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* * * * - (4.38 - 116votes)

Yuki ni Tsubasa

Alt Names: alt 雪にツバサalt Wings Upon Snow
Author: Takahashi Shin
Artist: Takahashi Shin
Genres: Drama DramaMusic MusicRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeSeinen SeinenSupernatural SupernaturalTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Tsubasa lives in a hotspring town that is about to fade away from a bad economy. He is a middle school delinquent, and is beat up at school almost every day. He has a secret, though: he is a psychic, but he is embarrassed of this fact because his abilities are "lame" and not worth bragging about. One day, however, he realizes that he can read the mind of a mute girl named Yuki.
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Is it just me or the art/drawing is all over the place? I get headache reading from it Similar when i read ino buko ss early chapter

It's not you.  It's the mangaka.  Or more precisely, it is under the mangaka's direction, as he doesn't do all the drawing.  He is successful enough as a mangaka to have a relatively large staff doing most of the work for him.


That he is successful says that enough people like it (at least in Japan) for his work to sell reasonably well.  But as with anything that goes off into an artistic extreme, some people like it, some people don't.

Is it just me or the art/drawing is all over the place? I get headache reading from it Similar when i read ino buko ss early chapter

Thanks, rpapo! Love this book.

Like some books very near and dear to my heart, this particular book seems to inspire either love or hate in people.  There seems to be very little middle ground.

Thanks, rpapo! Love this book.

Chapter 16's title is just a string of characters. I think rpapo must have died in castle Aughhhh while uploading the chapter.

No, I tried, though I'll admit I was very tired at that moment.  Batoto wouldn't accept the special characters used in the original text.  You can see that Photoshop was able to handle them, but Batoto, for some reason, could not.


In particular, the Japanese backslash character (normal Japanese text replaces the usual backslash with a ¥ character) caused the web site indigestion, probably because that character requires UTF-8 encoding.


FWIW, the original text in question is this:



She's happy, and since that is how she expresses herself, it shows up as texted emojis.

Chapter 16's title is just a string of characters. I think rpapo must have died in castle Aughhhh while uploading the chapter.

This chapter reminded me why I like Shin Takahashi art and story telling. Thank you for the new release rpapo.

I believe he commutes between Paranoia and Self-Loathing.

As witnessed by this new chapter as well...

Is the MC just living in paranoia?

I believe he commutes between Paranoia and Self-Loathing.

Is the MC just living in paranoia?

I only read first chapter. The storytelling is really strange. Is the manga worth it?

I've read another manga by this mangaka, with a similar story tellings--chopped up perspectives centered around an individual. It was heavy... But it worked well for that story.
Saishuu Heiki Kanojo
 But, that's just me. To each their own, I guess.

Truth be told, I don't know. I'm waiting for some resolution or something, but till now all I got was ambiguous relationships and a struggling protag in search for what's the right thing to do.

Resolution?  What resolution?  This series has more than five and a half volumes left to go.  There is a resolution, but it is way off in the future yet.  Be patient.  The author is telling the story his own way, at his own pace.  And judging by his apparent reputation in Japan, he's good at it.  In his own, unique way.  Your mileage may vary.

I only read first chapter. The storytelling is really strange. Is the manga worth it?

Truth be told, I don't know. I'm waiting for some resolution or something, but till now all I got was ambiguous relationships and a struggling protag in search for what's the right thing to do.

I only read first chapter. The storytelling is really strange. Is the manga worth it?


What's the deal with the relatively low rating? I read manga nearly every day and this was an absolutely amazing breath of fresh air. I got more into it than pretty much any other manga I have read in a long time and I can't help but feel this is obscenely underrated.


Thanks for the translations!

I liked the story too, which is why I took it on.  It would go faster, but I am a little bit overextended, working on eight series at once.  I have to be fair to everybody.

What's the deal with the relatively low rating? I read manga nearly every day and this was an absolutely amazing breath of fresh air. I got more into it than pretty much any other manga I have read in a long time and I can't help but feel this is obscenely underrated.


Thanks for the translations!

That was one strange chapter.  Fully half the pages had no text at all.

When I said nothing in this makes sense, it wasn't because I don't understand the topic.
It's like they asked "How much dialogue per page is too much" and made that a goal.  It's so muddled and weirdly paced that I have no idea what the fuck is even happening.

I'm having more issues with how dialogue is boxed out. I have to figure out who is the source, and whether it's dialogue, thought, or text. The main character is the worst, with his narrative boxes sometimes being spoken and other times just being thought.

When I said nothing in this makes sense, it wasn't because I don't understand the topic.


It's like they asked "How much dialogue per page is too much" and made that a goal.  It's so muddled and weirdly paced that I have no idea what the fuck is even happening.

This chapter took me two whole weeks, the biggest single delay being translating the wall of text on the right side of the cover.  The artist was getting philosophical, and trying to explain how he seems to like inflicting pain on his readers.  Near as I can tell, he feels that if it makes any of us more likely to be nice to others, then it is worth it.


Fortunately, the next chapter appears to be much, much easier in every way: smaller, simpler, less redrawing, less translation.

rpapo, thanks for taking the time to do this project. I look forward to each release, of course at your convenience.


I appreciate that the series makes you think at least slightly instead of directly word dumping that 'such and such did X', 'causing our waifu to feel like Y' and 'that means Z is evil!'


To me, the current chapter and your translation clearly conveyed the new power, how it works, the MCs reaction/mixed feelings, and what the band group's motivation may have been.

Well, that's good.  I'm trying.  My goal is to be able to translate back and forth between English and Japanese as easily as I can between English and Spanish, though I have a suspicion I will never quite reach that goal.  I can read text in Spanish and speak it in English, and do the reverse without any problem from being fluent in Spanish (and using it daily) for over thirty years now (a bit over half my life), so that sets a high bar for my understanding of Japanese.


But, being very familiar with translation between English and Spanish helps one to not get too hung up on the literal meaning of things.  You have to look into the mindset of the other language's culture and try to understand what they are trying to say, and then try to get across the same general meaning.

rpapo, thanks for taking the time to do this project. I look forward to each release, of course at your convenience.


I appreciate that the series makes you think at least slightly instead of directly word dumping that 'such and such did X', 'causing our waifu to feel like Y' and 'that means Z is evil!'


To me, the current chapter and your translation clearly conveyed the new power, how it works, the MCs reaction/mixed feelings, and what the band group's motivation may have been.

Too much rape stuff, not for me.. byeee

Normally, I share your aversion; but since it is not explicitly depicted and is used for characterization, it doesn't feel as cheap/unnecessary as in other manga.

Nothing in this even makes sense.

Go on.
Personally, I like that it doesn't spell everything out.

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