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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.51 - 106votes)


Alt Names: alt 롤플레잉겜alt 롤플레잉겜만화alt Role-Playing Game
Author: Gaechaban
Artist: Gaechaban
Genres: Action ActionAdventure AdventureComedy ComedyFantasy FantasySeinen SeinenWebtoon Webtoon
Type: Manhwa (Korean)
Status: Ongoing
Description: After a falling out with his team, the Guild Master of the greatest guild quits the game. As the top player, he had pioneered the creation of a unique plot item that is required to open a new area of the game. After 2 years he returns to find that his items and gold have been stolen by hackers and the unique plot item he made unavailable by leaving, was never replaced, and so he is hated by everyone in the game. Our accessories-loving hero is however very relaxed, and simply goes back to his old ways of trying to create/purchase the most interesting items. <Temporary description created by reader, will be updated later>

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Well gintama was also a manga with no goal at first except for laughs but look at it now, more than hundreds of chapters made.


There is this mystery in the story, why are both isley and raquia looked like they are hacked?, what happened to the 3rd member?, why can raquia manage to pay 3 days worth of virtual reality rental?, what is Appetizer's story?, is tainan really skilled? is katana a legendary blacksmith?


The story doesn't have to have a specific goal except to know the mysteries and character improvements, this manga is that type of story.


There was always a goal in Gintama. It just chose not to follow it. The story even lampoons this in the first few volumes.

But this drama had a point. To make Isleys and Raquia relations even funnier, especially when they will team up and decide to do next sesion of RP. That will be hilarious to see how other will interprate it.




Or how could he menage to pay it in his middle schoolers day's? I mean he was ther like alwyas. Three day in row fight. Week siege of a castle, and that's anly the stuff we know about.


View Auto Seved Content Dear good guys that made it are genius!!!

actually if you look up the cost for a pc room rental its about a dollar per hour, if you add a dollar extra for vrmmo it's still cheap, so a middle schooler should be able to afford this since an in game day seems less than 24 hours

'Now loading, please wait.

... 99%

... 100%!

Welcome to the world of Waiting!'


(what the beginning of chapter 25 looks like to Spanish speakers, roughly [and altered to make it funnier])

But this drama had a point. To make Isleys and Raquia relations even funnier, especially when they will team up and decide to do next sesion of RP. That will be hilarious to see how other will interprate it.




why can raquia manage to pay 3 days worth of virtual reality rental?


Or how could he menage to pay it in his middle schoolers day's? I mean he was ther like alwyas. Three day in row fight. Week siege of a castle, and that's anly the stuff we know about.


View Auto Seved Content Dear good guys that made it are genius!!!

You guys don't seem to get it.
Comedy without a goal is fine.

Drama without a goal, is author-inserted angst and lack of ideas.
Think about what "Drama for no reason" means. It does not has the same reception for "Comedy for no reason".


...Because the "story" has no goal, and its based on senseless angst.
That was the point of the manwha when it started -- it had no goal. It was just random lol bullshit fun shit-for-giggles.
But now, it feels like the manwha will draw away from the comedy, in order to focus on the drama.

The horribly written drama.
RPG was fun at first, but now it feels like it lost its focus.
Time will tell.

Well gintama was also a manga with no goal at first except for laughs but look at it now, more than hundreds of chapters made.


There is this mystery in the story, why are both isley and raquia looked like they are hacked?, what happened to the 3rd member?, why can raquia manage to pay 3 days worth of virtual reality rental?, what is Appetizer's story?, is tainan really skilled? is katana a legendary blacksmith?


The story doesn't have to have a specific goal except to know the mysteries and character improvements, this manga is that type of story.

Because a flying kick is too mainstream, how about a flying knee attack to the face instead.

...Because the "story" has no goal, and its based on senseless angst.
That was the point of the manwha when it started -- it had no goal. It was just random lol bullshit fun shit-for-giggles.
But now, it feels like the manwha will draw away from the comedy, in order to focus on the drama.

The horribly written drama.
RPG was fun at first, but now it feels like it lost its focus.
Time will tell.


Why story has to have a goal? That's not 'Lord of the Rings' (and thank God for that).

For me a story to be passable (latetly I really had dropped my requirements) has to be at least partiary logical (and few other stuff but right now it's unimportant) and all the stuff that happend so far can be axplained (again it's just my point of wiew) in some not completly unrealistic and higly improbable way.

My point I had the same doubt's as you but my trust in autor revived 5 ch. ago 'Departure Again' and with each passing ch. it's getting stronger. I'm aware that at this point story can go either way but while reading early RPG chapters I had this feeling that author knows what he is doing (and hopefully it isn't shit).



But why not?

...Because the "story" has no goal, and its based on senseless angst.
That was the point of the manwha when it started -- it had no goal. It was just random lol bullshit fun shit-for-giggles.
But now, it feels like the manwha will draw away from the comedy, in order to focus on the drama.

The horribly written drama.
RPG was fun at first, but now it feels like it lost its focus.
Time will tell.



There is less than 10 manga/manhwa's that I enjoyed from begining to the end and mostly these things aren't well known. I mean how many of you have heard about "Save the world in 80 days"? For me it was an example how (in general) "drawings with text bubbles" shouldbe about and it has nearly the same amout of viwers as RPG with (for me) isn't even close to it in any aspect, even in comedy. Most of the jokes here aren't really funny. In fact I'm here for the story. And yes I know how that sounds: reading a Comedy for a story.


But why not?

