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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.72 - 134votes)

Baby, Kokoro no Mama ni!

Alt Names: alt Baby, ココロのママに!
Author: Okuyama Puku
Artist: Okuyama Puku
Genres: Comedy ComedyRomance RomanceShoujo ShoujoSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: 19-year-old Roji Shizuru has a crush on a fellow university student, Nana, but there always seems to be complications when he tries to get closer to her. For one thing, he's afraid his hot friend Tachibana Masaki will steal her. Beyond that, the main complication comes from the interference of children, specifically one odd child called Maida Kokoro, who keeps clinging to Shizuru and calling him 'mama.'
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..... Somehow I hope Roji with Maida's Mama :(

Even if its the end, I hope Roji gets together with Nana. He has had the worst luck with her.

He transforms from the pain he receives... Is Roji Shizuru an "M"

Smooth as Buddha:)
I love this!! All the characters are fantastic.

After this is finished there really needs to be a sequel with Kokoro as the main character (though she's pretty much the main character as it is).

Kokoro's face after biting the plastic mikans! XD

Amazing Christmas chapter! Thanks, Megchan Scans! I still can't get over the vol. 4 cover. God tier cuteness.

thanks for the Xmas gift, I know how you feel man T_T

Seems to me that some pages are missing at the end

There's no pages missing, it's just a short chapter. The rest of the chapters in this volume are all about 30 pages each.

Gods bless megchan scans. Truly, gods amongst humanity for translating the purest of Okuyama-sensei's works.

Wow Hachimitsu Scans is obviously very bored these days.  Doing projects outside their normal wheelhouse.



Actually it was megchan scanlations as always... maybe there was an error during the upload

Is it just me or are the chapters getting shorter? Either way thanks for translating, I need my fix!

Seems to me that some pages are missing at the end

Is it just me or are the chapters getting shorter? Either way thanks for translating, I need my fix!

Wow Hachimitsu Scans is obviously very bored these days.  Doing projects outside their normal wheelhouse.



Kokoro-chan is so important. Protect this child at all costs!!

Ugh. Kokoro X Balls is totes adorbs.

I love the way whenever the kid's in a scene, even if she's not the focus of a panel she'll usually be doing something in the background.

. . . Well, focus is relative of course.  Often I'll start by checking out "What's she up to there?" and only after that, "Oh, yeah, and the almost-adults have some dialogue going, too."

New chapter! Praise the baby gods!!


New chapter!! \o/


God the baby's design is just so ridiculous and adorable at the same time. The proportions in themselves are pretty unrealistic, but it really conveys the sheer elasticity of little kids lol

A cute book.

3 different groups already and not even 10 chapters in ._. I fear for this manga.

But but... where will we get our cuteness from if it doesn't continue. This is just sooooo KAWAIII!!!!

3 different groups already and not even 10 chapters in ._. I fear for this manga.

I love the depiction of kids in this manga, not so-overly-moe like in most of other works.

Yeah, in a lot of mangas they're just a convenient plot device that's cute when they need it and quiet when they don't. The kids in this story have their own personalities and are actual characters instead of only being an excuse for the MC to spend more time with the girl he likes.

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