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* * * * * (4.54 - 138votes)

Kaibutsu Oujo

Alt Names: alt 괴물왕녀alt Monster Princessalt Princess Resurrectionalt 怪物王女
Author: Mitsunaga Yasunori
Artist: Mitsunaga Yasunori
Genres: Action ActionComedy ComedyFantasy FantasyHorror HorrorMystery MysteryShounen ShounenSupernatural Supernatural
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Werewolves, demons, monsters, vampires. All these ferocious creatures are afraid of the same thing: the beautiful Princess Hime, an awesome warrior who fights off the forces of evil with a chainsaw and a smile. Not only does she look great in a tiara, she has power that allows her to raise the dead. She’s a girl on a mission, and with the help of her undead servant and a supercute robot, there’s no creature of darkness she can’t take down!


> Naqua-Den
( http://www.batoto.net/comic/_/comics/naqua-den-r9661 )
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  • 4 Replies


So if Lilliane is no longer royalty, wouldn't Hiro need to drink Sherwood's blood now? Or does he not need it anymore D:

Feels like something is missing. I'm not asking much, but i hope the mangaka makes an omake where Hiro kisses Hime ;_;

No wonder she wore a tiara.


I feel so sad, now it has ended. That means it was a very good serie....

So... It ended. I'll give this manga a round of applause. It's been a long ride but it's good.


Im sad this is ending but im grateful for the journey, such a good story and one of my favorite Long live the monster girl Harem.

I think Hiro is probably burning the phoenix blood inside him so that's why he can transverse through space and time like an adult phoenix. I hope the author can explain why he's the only blood warrior that can do that. Also, HiroXHime otp


Wow, what an awesome chapter that was, thanks a lot Vortex and /a/ nonymous scans!!!

brain.... Y wont U working to understand this???

Well I guess that ties up all those weird side stories? alternate times? I'm not really sure. Maybe I'll read those again but shit man, I fucking hate time travel.

I think Hiro is probably burning the phoenix blood inside him so that's why he can transverse through space and time like an adult phoenix. I hope the author can explain why he's the only blood warrior that can do that. Also, HiroXHime otp




The story revolving those two is seriously confusing at times..


But y'know what, Riza x Reiri \-  -\ all is well.

I feel like I'm missing a lot here. It's like the author decided to just introduce a bunch of new plot points

without bothering to explain them. In addition, I have no memory of character backstories, and the characters don't seem to have developed at all for as long as I can recall. It's been years since I read the first chapters, so some of this was probably explained and I just can't remember it. Should I go back and re-read, or is it something beyond that?

Well the author did explain some of it bit by bit though the manga so just go back and read it again and you may understand. :)

This chapter left me confused, i pretty much understand what is going on but it seems so sloppily put together, hopefully the next chapter is easier to understand.

@1suspect yeah but most importantly


It's not like any of the previous chapters made a whole bunch of sense but this takes the cake of "what the fuck is even going on"?
Is the manga ending soon? the last few chapters have seemed rushed.

While I do enjoy this manga it would see a large improvement if hiro was more than "the lucky guy in a harem" because that is the only thing he has going for him, he hasn't become a strong servant for hime; even though she made him a blood warrior he is exactly the fucking as he was in the first chapter.

I feel like I'm missing a lot here. It's like the author decided to just introduce a bunch of new plot points
without bothering to explain them. In addition, I have no memory of character backstories, and the characters don't seem to have developed at all for as long as I can recall. It's been years since I read the first chapters, so some of this was probably explained and I just can't remember it. Should I go back and re-read, or is it something beyond that?
outstanding, a great chapter, thanks a lot Vortex Scans!!
@Fennec: Sherwood gave up her right when she joined Hime. (Even in the alternate timeline she's alive in the future too)
They're rushing these last few chapters too much.
Wait a minute, does anyone else feel like some stuff was skipped?

anonscanlations.blogspot.com already has up to 86 though...
I'm trying to not read the latest comments because they look full of SPOILERS.

Then again, I averted my eyes before I could be fully spoiled, so I could be mistaken.

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