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Ultimate Antihero

Alt Names: alt アルティメット・アンチヒーロー
Author: Misora Riku
Artist: Uonuma Yuu
Genres: Action ActionDrama DramaFantasy FantasyHarem HaremShounen ShounenSupernatural SupernaturalTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Adapted from the light novel series of the same name.

When humanity was threatened 5 years ago, the boy who saved the world was driven to despair and became regarded as the enemy of all of mankind. And now a new crisis approaches humanity. The curtain rises on a gallant drama about a hero falsely charged.
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I really don't think this author knows what an "anti-hero" actually is.


Why are so many manga's and anime the same these days? This is exactly the same as kuusen madoushi kouhosei no kyoukan(sky wizard academy).

The opposite of a protagonist (i.e. "hero") is an antagonist (i.e. "villain") but the title is not referring to the literal meaning of anti-hero. It's rather a reference to the fact that he's the hero who's hated in the eyes of the people.

I really don't think this author knows what an "anti-hero" actually is.


Why are so many manga's and anime the same these days? This is exactly the same as kuusen madoushi kouhosei no kyoukan(sky wizard academy).

because they sell.

I guess I like the deadpan attitude of the MC, but I am not being sold on any of the  other aspects of the story yet. Maybe if the next chapter the MC all of a sudden goes on a killing spree he would become an Antihero but right now he just seems like a misunderstood hero.

I really don't think this author knows what an "anti-hero" actually is.


Why are so many manga's and anime the same these days? This is exactly the same as kuusen madoushi kouhosei no kyoukan(sky wizard academy).

LMAO! The stage is so small that the audience watching is in danger more than the ones fighting. XD

The MC in this series is extremely annoying. I think it's that perpetual bored look on his face that gets on my nerves. That, and the feeling that no matter what the other members of the platoon do, he will Gary Stu and save the day. And of course even the S rank mage is too incompetent to snipe a single orc. That whole encounter had me shaking my head. LN authors need to come up with something else. Something better. Something that doesn't make me want to strangle half of the characters within two chapters. It's fine to follow a genre, and to use tropes. Just do it in a way that's not boring and predictable. Stop with the Tatsuyas already.

This shit seemed half-decent enough in its first chapter, but then the second chapter came ._.

I only clicked because the cover protagonist looked like a rip-off Aran(Pokemon Mega Evolution trainer MC). Then I scrolled down to read the comments and realized that it's not going to be worth my time... Move on....

To be honest, I don't really care if it's original or not, the execution is more important to me. That said, this chapter (or should I say the series, at least until this chapter) feels pretty bad.


Those mob commentators, man, I can understand if this is a comedic manga like D-Frag! but those commentators just keep on appearing on random occasions, even in the last page, the last frickin' page!. 

You know with a name like Ultimate Antihero I was hoping this was a series that didnt take itself seriously, and was a parody of some kind. I should have realized how wrong I was when I saw that the first chapter was a prologue.

Edit: And so far he really doesnt count as an anti-hero

I have read many LN and manga but it's not often that i wonder wether the author was using drugs.

This manga is searching all kinds of nonsense to make itself seem special but it isn't.

This manga is trying to hard.  

what kind of nonsense?

am I the only one more bothered by the subpar manga drawings than the story itself?

Why was the first thing I thought was Radishes in knee-high socks when I read that line?

Probably because of this specific manga.

such as a farmer who's called upon to kill a dragon even though he only wants to farm.

Why was the first thing I thought was Radishes in knee-high socks when I read that line?

I have read many LN and manga but it's not often that i wonder wether the author was using drugs.

This manga is searching all kinds of nonsense to make itself seem special but it isn't.

This manga is trying to hard.  

The one girl yelling "Let's show him that I am weaker than you!" completely killed whatever expectation there was for the fight for me. If that girl actually wins it would fine but we are mostly going to wind up with a tie or the match ending in a technicality. Hopefully the fights will get better later.

you know. so far, i've yet to see any anti-hero stuff going on. the dude has only been acting as a hero. helping people because he can, can't help but help people. these things are the very definition of 'hero', an anti-hero is someone who's forced to do these things against his will. such as a farmer who's called upon to kill a dragon even though he only wants to farm.

Both perspective and timing seem really off in the second chapter. The "arena" has about 7 different sizes through the chapter and the conversation between the two girls seems really weirdly paced, alternating between calm explanation and LOUD YELLING every page or so.

Spoiler tags because I'm too tired to count the lines.


Well, "hero" normally describes some "do gooder" with a righteous sense of justice, selfless, and willing to put their life on the line for their beliefs and others without the need of being payed for it.  (talking about the MCs and characters in stories not real life.  Firemen are heroes yet they are paid) "Anti-hero" is used for anyone that is lacking any of those traits.  Its a shame that so many characters can fit that description and dont really deserve such a great title.

Haven't read this thing but the title seems to scream "Gary Stu that is misunderstood for no real reason by all, except for a cast of harem girls" at me.

If you guys can't see it, you must pay for an gold account.

yeah, i can't read it either

I can't read the chapter~~

If it's that boring to you, then why keep on reading it?

You can not know that it will be boring if you don´t read. Do you even think?

I don't understand the hate against these "Unoriginal, Harem series. All it does is follow a working recipe. Same thing as something like, say, pizza. You follow a similar recipe every time, but that doesn't mean it's bad, does it? If something works, then why not use it?

If you keep getting pizza day after day, it starts to taste bland, no matter how good it might be. Sure the first couple series are interesting and decent, but when you're getting the same thing rehashed over and over again, you'll inevitably want something new.

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