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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.51 - 106votes)


Alt Names: alt 롤플레잉겜alt 롤플레잉겜만화alt Role-Playing Game
Author: Gaechaban
Artist: Gaechaban
Genres: Action ActionAdventure AdventureComedy ComedyFantasy FantasySeinen SeinenWebtoon Webtoon
Type: Manhwa (Korean)
Status: Ongoing
Description: After a falling out with his team, the Guild Master of the greatest guild quits the game. As the top player, he had pioneered the creation of a unique plot item that is required to open a new area of the game. After 2 years he returns to find that his items and gold have been stolen by hackers and the unique plot item he made unavailable by leaving, was never replaced, and so he is hated by everyone in the game. Our accessories-loving hero is however very relaxed, and simply goes back to his old ways of trying to create/purchase the most interesting items. <Temporary description created by reader, will be updated later>

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Rai and Appetizer needs to go do a DGN with just the two of them. That's how you go on a date in an RPG.


It's right up there, in the description. It took me to a different page (some kind of intro i guess) the first time, that I had to click the left thing iirc, then it took me to the comic page.



I'm basically doing the same thing:D My arguing for fun voice has jerk in it, I guess I watched too much ZP and Jimquisition. Or I'm just a jerk XD

Have you ever read http://www.shamusyoung.com/twentysidedtale/?p=17692? I mostly agree with the author of that, so you can see where I'm coming from with my complaints, and I think you'd find it interesting since you argue about comics for fun :) It's a two part post, so click next if you like it.

Aw there are only 17 chapters there, I thought you said 70 something ;(

As someone who has played old school MMOs (like early Everquest), I find all the fun this pokes at bad game design and customer support is absolutely hilarious.  Sadly, the game's world is believable for me, especially if it were a hardcore Korean game.  Even some of the newer MMOs have treated players horribly.

Link please, I want to look at it too!


It's right up there, in the description. It took me to a different page (some kind of intro i guess) the first time, that I had to click the left thing iirc, then it took me to the comic page.



 Wall of text

I'm basically doing the same thing:D My arguing for fun voice has jerk in it, I guess I watched too much ZP and Jimquisition. Or I'm just a jerk XD

Have you ever read http://www.shamusyoung.com/twentysidedtale/?p=17692? I mostly agree with the author of that, so you can see where I'm coming from with my complaints, and I think you'd find it interesting since you argue about comics for fun :) It's a two part post, so click next if you like it.

Wait, the bad guy quit too? What sense does that make? Ok, I guess he might have got bored when they couldn't open the continent. I guess whether they adress this or no might be what keeps me or doesn't.



BTW, I went to the comic, but it's all Korean to me :D Is 76 the latest chapter or does that numer refer to something different? And what is the latest chapter in that case?

Link please, I want to look at it too!

Do you realize what you just wrote?
Me: I'm not enjoying this because I find the setting unreasonable, unbelievable and arbitrary.
You: Who cares, just read it and like it.

You are misassuming that was a comment directed specifically to yourself, rather than as a general statement about the conversation's participants.



I disbelieve anybody would play this piece of shit game, so I don't care about the real world parallels , or what the comic is trying to say, or whatever. That's what suspension of disbelief, or rather failure thereof, means.
In that case, it's just not funny. That's a major failure on the part of the author.




Well, as I said, you are free to disagree with the author's choices and consider them not entertaining. Though, considering that this is a comedy and that there was little if any attempt to suspend your sense of disbelief in the ludicrous game concept, more so considering that the series pokes fun at itself saying "What the heck why does this even why #failgame #crazyhard" on numerous occasions, I'd place it more in the realm of your failure to "just deal with it and accept the silliness or just deal with the fact that this doesn't tickle your funny bone and move on" than any failure on the author's part.


And no, regardless of what you or anyone else might think I'm not in a tizzy and don't particularly care if you dislike the series. I'm just being bored and occupying that boredom by responding in total seriousness to someone who's attitude is annoying me.



Good night.

I hope Nibel and Rai reunite and fix thing between them. But I have a feeling she's presently with Isley.

Fix what? There wasn't anything between them to begin with. She admired him a bit, that's it.

Wait, the bad guy quit too? What sense does that make? Ok, I guess he might have got bored when they couldn't open the continent. I guess whether they adress this or no might be what keeps me or doesn't.


My guess is that he got bored without a villain to persecute and is now back after he heard the guild leader was back.

I think Appetizer is Nib, but a different person is playing the character.

Then Appetizer should be more powerful than she is now. I mean Nib was one of the strongest? 

Then again there could be tier drops at work.