So, basically -- this manwha now has both comedy and drama.
Soap-opera grade drama.

Whenever senseless angst and drama appears, is when you know the author ran out of ideas, and started complicating the story just for the sake of pushing it a few more chapters forward. One can say it was planned like such from the beginning, which makes it even worse.
Can't this thing...Just be funny? What's with the author-inserted drama here? The whole "Hero" arc was painful to read, I didn't came here for cliche drama.

I hope the author will actually utilize Raquia's mentality in his writing: "Wat? Is just a game, ye guys. Srsly, why so serious? lololol".
If the author will somehow transform the the bad-mojo Isley gives out for comedy....A prize. A very big prize will fall on his arse, because that'd be impressive.
Pointless-drama-cliches in stories, is just like Anal in Pornography.

Once you start doing it, you don't stop until you dig out all the shit you can find.
If he can reverse this thing, I'd be damned impressed. But just like Raquia, I ain't expecting much.

LMAO! That knee to the face. XD And for some reason I'm not angry at Isley at all.... weird.

I have a feeling Raiquia and Isley will team up against a greater evil, possibly the next generation of middle schoolers.

 Do mages tend to have Slow Fall in Korean MMOs?


WTF, we were having a nice fight and now you're suddenly creeping me out. Cut it out. Don't post hungry.


Duh, new type of trolling. Try to keep up, m'kay? *creepcreepcreep*


And I mean yeah sure if you insist I'll go eat a whole tub of peanut butter with ice cream right now sure yep yum. <3





Gosh darn try hard Korean gamers. . . > .>;;;;;;;

BTW: that "shit for me" quest would be glorious in true game...

Ever been to Grizzly Hills?

The fun thing is how Isley keep on like nothing really happened and Raiquia will also do the same. If nothing raiquia may even go with Isley's plan just for the lulz.... BTW: that "shit for me" quest would be glorious in true game...

Dies of embarrassment. Thanks.

Dies again.


Long live the edit function!

Use spoiler tags. In order to comment


Dies of embarrassment. Thanks.

Dies again.


And If someone actually read it whole. WOW!

Use spoiler tags. In order to comment, you have to agree to follow comment section guidlines, and it's both in the guidlines and just common sense and courteous to use spoiler tags so your essay length comments don't double the page length. If you don't correct it, an admin will eventually come around and do it for you, but please don't be inconsiderate of other readers.

If you don't know how, surround your text with [.spoiler] and then [./spoiler] without the periods.

After reading ch. 25 pls tell me I wasn't right about this continent beiing a crap trap content that was supposed to buy game dev time.

And new Idea for Isley. He is actually sic, like really sic, bedriden all the time, no friend no fun and his only joyin life is througt Esteria. And he is a PC player. Or he has 60 years and is in jail but with acces to Internet.




 I'm at a lost for word. 

(or not)That's so perfect why I didn't know something like that exist? You are my Hero

For me its one of few series with world that actually make sense.
Cuz he was a little brat and liked the idea of beiing this one misunderstanded by world, with no reall friend dear God how many times have I seen it in manga/anime main heros and it never made sense.
Sorry guys i was 14 years old and was just roleplaying ;).
Like seriously just imagine what have to be addet to PC MMO in world creation.

Like always sorry for typos.
And If someone actually read it whole. WOW!

God bless http://autosummarizer.com

Appetizer is so adorable when she wants to go questing.



Like always sorry for typos.

And If someone actually read it whole. WOW!

 Do mages tend to have Slow Fall in Korean MMOs?


YOU sir have just been elevated from jerk to gem! <3


Does that make me shallow?* The degree to which that article tickled my heart. . . many thanks! X,D


*Well, while everyone has a certain degree of shallowness in their bones, I'm actually going to lean on the side of "showing me that awesome article is not why you are suddenly a very cool person in my book." More so, because of your generous attitude in this response of yours, where I had come back just now to possibly apologize to you, not sure if my attitude had been too forceful and feeling that I'd been a bit spiteful and mean spirited in saying the things I did. You sir were quite gracious just now, and I'm seeing you in a different light.


That article was just the whipped cream on top of the caramel brownie sunday, albieght the best gosh darn whipped cream I've had in awhile. I'm going to stop talking about food before I actually go and eat something this late at night. :/


WTF, we were having a nice fight and now you're suddenly creeping me out. Cut it out. Don't post hungry.

I'm basically doing the same thing:D My arguing for fun voice has jerk in it, I guess I watched too much ZP and Jimquisition. Or I'm just a jerk XD

Have you ever read http://www.shamusyoung.com/twentysidedtale/?p=17692? I mostly agree with the author of that, so you can see where I'm coming from with my complaints, and I think you'd find it interesting since you argue about comics for fun :) It's a two part post, so click next if you like it.

YOU sir have just been elevated from jerk to gem! <3


Does that make me shallow?* The degree to which that article tickled my heart. . . many thanks! X,D


*Well, while everyone has a certain degree of shallowness in their bones, I'm actually going to lean on the side of "showing me that awesome article is not why you are suddenly a very cool person in my book." More so, because of your generous attitude in this response of yours, where I had come back just now to possibly apologize to you, not sure if my attitude had been too forceful and feeling that I'd been a bit spiteful and mean spirited in saying the things I did. You sir were quite gracious just now, and I'm seeing you in a different light.


That article was just the whipped cream on top of the caramel brownie sunday, albieght the best gosh darn whipped cream I've had in awhile. I'm going to stop talking about food before I actually go and eat something this late at night. :/

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