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Shinigami-sama ni Saigo no Onegai wo

Alt Names: alt 向死神許下最後的願望alt 向死神许下最后的愿望alt Last Wish to the Shinigamialt Permintaan Terakhir yang dikabulkan Shinigamialt Shinigami-sama ni Saigo no Onegai oalt Shinigami-sama! ni Saigo no Onegai woalt Shinigamisama ni Saigo no Onegai oalt Shinigamisama ni Saigo no Onegai woalt The Final Wishes Granted by a Grim Reaperalt 死神様に最期のお願いを
Author: Yamaguchi Mikoto
Artist: Yamaguchi Mikoto
Genres: Drama DramaGender Bender Gender BenderHorror HorrorMystery MysteryPsychological PsychologicalShounen ShounenSupernatural SupernaturalTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Aida Shizuka is three days from being executed for cruelly murdering his family when a shinigami comes to visit him. It's his little sister Hibiki, who has come to make sure his soul goes to hell! Hibiki has another job on this trip as well, granting the final wish of a girl with heart disease, and she drags her condemned brother along with her. Soon, it becomes apparent that people are not as simple as they may seem, and even Shizuka's guilt is uncertain. Hibiki and Shizuka promise to search together for the truth about their family's death, and they won't let life, death, or trouble in the afterlife get in their way!
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And here's the Random button flipping me the finger yet again. Thanks for pouring salt on my wounds. Thanks a lot.

Someone broke the 4th wall...

this series deserved more love than what it got but because of kimi no ichi maru or whatever its called has 257 and everyone loves that crap manga that should have ended forever ago just like the combat butler with 500 or more chapters just end it this series had so much potential and we will never know what happened that is just some baby back bull shit and i dont care  but this should have not gotten axed 

Can someone who can read Japanese fluently read through this to see if anyone came up with a satisfactory answer?




My Japanese is at a level where I can only go over that at snail's pace.

I am legitimately in shock over that ending. Nigga that ain't cool. You can't leave the readers hanging at the fucking conclusion man. There are way too many unknowns to consider in order to come up with a feasible answer.

Well that was bullshit.

Most of my ideas have been proposed by other readers. I do have a few questions.

What was the cousin's name? Could it have been Shizuka? She was driving the car. Did she hate Tomoe enough to become a lost soul? She might have watched the family, content as long as Tomoe was blind and crippled. She might have taken action if that changed.

What is the significance of the death wounds? Was it important for Hibiki to die a cripple? Neck wounds are often self inflicted, could a possessed Tomoe have died after murdering her husband and crippling her daughter? Maybe she was granted her wish of seeing and the dormant sister-in-law took over in a fit of rage.

What moved Shizuka to write a novel about a boy killing his family? He never discussed his motives, or denied doing it. What did he see in the mirror? It's not clear what dropping his toothbrush signified. Was his hand trembling because of shock or some unrevealed medical condition? Why did he realize he was he running out of time?

Which Minamida was involved with the politician? The younger one might have a nasty streak, like Asami, and resenting his infirmities, enjoyed manipulating and betting on people in power. But, he must have been very young when the first Houjou murder occured. He might have been possessed by the cousin and manipulated into suggesting the Houjou murders (including the mother) before getting strong enough to murder the Aida family.

What would be the motive for erasing Shizuka's memory? Could this be an attempt, on Gou's part, to save his cousin's soul? Could Saaya also have had her memory erased? Who ever requested it had to know that Shizuka's ignorance would not be helpful.

Finally, is there any significance in the phony book cover shown in chapter 9.

Wow, this manga was just a buckload of info dump to read.

I came here to re-read it, and I just can't help but think... What could it have been...

I still wonder how is it that series with this much potential get cut off while some others of rather pathetic content go on and on for 100 or more chapters.

Nothing can express the rage. Who cares about the culprit? Just figuring out who it is and how they did it isn't good enough. It needs to be expressed in the super awesome, engaging manner that brought the readers to the end in the first place. DAMMIT.

If the author was unable to write anymore he would have included some kind of notice at the last page.

However the manga got ended abruptly in that last chapter which basically suggests that it got axed.

 some author don't even bother to included notice if he is not going to write anymore and not every author will bother writing a notice saying if it's ended or axed, i have seen it in a few manga they never put any notice. some is the author themself don't evem write it, i have seen it in some manga

If the author was unable to write anymore he would have included some kind of notice at the last page.

However the manga got ended abruptly in that last chapter which basically suggests that it got axed.

to all those that say this manga is is axed, how the fuck do u even know if it's axed of not in the first place and do u even have proof that is is axed and not that the author can't continue writing story? if u guys can't be sure if it was axed stop saying it's axed get ur facts right first before saying it was axed as u all looking like fucking idiot

man no disrespect but for kimi no ichi maru or whatever you call it and hayeta the combat butler or mangas that have over 100 chaps and possiblay more chapters seem like they can go on forever they should just end it because its over but this manga had so much so much potential to just end like this

Was it actually axed, or did the author just stop?  Usually it is easy to see when or if a series got axed, but this was actually really good...

They ended this like that? That's horrible. It was an amazing manga!

this was a great manga and it got axed that is so much bull because once a great manga comes around it always gets dropped but some crappy as manga will go on for ever and ever
I don't get it...
While I agree that the ending really sucked, and that it is a shame the series got axed, I can't say that the author could have done much better with what they had to work with. It was either leave it open ended like this, (frustratingly) or randomly lay the blame on an existing or newly introduced character arbitrarily. I'm glad they went with "leave it open," since laying arbitrary blame often comes off very lamely, and involves the spontaneous invention of less than convincing 'evidence' of their guilt.
Here's the best I've come up with:
[spoiler] Minamida is either directly or indirectly responsible for the murder of the Aida family, and was trying to orchestrate something similar to what Hibiki tried to pull with the suicide circle: the hijacking of someone else's last request for his own purposes. Obviously the fact that his brother is STILL ALIVE after his Destiny:Dead time limit has passed would imply that there ARE ways to cheat the system. He's probably trying to ensure that his brother doesn't die. I definitely agree with manga09 on the point about Saaya also erasing her own memory, or at least the portion of it involving the Aida incident. Gou Aida's interference with Shizuka is also a shaky detail- we know nothing about what Shizuka was doing precisely when his father instructed him to stop: Perhaps Gou Aida DIDN'T know the murderer and was simply telling Shizuka to run away instead of fighting and getting killed? Or perhaps Shizuka had the upper hand and his father was horrified at the concept of his son becoming a murderer himself? There are any number of possible explanations. Even if Minamida was NOT involved in the murder, there isn't enough information to decisively accuse one of the existing characters.
Huh... guess I finally found a manga where Keima Katsuragi can finally say...

such an ambiguous ending, it is ambiguous whether my ambiguous theory is even ambiguously possible considering the ambiguousness of this ambiguous mystery story ambiguous ambiguous ambiguous...
........................brain hurts now, i need more clues than this...... brain hurts
You got the author's name, Yamaguchi Mikoto, and I'm sure that a google will tell you which publisher. Go to Japan/contact Japan and find him.
Ughh so confusing....
Wtf happened at the end?
he got tazored and it ended like WTF i agree lets go to the writers house an torture them to make us a good ending
like really you really call that a great ending
Like Like Like i can cry right now
Another case of japans axe-the-good-shit/continue-the-generic-shit syndrome.

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