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* * * * * (4.52 - 90votes)

Tohai Densetsu Akagi

Alt Names: alt Akagialt Akagi - The Genius who Fell into the Darknessalt Akagi - Yami ni Oritatta Tensaialt Akagi~Yami ni Oritatte Tensai~alt アカギalt アカギ ~闇に降り立った天才~alt 鬥牌傳說alt 闘牌伝説アカギ 闇に舞い降りた天才alt Legend of Mahjong: Akagialt Mahjong Legend Akagialt Mahjong Legend Akagi: The Genius Who Descended Into the Darkness
Author: Fukumoto Nobuyuki
Artist: Fukumoto Nobuyuki
Genres: Drama DramaPsychological PsychologicalSeinen SeinenSports Sports
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: A genius who fell into darkness. The god of the underworld.

Akagi Shigeru runs from a Chicken race where he almost died to a Mahjong parlor, where a man is losing all his money to the Yakuza. Akagi, who is only 13, tells him that he plays it wrong, although he has never played the game before. Akagi then replaces him in the game, and there a legend is born.

When the police come to check in on the parlor to see if the child that ran from the Chicken race is there, they deny the relation of Akagi to the chicken fight. In the end the policeman invites Akagi to a much more organized Mahjong game and from there the legends only continue to develop.


- Washizu -Enma no Touhai- (http://www.batoto.net/comic/_/washizu-enma-no-touhai-r4536)
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Topic Missing chapters? where they go? T.T New Window Zonambulous
  • 3 Replies


Dayum. Catholic hell has nothing on Fukumoto's version. Dart to the crotch? Ouch, man. Ouch.

Gotta hand it to Washizu....he really is crazy delusional old man ;)

Too bad the series is almost over ... Really liked those matches with Akagi.


Almost over from a story standpoint sure, from a "the number of chapters we're in for yet" standpoint however we have another 20 years at least.

Critical hit.



Gotta hand it to Washizu....he really is crazy delusional old man ;)

Too bad the series is almost over ... Really liked those matches with Akagi.

Whoa, now that is one weird-ass trip Washizu is on.

And now we play whack a mole for 100 chapters.

Oh baby, Washizu's inferno incoming

My body is ready.

hell arc (രᴗര๑)?

See you next year for the conclusion of the next round.


Ahhh... next year for the conclusion of the first part of the next round seems more likely.

Great, turns out Washizu had a blood transfusion prior to the game in anticipation for this moment or some shit.  Mark my words.  See you next year for the conclusion of the next round.

You know, re-reading volumes 17 to 19 again, Ougi doesn't look so bad any more. At least he doesn't whine and complain loudly about Akagi's decisions and try to backseat drive with Akagi like Washizu's underlings did for the double Yakuman hand and in chapter 169/170. At least despite him betting an arm on this match, he has enough sense to keep his mouth shut.

Then he gloats for 2 chapters how he outsmarted Akagi?



Then he gloats for 2 chapters how he outsmarted Akagi?

Let me guess: The next 4 chapters or so are all going to be Washizu deciding whether or not to play the Pei, aren't they?
That's the only way this could be dragged out from here.


Let me guess: The next 4 chapters or so are all going to be Washizu deciding whether or not to play the Pei, aren't they?


That's the only way this could be dragged out from here.

To be a little fair, who the hell that knows *ANYTHING* about mahjong could keep a straight face while viewing Akagi's tiles from behind in this round? Especially those last few turns.

I used to have a friend who would figure out what people were going for due to their discards, then make discards knowing that certain tiles were more likely to come out later. It allowed him to put some hands together out of nowhere. Even having played a good deal of mahjong myself, I can relate that it's very difficult to keep a straight face in sight of such play. 

If there was an asshole behind me seeing my cards and making weird faces, I'd be pretty pissed off.

Really? If I were playing mahjong and had someone looking at my tiles while chain-smoking and making weird faces, I'd be stoked, because it'd mean I was in an FKMT manga.

I'm amazed that Akagi has only bothered telling him to shut up and calm down twice. That idiot doesn't deserve to be in charge of *any* yakuza.

To be a little fair, who the hell that knows *ANYTHING* about mahjong could keep a straight face while viewing Akagi's tiles from behind in this round? Especially those last few turns.

If there was an asshole behind me seeing my cards and making weird faces, I'd be pretty pissed off.

I'm amazed that Akagi has only bothered telling him to shut up and calm down twice. That idiot doesn't deserve to be in charge of *any* yakuza.

If there was an asshole behind me seeing my cards and making weird faces, I'd be pretty pissed off.

I don't see a way for Akagi to get a Haneman, aside from a theoretical possibility of him discarding the 9-pin, Washizu declaring a Kan, and giving Akagi tons of doras. Nah, not happening.
Suzuki has the last Xia in his discards, so no flashy Kan plays from Akagi himself either. Houtei-Xia-Hatsu-Chanta-Dora 1 is still only a 5-han Mangan hand, so it doesn't really matter if he gets the 1-man or not. Not to mention, a Haneman would kill Washizu. We can't have the 18-year-long match end so soon, now, can we? :) Washizu losing 800ccs from a mangan would bring him to 1900. This being a manga, we can definitely expect the geezer to survive for another round - after a few chapters of his near-death-experience, that is.


Eaagh I know what happens after all this Pei ordeal, but I'm still hoping. It's like when you see the anime of a manga you like and you know who's dying and who's not, but you still hope, that kinda feeling

Right about now, my face is like Washizu's in the last episodes of the anime: "Deal it, deal it, deal it, deal it, deal it, deal it!"
Even the author himself realizes how many cliffhangers he's putting in - he drew Akagi hanging off a cliff, literally :)

Hey, I started editing on the Akagi wiki recently, but it's still kind of empty, so if any of you would like to help out ^^: http://akagi.wikia.com


It's that I play(ed) riichi mahjong regularly.

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