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Bokura no Hentai

Alt Names: alt ぼくらのへんたいalt हमारे परिवर्तनalt Dönüşümümüzalt Nuestra Perversiónalt Nuestra Transformaciónalt Nuestras Anormalidadesalt Our birthplacealt Our Perversionalt Our Transformationalt Vår Transformasjon
Author: Fumi Fumiko
Artist: Fumi Fumiko
Genres: Drama DramaGender Bender Gender BenderPsychological PsychologicalRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeSeinen SeinenShounen Ai Shounen Ai
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Three boys in junior-high who cross-dress because of differing reasons meet each other through a cross-dressing community website, and decide to meet up in real life.
"Parou" started cross-dressing because he wanted to attract a heterosexual boy he liked.
"Marika" is transgender and identifies as female. Lastly, "Yui" is an antagonistic boy who adopted the persona of his older sister after her death. In contrast to Parou and Marika, Yui is sorely disappointed at the meeting.

Epilogue: http://bato.to/comic/_/comics/bokura-no-hentai-boku-tabun-hentai-doujinshi-r19102
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Topic [SPOILERS] Current Chapter Discussion/Other Convo New Window svines85
  • 2 Replies


I love this series so much~ way to go marika!

Why did I think this was dead? I'm so glad I was wrong. Welcome back Marika!

I agree with everything you said now that I've read about it and had a think about it. I guess the point that I was trying to make is that it is extremely difficult to come up with a solid definition in these cases and it may be subject to change both through puberty and into adult life depending on the individual. In terms of the present case, everything you have said is correct.


Maybe not for Marika, but I like to think that for these kids it usually ends up being about two things, and that is what gender they identify with and what gender they are attracted to, and this can be very complicated mix. I am hesistant to go with the term "sexual spectrum" but thats kind of what it is. For Marika, it is clear she is attracted to males, but she also seemed to have some sympathy for the girl who was crying. Maybe I am reading too much into that.


What am I trying to get at, is people can be attracted to either (or neither) gender, or in some cases both, or have a preference one way or the other. I'd say it is the same for the whole gender identity thing, as there are some heterosexual people who identify with aspects of the opposite gender, some homosexual people who identify with aspects of the same gender and many cases inbetween these. This is just in general though, I'd say for Marika you have made a pretty good case that she identifies very strongly as female.

These characters are all still young and trying to figure out who they are for themselves, and Marika still has a lot of maturing to do. I don't think that Marika can be as clearly defined as people would like at this stage. Mainly because its unclear if Marika will end up accepting being male biologically or not, and there is that new female character to test Marika as well.

I understand the point being made here, I really do, but I think people should be treated based on their current wishes, rather than any potential future self-identities (basically, don't second-guess people about their own gender, at least when they're being sincere). I'll also note that what Marika's going through right now in the story is very much like what many transsexual kids go through at that age. I guess what I'm saying is that unless Marika decides otherwise, I will treat her as female based on what I've seen. A few of the signs I've seen from her:

1. Declaring herself to be a girl. This is a big one--it takes a certain amount of certainty to say that despite the world declaring oneself a boy.
2. Imagining a female persona. Idealization (as in Marika's princess persona) isn't uncommon.
3. Wearing female clothes to express her true self. Referring to wearing boys' clothes as crossdressing is especially telling.
4. Seeing her body as a strange and wrong one (including seeing her penis as a foreign object).
5. Disliking or being ambivalent about sexuality. A mixture of arousal and self-loathing isn't uncommon. (This is just one of numerous reasons puberty sucks for transsexual people. It's also closely related to #4.)
6. Related to #4 and #5, hating having anyone touch her down there.

Transgender experiences differ and there isn't any such thing as an universal transgender life story. However, those six signs are to me overwhelming evidence (and every single one of those are ones I've experienced).

Even the escapism isn't out of character--it's often the easiest thing to turn to when ones very body seems to be ones enemy. In fact, I'll be honest and say some of us're kinda fucked up in the head because of that mental struggle and often other factors. Transsexuality isn't easy to deal with.

Incidentally, I don't know of a single transgender person who's never had doubts about it.

I'll say, though, that Marika is the only transgender person in this manga that I've seen. Everyone else're crossdressing for assorted reasons.

Yeah, glad to see this one back again, thanks a lot Hachimitsu Scans!!


Plus it looks like there'll be more than just the normal 4 (or so) chapters this time....



