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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * - (4.31 - 317votes)

Cage of Eden

Alt Names: alt หนีตายเกาะนรกล้านปีalt 伊甸之栏alt エデンの檻alt Eden no Orialt 逃离伊甸园alt 逃離伊甸園alt Klatka Edenualt Клетка Эдема
Author: Yamada Yoshinobu
Artist: Yamada Yoshinobu
Genres: Action ActionAdventure AdventureDrama DramaEcchi EcchiHorror HorrorMystery MysteryPsychological PsychologicalRomance RomanceShounen ShounenSupernatural SupernaturalTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Akira and his classmates are traveling on a plane when it crashes onto an island inhabited by species thought to have been extinct. The situation becomes increasingly desperate as some of Akira's classmates are eaten alive, while some kill others in desperation. Now Akira and a few other survivors are trying to survive what seems to be a horrible nightmare.
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The following content is intended for mature audiences and may contain sexual themes, gore, violence and/or strong language. Discretion is advised.

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O.M.G. Cerberus!
lol, Somehow, I've got the presentiment that some of the akira group will die in the next chapter =p
omg dat monster, a chimera + cerberus...!

Thank you so much DT.. :D
These animals sure love to stop people from making out.
Damn you massive cliff hanger! I've been waiting for the big nose guy to get killed for awhile now.
his moms pretty hot yo
LOL that dudes actually getting some? and the girls actually pretty xD wth is this!?
Mhmm... I think this is what will happen:
I want to see Hades again!
Hey, everyone. I vastly apologize for the situation with Chapters 137 and 138. I recommend skimming through the DragonFly versions of said chapters to get a grasp on what happens and later reread ours for the whole idea. In summary, expect the rest of CoE today, as in we'll be releasing Chapters 142 and 143 later today with 138, except for Chapter 137.

Please read more at Death Toll to summarize the situation.
Foreshadowing was me. Mn.
Kekekeke, I think I like Sengoku's note the most, if I'm right.

SPOILER WARNING IN THE BELOW COMMENT: Sorry, I kinda got excited and just posted without thinking. Can someone delete that?
I have a feeling Yarai might actually work together with Sengoku, but the author will make it seem like he's out to hunt for him :P Well at least, I hope that's the case. If both sensei and Yarai die, I don't think I can take it >.>
I deleted some spoilers.
Spoilers are supposed to go into
[spoiler] your spoiler here[/spoiler]

And ideally into the forums as well.
They are in japan in a parralel universe.

Remember this :
i'm lost
so they are on japan, there are some animals that were created in a lab, and destroyed machinery
either it's the future shitty world, an uninhabited island off japan, or we are gonna get some Lost twists that never get solved
high ho silver!
They're so close to home. ;-;
What!? Everyone knew they were in JP the whole time(Planet of the Apes plot twist i guess). In any case Yarai is gonna go beat the shit out of Sengoku's group or at least the members closes to him, so they will end up fighting or maybe they'll pretend to fight so they trick the Doctor and beat him while saving the teacher.
Wait how is... what.. how.. argh cliffhanger.
Oh shoot! A clifhunger! I want to go to the future and read all capters in one go!

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