we'll find out that he's a better guy than he let's on and that he acts the way he does because he's feeling bitter about how others try to use or suck up to him and figures he miles well use them back. I'm proud of Mito's way of dealing with him. She doesn't let him pull her into his pace and rejects his shallow words of seduction that other girls eat up. At the same time she still treats him with respect and kindness. She doesn't sell out or lower her principles and that I think is a sign of strong character, hope it continues that way.

Hi guys, scanalator here. 

Please give the manga a couple more chapters to settle into its new setting! It is a little awkward at the moment! Please bear with me! 

Don't worry dude. I want keep reading, I like her new backbone. Also it's the beggining of the arc, we're still introducing characters and haven't had time to properly develop them. Great job, and thanks for the 3 chapters all at the same time!

Personally I can't stand the creepy and forceful behavior and the bullying which seems to be the main thing now.

Hi guys, scanalator here. 

Please give the manga a couple more chapters to settle into its new setting! It is a little awkward at the moment! Please bear with me! 


this manga turned into garbage out of a sudden...

I'm happy that Mito has backbone but not liking the change from introspective to reactive. Hope this is all just awkward setup for things to come.


Coming out gay is a really, really big deal, especially in highschool. It's something that eats you up pretty badly, and japan is pretty homophobic. He probably wanted to test the waters with someone he just met so he'd have an ally right off the bat. 

I'm happy that Mito has backbone but not liking the change from introspective to reactive. Hope this is all just awkward setup for things to come.

this manga turned into garbage out of a sudden...

This feels like it's not even the same manga anymore -_-"

Not feeling it.

Well, that escalated quickly...

Well, this took a sharp turn from "growing up" to "wish-fulfillment." If Meguro wasn't an absolute peach I'd probably be complaining.


And her 80s look needs to come back.

So.. is Kunimatsu out? I mean it's somewhat realistic that they'd lose contact but.. he's just gone?

i have a feeling that actually these people are really the models for the characters in the otome game. And the game maker is one of the female students lurking in the same school fantasizing them...

Ooooo I like this theory!

Is the chapel a reference to the tokimeki girl's side games or is it a pretty regular thing to have on a school campus in Japan?

Looks like our heroine just got a dose of reality on the last page. I hope there is a big twist though to the guy's character though as he at the moment completely comes off as the classic cliché shoujo male lead playboy. A much more lack luster character as opposed to Kunimatsu.

What an adorable MC who tries her hardest to improve herself; ITS SERIOUSLY THE MOST CHARMING THING ILUBHER.

"Someday we'll meet again, and when that time comes, you'll regret turning me down."
Yes, that's the spirit, girl!
And now she will be the protagonist of her own otome game? That's an unexpected(crazy) turn of events.

Oh well, thanks for the chapter Dragonee.

i have a feeling that actually these people are really the models for the characters in the otome game. And the game maker is one of the female students lurking in the same school fantasizing them... 

she's so cute!! man i could never put that much effort into my looks, she is strong and such a hard worker, i admire that! 

"Someday we'll meet again, and when that time comes, you'll regret turning me down."
Yes, that's the spirit, girl!
And now she will be the protagonist of her own otome game? That's an unexpected(crazy) turn of events.

Oh well, thanks for the chapter Dragonee.

What's unrealistic about it? 

You read too much manga, son. Tone it down a bit, I'm telling you this as an advice from a friend.


That said manga doesn't have to be realistic and I'm all in for a reverse harem.

lmao @ "Is this an expansion pack?"




What's unrealistic about it? 


"goes to high school - immediately meets 3 hot bishonens who look exactly like characters from her game" is what I'm struggling with lol 


But given the rest of the manga, I think it'll develop in an interesting way! 

lmao @ "Is this an expansion pack?"



Hmm, this feels very unrealistic for an up until now quite realistic manga, but I have faith in the author! Do your best, Mito!


What's unrealistic about it? 

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