I must say this is a very good manga. It also clearly does a good job at bringing up discussion on the topic of gender and sexuality judging by the comments section here :). I must admit I find the character Marika quite interesting, with people arguing over what gender he/she is. I kinda understand both sides to be honest. Biologically Marika is male and that cannot be disputed. In terms of which gender Marika identifies with, its appears to be female, but I am not entirely convinced as of yet. These characters are all still young and trying to figure out who they are for themselves, and Marika still has a lot of maturing to do. I don't think that Marika can be as clearly defined as people would like at this stage. Mainly because its unclear if Marika will end up accepting being male biologically or not, and there is that new female character to test Marika as well.

Oh man I've been waiting so long for an update to this. I'm slightly confused by the apparent "offscreen" happenings between chapter 13 and 14 though...

I'm reading a trap manga that I have bookmarked, and have expressed concern for one of the characters' well being (in a joking manner, but with real concern. Marika has rape flags raised all around him and I'd rather not see a gentle character like him raped). Does that sound like typical KKK rally attendee behavior? Stop flipping out like a KKK member. Just because I reject the entire "I'm a girl inside so now you must call me a girl even though I have a beard and a penis" does not mean I hate gay folks or crossdressers, even crossdressers that roleplay as their opposite sex 100% of the time.

In this case, it really doesn't matter if you hate them or not. You're still unintentionally one of those jabbing the knife into transgendered people's wounds by refusing to recognize their genders. Seriously, how would you feel if all of society refused to recognize the gender you feel yourself to be, and just trying to assert it can result in many horrible consequences? It's like that. It's a demoralizing experience you might not be able to understand at all. You might be well-intended, but your ignorance is still leading you to make hurtful remarks. And not only that, ones that us transgendered people've heard many times. Because we've heard it so many times, it pisses a lot of us off. It's like telling a gay person "No, you aren't gay." Even if you didn't intend any offense, it'll still offend them. Lack of hostile intention doesn't magically absolve you.

Furthermore, being acknowledged as the gender we identity as is important to us for more reasons than just our feelings. In many places, trans people conceal their trans status because of the potential huge negative impact to their employment, relationships with other people, safety, and much more. Crossdressers can crossdress on their own time--while they might enjoy crossdressing, doing it 24/7 isn't necessarily important for their psychological health. On the other hand to us trans people, not living as the gender we feel we are is pretty much a bleak experience that can drive many to desire suicide. In short, it's not just a matter of desire, it's a matter of survival to us.

And if even that isn't enough to convince you to take the basic decency of recognizing our genders, there're always the multiple studies that've found differences in male-to-female transsexuals' brains from those of cisgendered men (I'm not using cis as an insult here but as a descriptive term). Not only that, but a fair number of them've found closer similarities to those of cisgendered women. Some even specifically looked at factors like hormone treatments and found no differences between treated and untreated transsexuals. If you really want to define people solely by their biology instead of doing the sensitive thing and allowing them their self-identities, think about that.

Not really to my tastes... At all. But I can see why some people like it. To others its a trap.

I know you're trying to be clever but I personally think you can sympathize with the characters regardless of romantic/sexual preference of the reader. Or were you referring to the story itself? In which case the trap analogy isn't really apt.

If it talks like an ignorant bigot and sounds like an ignorant bigot, it's an ignorant bigot. Go back to you KKK rally where you belong.


I'm reading a trap manga that I have bookmarked, and have expressed concern for one of the characters' well being (in a joking manner, but with real concern. Marika has rape flags raised all around him and I'd rather not see a gentle character like him raped). Does that sound like typical KKK rally attendee behavior? Stop flipping out like a KKK member. Just because I reject the entire "I'm a girl inside so now you must call me a girl even though I have a beard and a penis" does not mean I hate gay folks or crossdressers, even crossdressers that roleplay as their opposite sex 100% of the time.


The only gay folks I have any issue with are:


A: The Obnoxiously flamboyant gay folks that make a fucking show of everything they do so they can grind home the fact that they are gay to everyone in eye and ear shot. Like if they aren't broadcasting it they are in danger of suddenly becoming straight. The straight folks that do the same shit are even worse.


and B: The ones that want to force me to play along with whatever bizarre lifestyle choices they have made. Liking the same sex as yourself is fine. Dressing as the opposite sex as yourself is fine. Getting offended when everyone else doesn't play along is not fine. Trying to make everyone else play along by force is even more not fine.

And fuck everyone that tries to make dolphins out of bears. If it jerks off like a boy and ejaculates like a boy, it's a fucking boy.


