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* * * * * (4.65 - 84votes)

Karakuri Circus

Alt Names: alt からくりサーカスalt 傀儡马戏团alt Gánh Xiếc Quái Dịalt Le Cirque de Karakuri
Author: Fujita Kazuhiro
Artist: Fujita Kazuhiro
Genres: Action ActionDrama DramaFantasy FantasyPsychological PsychologicalRomance RomanceShounen ShounenTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Katou Narumi (19) suffers from Zonapha Syndrome, a rare ailment that stops his breathing unless he makes people laugh. He's been forced to abandon his training in Chinese kenpo and return to Japan, where he now works as a clown. The only problem: he's not very funny.

One day he meets Saiga Masaru (11), the recent inheritor of a huge fortune, who gives him the first laugh he's gotten all day. When he realizes Masaru is being pursued by assassins, he steps in to protect the boy, only to discover that instead of conventional weapons, the assassins wield huge, eerie puppets. They soon encounter the mysterious Shirogane (age unknown), who controls a puppet of her own, and claims she was sent from France by Masaru's late grandfather to protect him.

Their paths intertwine and diverge, splitting into two stories: Karakuri and Circus, puppets and performers, tears and laughter. The strange circus of living dolls that spreads Zonapha Syndrome, the human puppets known collectively as the Shirogane, and the puppeteers whose undying grudge set in motion both sides of this performance.
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Damn. Score one for the Decepticons.
Chapters like these I wish there was an anime.


That does not make much sense to me, this legion of people out there were all having superhuman resilience, strength and etc... and they were a very lot of them.


Probably something unexpected has happened to lead into their complete defeat, but so far i can't see how it was possible.

My guess is that the Automata had a plan for this very scenario. With nuclear missiles not working the Shirogane's best plan is blitzing the Midnight Circus with every member.

That does not make much sense to me, this legion of people out there were all having superhuman resilience, strength and etc... and they were a very lot of them.


Probably something unexpected has happened to lead into their complete defeat, but so far i can't see how it was possible.

It's like they didn't even put up a fight. How can a army like that job so hard?

hi funnuraba, are you translating karakuri circus from French books? (sorry for my wrong english i'm french)

He's 18?!?! o_O


Damn Narumi, carrying women in each hand...damn...

Great fight!


What a gaze ! I'm in love.

So sick of females in current shounen manga used only as eye candy. And if they do get a fight they end up getting saved by a guy.


This. THIS is what I want more of in manga, kick ass women!

man know the 3rd secret and pretend to ignore it because..... we love you ladies


Great chapter!

I learned so much about the mysterious beings known as women.

I have to really catch up on reading everything now that they're in English, but it's getting there.  (Already on the Final Act?  Woah.)  :)   Thank you sooo much, funnuraba!!  You worked constantly and diligently on these.  I'm impressed. 

This is the final act for the "Midnight Carneval" which basically translates into "Part 2 is about to end and Part 3 (the ACTUAL final arc) is about to begin" Very soon all hell is going to break loose in a way that completely topples the board.  After all... most likely Masaru's going to play a very pivitol role in putting this 200 year tragedy to bed once and for all.  Bait... will sadly always be bait after all... -frowns- seriously if I'm right about my assumptions it feels like that kid is taking punishment for the sins of everyone else in this story.

Hahah *WHACK* .... *THUD* and Narumi is down for the count. Ah the beauty of female fighters who "kindly" remove men from doing stupid things.

I'm at chapter 58, and since the ol' martial arts fella went up and disappeared, there's been a bunch of not-funny comical situations and lads perving out on the French lass.


Does it get back to the good shiz, back when there was fighting, explosions and the like?


Edit: Ooh, it does a few chapters after. Took long enough.

Ming Xia kinda...irritating..


I love you Lucille!

Thanks again for this chapter. Some backstory is always great.


I don't understand what's the last part means at all...orz..What "The human girl who serve as model for the doll Francine" means?? The portrait back at the control room near the sea??She's Angelina daughter or something??


Means "Original Francine".


From the flashback.

I don't understand what's the last part means at all...orz..What "The human girl who serve as model for the doll Francine" means?? The portrait back at the control room near the sea??She's Angelina daughter or something??

Glad the ladies took a moment from failing the Bechdel Test to give us some sweet juicy back story.



Merry go round riding on a merry go round sure is surreal

Is it just me or is ming xia annoying as fuck

Her role in the last two chapters has basically been to provide an alternate point of view of Narumi, to show that he's gone from merely strong to ridiculously superhumanly powerful and angry.


...And yes, it's kind of a running joke.

Is it just me or is ming xia annoying as fuck

That last page...



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