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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.57 - 65votes)


Alt Names: alt セルフ
Author: Saku Yukizo
Artist: Saku Yukizo
Genres: Comedy ComedyEcchi EcchiPsychological PsychologicalSeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Youichi is a very serious, stoic young man with a girlfriend and a regular sex life. However, he has never experienced sexual self-gratification.

Recently, he's become aware of a book called "Masturbation" at the library he works at -- an educated discourse into the history of the sin of Onan and related practices. Finding himself increasingly intrigued by the concepts within, he begins to conduct a series of experiments... Join him as he embarks into a whole new world!
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With "mine" she meant like getting pregnant, right? 

Yuka is about to find out that she's being NTRed... by his hand.

Hand, konyaku, side of table... can't be worse than NTRed by another woman mmm...

Yuka is about to find out that she's being NTRed... by his hand.


Most chicks actually don't mind that. Getting NTR'd by your car or bike though.... yeah, they'll fume.

Remind me never to get a car that records a history of where I go.  The things we just accept without thinking about 'em these days.

Yuka is about to find out that she's being NTRed... by his hand.

You thought?  Clearly that's exactly what she was doing.  And now the MC has approached her teacher because he, too, wants to command this awesome power.  The great interstellar masturbatory martial arts tournament cannot be far off.


Qin Yu has some competition in the Stellar Masturbation technique.

Somehow, this reads like a compilation of horror stories ^_^

Hey I read that credit page mmm...~!

me too

Hey I read that credit page mmm...~!

Make it 5 people

Of course he's cheating on her! He's having an affair with his own di*k! :lol:

Izumi is so thirsty for that dick

For some reason, oppeketenmukki, I read all of your notes at the end. Maybe because they're so whimsical and self-deprecating. Thanks for the new chapter!

this gets so fkin funny

Now I really want to try this, anyone willing to be my "professional instructor" mmm...~?

LMAO! I swear, this is getting weirder and weirder.

I really wish it was the girl instead of the guy in this chapter......

(That way I could take control of my body too :D)

I swear, for a second there, while she was masturbating, I thought she going into Super Sayain mode.

You thought?  Clearly that's exactly what she was doing.  And now the MC has approached her teacher because he, too, wants to command this awesome power.  The great interstellar masturbatory martial arts tournament cannot be far off.


Found a gem to read today! Thanks 8D

Two chapters in two days! Woo!



LMAO! LV2 DOKI? And now this ?

I swear, for a second there, while she was masturbating, I thought she going into Super Sayain mode.

Uh...... People book/reserve places & times for mastur-.... "stress-relief"?


How come I keep shipping him with the girls around him OTHER than his own girlfriend? Wtf!? Am I subconciously desiring some NTR over here or what!?!?

I'm not even thinking about shipping, I'm just thinking about how cool it is to have an orgy or purely masturbation on top of a cliff while riding horses mmm...

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