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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.59 - 41votes)


Alt Names: alt 三国志
Author: Yokoyama Mitsuteru
Artist: Yokoyama Mitsuteru
Genres: Action ActionDrama DramaHistorical HistoricalShounen ShounenTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: A manga adaptation of the famous Chinese literary classic, Romance of the Three Kingdoms.
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The lengths that the author goes to, to explain away the dark side of Liu Bei is getting annoying.

Guan Yu died as he lived: with a big-ass beard

Hmm, I just realized that I haven't yet decided what to call the era when I become Emperor of Earth. Any ideas?

era of unification

era of twiliger

era of earth

era of humanity

era of tyranny   

Hmm, I just realized that I haven't yet decided what to call the era when I become Emperor of Earth. Any ideas?

he ded

Why am I not surprised by the last few pages of c282 at all?

Time to pour out a 40 for Guan Yu.

Thanks for the chapters, Hox.


EDIT: I hope Ravages of Time gives Guan Yu a really grand last chapter of his life. It doesn't feel right this way.

I used to be the emperor of China, then I took an arrow to the teeth.


Fus Ro Arhhh

I used to be the emperor of China, then I took an arrow to the teeth.

So karma is real I guess

whenever I see Zhang He, I think of purple butterflies and claws

Whichever side was drinking water wins the day?

If we've learned anything from Zhang Fei, Churchill, and Grant, it's that sobriety hinders a commander.

Sir ! we are running out of booze !

That's impossible, we can't ... we ... we surrender ...

Whichever side was drinking water wins the day?

So it looks like the ancient art of being an internet troll was invented thousands of years ago.

Cool dude.

Zuo Ci must have taught Kongming everything he knows about pissing off Cao Cao.

I see, thanks.

Yo Hox, thanks for scanlating this and stuff but you messed up at chapter 224. Its page 14 is out of place, it’s actually page 6 of chapter 225. There are also a couple of typos in previous chapters but I doubt you’d wanna go back and release a v2 for all of those, right?


The scanlator does not upload this manga to batoto personally, and these chapters are taken from his earlier version 1 releases rather than the later batch volume releases which fixes any typos, missing/out-of-order pages, mistranslated names/titles. If the errors are annoying anyone, then I suggest downloading the volume releases from http://www.mediafire.com/sangokushi

Yo Hox, thanks for scanlating this and stuff but you messed up at chapter 224. Its page 14 is out of place, it’s actually page 6 of chapter 225. There are also a couple of typos in previous chapters but I doubt you’d wanna go back and release a v2 for all of those, right?

Yes, that's the problem with a lot of China history, it's near impossible to find an impartial source, [...]

Errr, which ancient land’s history doesn’t have that problem? Pretty much all historians of yore were impartial in one way or another and (although to a much smaller degree) this is still the case even today.

A few updates in a week, I'm impressed. Thanks Hox!

does anyone know the relashonship between sangokushi characters and kingdom characters?

Some sangokushi char may be distant descendants of the ones in Kingdom.  Ie. Qin civil servants (Qin ended up in east, eventually the Han-Chun -or something else vs Chun, could get the Han part wrong- conflict came along that started the Han dynasty) and Qi (ie Yuan).  Wouldn't be surprised if other have left descendants but remain unknown/lesser known.  But the connections are loose at best, outright fictitious at worse.

does anyone know the relashonship between sangokushi characters and kingdom characters?

This is set in the Three Kingdoms Period of China while Kingdom is set in the Warring States period.  These periods are several hundred years apart.  

Mmm, chapters. 

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