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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.64 - 75votes)

Akai Mi Hajiketa

Alt Names: alt Akai Mi Hajiketaalt 紅い実はじけた
Author: Takahashi Natsuko
Artist: Takahashi Natsuko
Genres: Drama DramaRomance RomanceSeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: A collection of 13 romantic short stories that captures the moment when one falls in love.
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too bad it was the last one already. And I still can't really make anything out of that title ( 紅い実could also be read as

"Kurenai Makoto" = crimson honesty = bursting with crimson honesty?). Maybe the yearning to be true to your feelings and to convey them to your target of affection?

Or maybe it really has to do something with communism?(Since it was brought up by Game Theory that Mario could be in fact be influenced in his characters and games design by communistic ideology... maybe you need the insight on Japanese literature and history of communism to solve this particular question).

I really hope they ended up together. She'd did her best.

I think so.

You missed the word "why".

We put a message in with the third chapter to say why - basically, our translator hit a brick wall with chapter 2 and wasn't able to produce an accurate translation. So rather than force him to finish it, we skipped it for the moment. 
because each chapter is a standalone short story we were comfortable releasing other chapters while we worked on a solution for chapter 2, which we might have sorted. We're going to have it looked over, and if it's all good we'll post it.
Thanks for the patience!

Thanks for the explanation. I hadn't read any of the chapters beyond chapter 1 yet, so I had not seen the message in chapter 3.
This takes "well that was unexpected" to a brand new level. Expect cute? It gets weird. Expect weird? It gets weirder. Expect weirdest? Overdose of cute.

Thanks Akito and Takahashi-sensei, that's a gem.

Oh chapter six was so lovely ! First love is the purest and most treasured !


Especially if it involves ass and thighs. =P

Chapter 6 would have been a good opening for a manga. Q-----Q

Oh chapter six was so lovely ! First love is the purest and most treasured !

Why was the 2nd chapter skipped?


We put a message in with the third chapter to say why - basically, our translator hit a brick wall with chapter 2 and wasn't able to produce an accurate translation. So rather than force him to finish it, we skipped it for the moment. 


because each chapter is a standalone short story we were comfortable releasing other chapters while we worked on a solution for chapter 2, which we might have sorted. We're going to have it looked over, and if it's all good we'll post it.


Thanks for the patience!

Why was the 2nd chapter skipped?

I think so.
Why was the 2nd chapter skipped?

HAHAHA! That was great. I am falling in love with the wierdness of this manga.

These stories are definitely getting more peculiar.  Not that I'm complaining.

That was a "sweet" story up until the end. Pun intended.

So the weirdness escalates every chapter, huh?

Nonetheless, this one blew all of my stress out of the window :D

Pudding 1 - 0 Afterlife


Nice chapter?

polter ? wats polter


polter, as in poltergeist.

polter ? wats polter

Reminds me a bit of the short animation OVA "Run ha kaze no naka"(るんは風の中) where a boy comes across a poster hanging in an undergrade crossing. He falls in love with that poster girl and takes her home putting her up in his room (since I don't want to spoiler anything else I'll stop here. Just go watch it, it's worth all ~23 minutes [If I'm not mistaken it's one of Tezuka Osamus works]).

O thank you little boy , now I'm off to find a real man ...

okay...i don't understand that poster....haha

Okay, now that one was just weird.

It is my first time to jelly to an elementary Schooler

Aww, wish the author expanded the story to become a short 2~3 chapter manga instead. :(

loved it thanks so much for the new chapter

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