If it talks like an ignorant bigot and sounds like an ignorant bigot, it's an ignorant bigot. Go back to you KKK rally where you belong.

If you LGBTWTFBBQ folks would stop storming in everywhere possible with your absurd political agenda, you would run into a lot less hate. No one is ever going to take you seriously or give you a chance if the first thing you do is lash out at people that call a boy a boy. Even if he likes other boys and wears girls clothing, and even if he has a surgery to get rid of his boy parts, he's still a boy. Even if he wishes with all his heart he were really a girl, and convinces himself that he really is a girl with the wrong body, he's still a boy.


The whole 'gender-identity' feels like nothing more than a flimsy shelter that some homosexual people built to protect their egos, because in their hearts they couldn't accept their own homosexuality. So they magically became girls trapped in mens bodies. Add in some sympathetic psychoanalysts to say "yeah, they're totally girls inside" and now we are saddled with this absurd pseudo-religion where people declare they 'identify' as whatever they want, and everyone else is supposed to play along, or the Trans-Atlantic gestapo roll up like internet gangsters and screech at you.


If a guy likes guys or a girl likes girls, that's fine. It's their personal choice, and so long as they aren't hurting anyone or trying to splash me with the 'fruits of their labors', then gay folks and I have no quarrel. These gender identity people, on the other hand, are trying to force everyone else to say there are 3 lights, when there are clearly 4, and no one is going to stand for that nonsense.



1st Fuck who ever uses the term Cis White Male in a derogatory way, there is no world order of straight white males who are out to keep any sort of deviant from the norm down, it's fucking silly, and ignorant. Just about every single culture has problems with homosexuality it's not just white people. So fuck the guy you where quoting.


If some one does know of this world order please let me know I would like to reap the benefits of it, because some where I missed an e-mail or a flyer or some thing. I heard there was cake.


2nd You clearly don't know the difference between Gender sex and Biological sex. Gender is the social structure defined by your peers and culture. Gender roles have no barring on your biological sex. Obviously there are men who exude our understanding of femininity (like a dad who doesn't work, says at home to take care of the kids, cooks dinner and cleans the house) as well there are women who exude our understanding of masculinity (like a female cop or solider.)


Gender is defined by how other see you, and how you see your self. So if you identify as female, look and act like a female, and other see you as female. despite being biologically male you are in fact a female because they are just social constructs we've simple attached to people with certain body parts for no real reason.


If we met another culture where everyone with dicks was called "she" and they all stayed home and took care of the kids while everyone with vaginas was called "he" and they went out and hunted for food and fought in wars you'd probably think it was strange, but to them it would be normal. They've created their own social constructs that evolved the same ways ours have and not any less or more valid then our own.


What you where born with really doesn't define you, like my decent is full blooded Italian I can trace my family all the way to the towns they came from in Italy, but my family has lived in America for 4 generations, I've never spoken anything other English, I've never been to Italy and I'm about as culturally Italian as Super Mario is. I have no identity with my heritage of birth and being referred to as anything other then "American" would be bizarre to me.


also 3rd your biological sex isn't scientifically defined by your body parts either it's defined by your chromosomes, So there are women born with dicks and men born with vaginas out there, though rare.

It's always nice to see bigotry burst out of the seams in the comments section of anything that has trans people in it or is related to trans people. It always happens. Something with people that are not cis and straight, bigoted and frankly hateful comments ensue. No miscommunication. Cis straight white dudes are the worst, they get so angry about trans people existing so they need to constantly ridicule them and misgender them, or else their fragile sense of masculinity and their strictly binary world-view would be challenged.

The bigotry goes both ways. Your blatant hatred for "Cis straight white dudes" shows through time and again in your commentary. Might want to take a hard look at your own prejudices before you start preaching to others about theirs.

makes me wonder why i read this manga... then i realized i read hourou musuko as well.


anyways, looking forward to next volume.

Already over? Again another six months wait :( Thanks for the translation.

maybe not quite that long, I believe on Hachimitsu's site it said the new tank would probably be published in Japan in November.......so maybe only 3-4 months 

Already over? Again another six months wait :( Thanks for the translation.

Very awesome, thanks Hachimitsu!!

Wait, so the sex that you're most "similar to" determines your gender? What if a man gets along well with and understands women but is straight and thinks of himself as a man? What if he understands men just as well as women? Is his gender both in that case? I'd always thought gender had more to do with what the person personally considers him/herself to be than what others feel he/she relates to.

