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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.68 - 81votes)

Touhou Ibarakasen ~ Wild and Horned Hermit.

Alt Names: alt Eastern Thorned Poet Hermitalt Touhou Ibarakasen - Wild and Horned Hermit.alt Touhou Ibarakasen: Wild and Horned Hermit.alt WaHHalt 東方茨歌仙 ~ Wild and Horned Hermit.
Author: Zun
Artist: Azuma Aya
Genres: Comedy ComedyFantasy FantasySlice of Life Slice of LifeSupernatural Supernatural
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Continuing in the Touhou series, this one follows the footsteps of Silent Sinner in Blue, Inaba of the Moon & Inaba of the Earth, and the Sangetsusei trilogy.

This time, Marisa comes across a mysterious hermit outside the Human Village. However, as she tells Reimu about her, the hermit is seen sneaking around the Hakurei Shrine. She's Ibara Kasen, a strange, bandaged ascetic of unknown nature and ability who's far more aware of them and Gensoukyou than either realizes.
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At this point, nothing short of an Incident is going to restore people's faith in Reimu. Then again, there may be one of those lurking just around the corner...

Putting on a little show to gather some extra faith. 


As expected of the Moriya Shrine!

Heck yeah. This chapter was great!

Wow, what a chapter. Thanks as always, ABK and Clarste!


So, slacking off makes for a strong defense? No wonder Yukari's nigh invulnerable- compared to her, Reimu's a regular workaholic.

Very interesting chapter.

man i feel ike trying to do shady stuff behind sanae back is bad idea.

Probably, though it's hard to say form whom at this point - after the dam fiasco it's kinda amazing to see the kappa being trusted to handle a new Moriya Shrine project. Conspiracy jokes aside, foresight isn't exactly a strong suit of Kanako's, especially when it comes to the latest attempt at innovating Gensokyo. I mean, she did try to introduce nuclear fusion, and we all know how that turned out. :P
Ironically, the one thing I can think of that did work without a hitch was the cold fusion experiment back in chapter 2, and that faded away as soon as it came. You'd think the kappa especially would be all over that. Hm.

man i feel ike trying to do shady stuff behind sanae back is bad idea. 

glad there's more friendship of Reimu and Marisa, and very glad that Kasen with Reimu side, for now. because ZUN himself said that she is strong enough to create incident alone.

and Sakuya and Marisa are atheist. 

Sweet to see things picking up with the evil sister-in-law, I mean good girl. Although not worrying about heavy rain or heat waves? Totally don't envy Kasen on that one. Not only does she get to laze around with her animal friends and get good drinks, she even gets to be the best Fair Weather Friend ever.

/sent to bad joke prison

Dat mouse tho. So darn cute.

It's a Moriya Shrine conspiracy

That template is forbidden.

So much FRIENDSHIP. Start of the chapter was adorable!

It's a Moriya Shrine conspiracy

Ze plot, it thickens eh?

I gotta say, since this and the other manga has come out, I've come to appreciate the franchise a lot more.

Good chap.


why does that villager have a face

Because then they would have been a kaonashi, and Reimu would have exterminated them- and that would be sad.


Geh. Wrong term- I should have said a nopperabo, not a kaonashi.

so that's why reimu didn't exterminate some youkai, they are her investor.

but what did marisa means by seeing blooodshet?

Good chap.


why does that villager have a face

I know its a little late now, but I have to ask:
Is there a doujin called 'wild and horny hermit'? And if there is- where can i find it?



So, be a lazy shit, eat peaches and dance all day?

Don't forget to literally crash wherever the hell you want, whenever, opposition be damned! Those keystones go a long way to giving off that "Haters Gonna Hate" vibe, which is just so essential to your shenanigans.


Just don't be too surprised if and when an Oni feels like doing the same thing to you all of a sudden. Oh, wait...

If you don't think of it as a god, it isn't. If you do, it is.



Perhaps, for example, the "gods"  are simply extraordinarily strong youkai. People may worship them, they may have powers far beyond the norm, but she doesn't think they're "gods", so they're not.



Sakuya, how can you be an atheist?


You live in the land of gods. There are eight million+ gods in Japan.


You've fought gods. You speak to them all the time. You even have parties with them.

the art is getting better. the story is getting heavier
Hijiri, Miko, Sakuya, and Yukari in one chapter
what time to be Alive..

if Touhou get Official Anime it's need more than 100 episodes to get things done



So, be a lazy shit, eat peaches and dance all day?

Sakuya, how can you be an atheist?
You live in the land of gods. There are eight million+ gods in Japan.
You've fought gods. You speak to them all the time. You even have parties with them.

I think it means she acknowledges their existence, but doesn't worship any of them.

Sakuya gets all the best lines. She's made this particular joke before though.

Seriously? I'm just amazed that this line isn't referred to more often. Lol America. We hate atheists almost as much as we hate terrorists (this is a joke, please don't flame me).

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