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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.63 - 156votes)

+ Tic Neesan

Alt Names: alt プラスチック姉さんalt Calligraphy Neesanalt +チック姉さんalt Plastic Neesanalt Plus Tic Neesan
Author: Kurii Cha
Artist: Kurii Cha
Genres: Comedy ComedyEcchi EcchiSchool Life School LifeSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: The story follows a third-year high-school girl (Nee-san) who likes building plastic models in a model-making club along with fellow club members Makimaki and Okappa.
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Sudden realisation. They were going to make her one of them.

Sasaki doesn't sound bad at all!

Next chapter

'Acid bath-tic'

Don't worry Sasaki. We can make babies together

Really really feels sorry for... what's his name again...?.. uh.. pig?

How come this chapter title isn't Continuation-Continuation-Continuation-Continuation-Continuation-tic?

His fate was set in stone the second he asked her out. There's no escape.


At least she's hot.


Ahhh yes the old put a baby in me shtick.





Wasn't she going to make a Kendo club?










read ch. 4.



This pleases Harambe

Lol, I can't even imagine how the editor who is in charge of this manga feel about this decision.



Time to rename this to Pencil Nee-san.



Flying Witch barely has any flying in it


Fuck a title





There was a man inside that tank

Betting :10bux: next chapter they will continue on with models on their heads like nothing happened

Alt name: Calligraphy Neesan...so it's official?

Time to rename this to Pencil Nee-san.

This chapter made me login and check how those things on their heads used to look. 

And then I found this (ch3 p2 bottom panel).


Guess it was too soon.

Holy crap! Just when i thought to myself: "Man, nee-san's model hat sure has lost all it's detail.", the author just straight up throws them in the trash. It's like he read my mind or something.

But then, we can't call this series Plastic Neesan anymore!

    • gt8 likes this

Makimaki slutty adventure i really want to read that now. I hope that he makes it.lol


I really wish you were right but they're still hatless to this very day.

Really? Right up to the latest chapter in Japan? Huh. Shit, now how are we going to tell Sasaki and Okappa apart?

he can do what he want. This is gag manga afterall. I bet he can even do Makimaki slutty adventure if he wants

Makimaki slutty adventure i really want to read that now. I hope that he makes it.lol

Yeah, I'm guessing this "change" isn't going to last long. You can't name your manga after plastic models and then entirely excise the concept from your series. No editor would approve that. Just long enough to do whatever jokes the author has planned, is my guess.

he can do what he want. This is gag manga afterall. I bet he can even do Makimaki slutty adventure if he wants

Yeah, I'm guessing this "change" isn't going to last long. You can't name your manga after plastic models and then entirely excise the concept from your series. No editor would approve that. Just long enough to do whatever jokes the author has planned, is my guess.

I really wish you were right but they're still hatless to this very day.

Yeah, I'm guessing this "change" isn't going to last long. You can't name your manga after plastic models and then entirely excise the concept from your series. No editor would approve that. Just long enough to do whatever jokes the author has planned, is my guess.

This manga stopped being about plastic models a while ago.

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