If he's straight then he's heterosexual, it doesn't have anything to do with his gender. Same for as what he thinks of himself. Just because a guy relates strongly to women doesn't mean he has to like shopping or Celine Dion or w/e. It just means that he sympathizes with women.


In the case that he relates to both equally, it would depend on what he feels like he relates more strongly to.


imo, I think there is a choice involved with gender but it is very limited. Because like, if you're completely oblivious to the opposite sex and you just don't relate to them at all, you can't claim yourself to be their gender just because you want it to be. However, I think this can change over time depending on your interactions and personal growth etc.


i dont get what you are saying here, you are saying you think that gender is what you yourself think yourself to be then u say what if you can relate to both sexes?  i think you are misunderstanding something here. you are incorrectly using the word relate in this context.  in this context "relate to" refers to the qualities that are related to as in closely resembling, not to what you can "relate to" as in what you can understand and sympathize with.

This comment section needs clarification yo.


Sexuality: Who you're attracted to

Sex: Who you genetically relate to

Gender: Who you personally relate to the most


Garrum is arguing from the side of Sex, where it's set in stone what you are regardless of what you want to be (genetics!). However, what everyone else are arguing about is Gender, which is the term related to which sex you relate to the most (yes, gender isn't an alternate word to sex, it is a synonym. Its common misuse is contributing to the confusion).


Like, have you ever seen a guy that just understands women? Even though he could be as straight as an arrow and has no plans to ever crossdress or remove his genitals, his gender is female because he knows how to interact and relate to women.


Wait, so the sex that you're most "similar to" determines your gender? What if a man gets along well with and understands women but is straight and thinks of himself as a man? What if he understands men just as well as women? Is his gender both in that case? I'd always thought gender had more to do with what the person personally considers him/herself to be than what others feel he/she relates to.

This comment section needs clarification yo.


Sexuality: Who you're attracted to

Sex: Who you genetically relate to

Gender: Who you personally relate to the most


Garrum is arguing from the side of Sex, where it's set in stone what you are regardless of what you want to be (genetics!). However, what everyone else are arguing about is Gender, which is the term related to which sex you relate to the most (yes, gender isn't an alternate word to sex, it is a synonym. Its common misuse is contributing to the confusion).


Like, have you ever seen a guy that just understands women? Even though he could be as straight as an arrow and has no plans to ever crossdress or remove his genitals, his gender is female because he knows how to interact and relate to women.

It's always nice to see bigotry burst out of the seams in the comments section of anything that has trans people in it or is related to trans people. It always happens. Something with people that are not cis and straight, bigoted and frankly hateful comments ensue. No miscommunication. Cis straight white dudes are the worst, they get so angry about trans people existing so they need to constantly ridicule them and misgender them, or else their fragile sense of masculinity and their strictly binary world-view would be challenged.


If you LGBTWTFBBQ folks would stop storming in everywhere possible with your absurd political agenda, you would run into a lot less hate. No one is ever going to take you seriously or give you a chance if the first thing you do is lash out at people that call a boy a boy. Even if he likes other boys and wears girls clothing, and even if he has a surgery to get rid of his boy parts, he's still a boy. Even if he wishes with all his heart he were really a girl, and convinces himself that he really is a girl with the wrong body, he's still a boy.


The whole 'gender-identity' feels like nothing more than a flimsy shelter that some homosexual people built to protect their egos, because in their hearts they couldn't accept their own homosexuality. So they magically became girls trapped in mens bodies. Add in some sympathetic psychoanalysts to say "yeah, they're totally girls inside" and now we are saddled with this absurd pseudo-religion where people declare they 'identify' as whatever they want, and everyone else is supposed to play along, or the Trans-Atlantic gestapo roll up like internet gangsters and screech at you.


If a guy likes guys or a girl likes girls, that's fine. It's their personal choice, and so long as they aren't hurting anyone or trying to splash me with the 'fruits of their labors', then gay folks and I have no quarrel. These gender identity people, on the other hand, are trying to force everyone else to say there are 3 lights, when there are clearly 4, and no one is going to stand for that nonsense.

Not really to my tastes... At all. But I can see why some people like it. To others its a trap.

I can't help but cheer on yui and marika... I don't know how I feel about paouro.

It's always nice to see bigotry burst out of the seams in the comments section of anything that has trans people in it or is related to trans people. It always happens. Something with people that are not cis and straight, bigoted and frankly hateful comments ensue. No miscommunication. Cis straight white dudes are the worst, they get so angry about trans people existing so they need to constantly ridicule them and misgender them, or else their fragile sense of masculinity and their strictly binary world-view would be challenged.

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