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* * * * - (4.33 - 324votes)

Tsujiura-san to Chupacabra

Alt Names: alt 辻浦さんとチュパカブラalt 辻浦同学与卓柏卡布拉alt Tsujiura and the Chupacabraalt Tsujiura et le Chupacabraalt Tsujiura y el Chupacabra
Author: Sakurai Atsuhito
Artist: Sakurai Atsuhito
Genres: Comedy ComedyHarem HaremRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeShounen Shounen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: An ordinary, bored, bullied high-school boy. A mysterious, frail and cute transfer student who just happens to be a feared delinquent and studies the chupacabra. They meet and start "going out" together. What can go wrong?
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Oh, so it's Nisekoi. Lord knows we needed another one.


...Don't mind me, I'm just bitter.

Reminded me of Onidere manga after the first chapter lol.  I hope it'll be good.

Poor sad bastard :).

If I dropped every single series that looked like it had a standard premise, I would have quit reading manga years ago. Unique and "original" premises are few and far between, and most that start off as such end up devolving into more standard notions of tropes anyways. It's all about the presentation. The guy might be kinda spineless, but our chupacabra-lover is pretty darn funny. Also, there's an imouto, so +1 for that too.


Granted, it might end up being highly mediocre. But you can't necessarily judge that after 2 chapters.


At the very least, I highly doubt this will be as shitty as Nisek- oop. Can't say the N word ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Well that was quite the annoying twist. I guess I can't expect all series to be like Futari no Renai Shoka.


But damn, I feel sorry for the MC. Its even worse than Oreshura.

You think it's worse than in Oreshura? Ha...haha...

It had a couple effective gags, but still it's a disappointing second chapter since it's turning into a pretty lame direction. I think this would work way better as an action comedy. We have a kickass female character, so let her kick ass.

Basically this series would be more interesting if it were more like Tenshi Chan to Akuma Kun


Also if it had better art.  I think the artist needs to seriously work on their anatomy and their understanding of the composition of scenes.  In a few frames the characters are standing in unnatural or weird postures mostly because those postures are just easier to draw.  The Bottom Middle Panel on page 8 is a good example of this with generic angry heroine's posture.


Which is a shame because the Faces are generally pretty funny.

Just because the plot isn't very original doesn't mean the manga won't be fun.

That being said, I'm not sure at this point if this manga will become an example to support above statement or not.

Weelll... Shite, this chapter kinda makes me wanna drop it.

I'll wait for another 3-4 chapters tho, just in case.

Second chapter is still early, but I can't handle another generic spineless male character and I doubt that will change. Even the.


Read ch 1 - instant follow.
Read ch 2 - instant unfollow.

Well I have same thought, I like first chapter but now plot directions becoming a booorreed well I'll be back after 5 chapter hope plot give some promising to read
I feel for the people that didn't see it coming even after the crowd of people.

The random act of stoning him was hilarious though.

Read ch 1 - instant follow.

Read ch 2 - instant unfollow.

It had a couple effective gags, but still it's a disappointing second chapter since it's turning into a pretty lame direction. I think this would work way better as an action comedy. We have a kickass female character, so let her kick ass.

Should I consider myself lucky that I haven't read any "fake couple" series before this one? I wasn't even aware they were that common...


I'm loving Tsujiura anyway. X) Though I've got to wonder what makes her so absurdly popular in-universe... the Moe Factor?

Another fake relationship manga. Aaaaannnnndddd dropped.

LMAO! Our heroine is sly... very sly. XD

Thankfully, not all series are like Futari no Renai Shoka. That would be boring, having only one kind of romance stories to read.


I suppose you're right. Find a gem in a desert and you've found something special. Find a gem in a sea of gems then the gem you've found isn't really special.


I just wasn't completely satisfied by the trolling on the MC. Not that there weren't laughs to be had, mind you. But some of the charm of chapter 1 was lost.

Well, fuck.


It's one of those mangas again.


I'll give this 3 more chapters, if they run with the "boyfriend for show" thing for too long i'm dropping this. Too tired of these.

Thankfully, not all series are like Futari no Renai Shoka. That would be boring, having only one kind of romance stories to read.

Well that was quite the annoying twist. I guess I can't expect all series to be like Futari no Renai Shoka.


But damn, I feel sorry for the MC. Its even worse than Oreshura.

Those last 3 pages got me laugh like an idiot lol,,,


No matter what his choice, it will be always in bad end route...

*flips monitor*


fuck this shit.


Now see. That's the real Nisekoi. I'm betting there's a lock and key somewhere too.

To be honest, I wouldn't call KISS the best representative of "Heavy" Metal :/


Of parody metal though…

To be honest, I wouldn't call KISS the best representative of "Heavy" Metal :/

Chupacabra is such a fun word to say!

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