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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * - (4.36 - 233votes)

Haru to Natsu

Alt Names: alt ハルとナツalt Between Haru and Natsu, I Am...alt Haru & Natsualt Haru and Natsualt Spring and Summeralt 春夏
Author: Takeda Sun
Artist: Takeda Sun
Genres: Comedy ComedyEcchi EcchiRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeSeinen Seinen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Makoto meets a sweet, shy girl named Haruna helping out at the school's athletics festival. He confesses his feelings for her the next time he sees her, and she bluntly rejects him, only to call him later and ask him out herself! The source of all these mixed signals is Haruna's "evil" twin sister, Natsumi. Natsumi is the opposite of Haruna, she's a forward, crude girl bent on taking whatever she can from her twin sister. Makoto is stuck in between Haruna and Natsumi, as they viciously fight over who will win him in the end.
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For some reason when I started reading this I keep getting reminded of Kuroha Neko from Gokukoku whenever I see those two, esp. in the earlier chapters.

A silly yandere...

How interesting!

She really does look like Asia Argento from Highschool dxd

yes thank you for this wonderful update on a manga that always makes me laugh

Didn't Fukuda-san's family own a flower shop in chapter 11 but now it is a pet store?.....

The store is still flower shop, and her father took stray cats in.

Oh baby. Been a minute. Excellent.

Didn't Fukuda-san's family own a flower shop in chapter 11 but now it is a pet store?.....

Woohoo! An update!

I don't care that it's just dumb fanservice. I love this manga~! =.=

Iiiit's back!

Dear page 2... I love you. Thank you for everything...

chapter order is messed up '-'


They also need translators.

whatever happened to Haru to Natsu? It  has been publishing quite for some time yet it only has 15 chapters and 4 volumes released... 
but then I saw
Is this new chapter or different series?
I am not whining about release speed. I am just curious because wherever I search, I can only find up to chapter 15. Has release been that slow in Japanese?

That's probably the 5th volume cover. The group needs raws is what I hear. They use the magazine raws, but it's been difficult.

6 months and waiting ...

i want to say new series.... tho i know 3 of the 4 covers shown was Haru to Natsu

According to Amazon.co.jp, the 5th volume will be released December 26th, 2014.


whatever happened to Haru to Natsu? It  has been publishing quite for some time yet it only has 15 chapters and 4 volumes released... 
but then I saw
Is this new chapter or different series?
I am not whining about release speed. I am just curious because wherever I search, I can only find up to chapter 15. Has release been that slow in Japanese?


i want to say new series.... tho i know 3 of the 4 covers shown was Haru to Natsu

Why is Makoto even struggling between two when he already loves one?

Moreover, I think Natsumi tries to make up something between those two (but fail because God likes to see them stuggling for few tomes).

whatever happened to Haru to Natsu? It  has been publishing quite for some time yet it only has 15 chapters and 4 volumes released... 
but then I saw
Is this new chapter or different series?
I am not whining about release speed. I am just curious because wherever I search, I can only find up to chapter 15. Has release been that slow in Japanese?

do japanese people not eat spicy food? Tabasco isn't spicy at all.

it might be for them. weather something is spicy or not depends on the molecule or molecules that give it spiciness and your lifelong exposure to it.


chili peppers are spicy because of capsaicin. wasabi is spicy because of molecules called isothiocynates. curry is made of a very varied and vast mixture of herbs and spices and can contain both of the above or even different ones.


using myself as an example i have had lots of exposure to hot chili peppers and find most of the ones that people would consider "spicy" mild to moderate in spiciness however give me even a mild blend of wasabi and i will find it very spicy becuse i have had almost no exposure to that type of spiciness.


 hope that helps and there is your random science fact of the day XD

do japanese people not eat spicy food? Tabasco isn't spicy at all.

Sad part is, I went to see if there were different types of tobasco sauce, and there are...but none of them are really THAT hot...actual Tobasco peppers are hotter than Jalapenos, but the sauce is pathetic in comparison. Maybe the mangaka is getting it confused, or has a really sensitive tongue. I mean, Japan has wasabi, which isn't really a pepper but damn.

do japanese people not eat spicy food? Tabasco isn't spicy at all.

I missed this manga.

Tabasco ain't even that hot =(

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