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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.63 - 156votes)

+ Tic Neesan

Alt Names: alt プラスチック姉さんalt Calligraphy Neesanalt +チック姉さんalt Plastic Neesanalt Plus Tic Neesan
Author: Kurii Cha
Artist: Kurii Cha
Genres: Comedy ComedyEcchi EcchiSchool Life School LifeSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: The story follows a third-year high-school girl (Nee-san) who likes building plastic models in a model-making club along with fellow club members Makimaki and Okappa.
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OMG it's Mayor Mike Haggar!


Edit: damn xyzzy already noticed!

i wish politics worked that way in real life...

Senator Armstrong is that you?

Mayor best gurl in series

He'd be perfect on House of cards

With a Mayor like that, I really want to live in THE city

Mike Haggar? Is that you?

I guess the joke is that the mayor will be put on the next newspaper headlines.

ok its bloody getting to me, the missing headpieces is really making me uncomfortable. i miss the tank man already

He got thrown in the fucking trash man.  Nobody even cared either :(

Was it necessary to capitalize THE, or was the newspaper editor also high.


THE is the name of the city in this manga so THE refers to that. THE School, THE Park etc. Unfortunately this was pretty hard (see: impossible) to convey with an all-caps font so it's kinda weird now that it's in a normal one. Also I didn't use T.H.E or The instead because I am an idiot.

Was it necessary to capitalize THE, or was the newspaper editor also high.


That mayor is fucked.

ok its bloody getting to me, the missing headpieces is really making me uncomfortable. i miss the tank man already

My first manga, funny as fuck.

I like the series and it's still funny, but I miss the old ink drawings. They were so much more expressive. Oh well. Maybe as he gets used to doing it digitally the quality and detail will come back.

Their parents seriously need to find a hobby.

Even Nee-san is afraid!

How many sisters are there?
The answer: 42.


How many sisters are there?


The answer: 42.

That is alot of fucking other twins or their mom's vagina is destroyed.

Maybe they walked into a cloning machine or something


or, more realistically, their parents have kept super busy...

Unosomatsu-Sano confirmed for 2016 fall adaptation

That house needs a TV.

Sudden realisation. They were going to make her one of them.

Naj, they were just gonna clone 3 more of her then make her their sisters.

Maybe they walked into a cloning machine or something

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