Or maybe Appe is just a relative(Like a sister) of Nib that got introduced to the game trough the real life Nib?


Or maybe we are all overthinking this and Rai just has a fetish of women that cover half of their face with hair.. 

OMG! What IF... just IF... even IF the probability is low... WHAT IF... Appetizer is ACTUALLY Nibel in disguise or with a different account!?

Someone else made the same comment the other day - I posted my disbelief then, but after the latest chapters here ... I think the possibility is there and rising.

Wait, the bad guy quit too? What sense does that make? Ok, I guess he might have got bored when they couldn't open the continent. I guess whether they adress this or no might be what keeps me or doesn't.



BTW, I went to the comic, but it's all Korean to me :D Is 76 the latest chapter or does that numer refer to something different? And what is the latest chapter in that case?

Those eyes are damn magnificent.

I think Appetizer is Nib, but a different person is playing the character.





This is why.


Took 3 hours for eyebrows lol

Heh, well I sometimes spent quite some time with character creation but 3 hours for eyebrows is impressive. Good eyebrows though.



Also the theme of "the design of this game sucks" continues and the "raising=> killing=>raising" loop until they have lost all their levels is intended to work.^^ Honestly it's a surprise that people actually kept playing that game for 2 years while the new content was delayed.

The backstabbing "hero" makes his return.  Hopefully he dies.  :angry:

Then why read it? Are you just here to complain and get likes? 





This is why.


Took 3 hours for eyebrows lol

That seems unlikely. She'd recognize him, no? My guess is she quit playing and came back when she heard the continent opened, or she's doing solo stuff.



I get stupidly committed when I start reading stuff (fun fact: Ripples of Battle by Victor Davis Hanson = shit), so I'm giving it a couple more chapters to start making sense.


Your negative attitude will just block any sense you try to find. Suit yourself though.

OMG! What IF... just IF... even IF the probability is low... WHAT IF... Appetizer is ACTUALLY Nibel in disguise or with a different account!?

That seems unlikely. She'd recognize him, no? My guess is she quit playing and came back when she heard the continent opened, or she's doing solo stuff.



Then why read it? Are you just here to complain and get likes? 

I get stupidly committed when I start reading stuff (fun fact: Ripples of Battle by Victor Davis Hanson = shit), so I'm giving it a couple more chapters to start making sense.

Do you realize what you just wrote?


Me: I'm not enjoying this because I find the setting unreasonable, unbelievable and arbitrary.

You: Who cares, just read it and like it.



Then why read it? Are you just here to complain and get likes? 

OMG! What IF... just IF... even IF the probability is low... WHAT IF... Appetizer is ACTUALLY Nibel in disguise or with a different account!?

I just how everybody is complaining about the game mechanics and other features being unrealistic/unrealiable and making that a "shit game" instead of reading/enjoying the manwha...

Do you realize what you just wrote?


Me: I'm not enjoying this because I find the setting unreasonable, unbelievable and arbitrary.

You: Who cares, just read it and like it.

I hope Nibel and Rai reunite and fix thing between them. But I have a feeling she's presently with Isley.

I just how everybody is complaining about the game mechanics and other features being unrealistic/unrealiable and making that a "shit game" instead of reading/enjoying the manwha...

Because this is Batoto. Negative feedback is automatically considered trolling.

I just how everybody is complaining about the game mechanics and other features being unrealistic/unrealiable and making that a "shit game" instead of reading/enjoying the manwha...

I think you guys are mistaken here, but the death penalty is based on the brutality of your death.

Examples are.

Being killed in a PK will give you a chance to be naturally re-birthed in 10 minutes or give you an option to click to take a tier drop penalty and res right away.

Being killed by a Death Dragon and his fire breath will give you 3 days of login penalty as he is a raid boss.


Being killed by the Dead Elves, implicated that there was 10 minute for Raiquia to save Appetizer before she automatically re-birthed. (Which means that she would've taken the tier drop penalty anyways)

This story is also never meant to make you have disbelief in the first place, it is instead a parody made to actually make you think about the real world parallels, something you obviously have failed to do.


I disbelieve anybody would play this piece of shit game, so I don't care about the real world parallels , or what the comic is trying to say, or whatever. That's what suspension of disbelief, or rather failure thereof, means.



Lastly, please stop mentioning how unrealistic the game is in a complaining fashion, as if this is a major failure on the part of the author. Whether or not you enjoy the author's choice here, the unreasonable nature of the game and the unhelpful game devs are part of the author-intended humor.


In that case, it's just not funny. That's a major failure on the part of the author.


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