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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.62 - 174votes)

Saike Mata Shitemo

Alt Names: alt 命运轮回alt サイケまたしてもalt Saike Mata Shite moalt Saike Mata Shitemoalt Saike, Once Againalt Saike, Yet Again
Author: Fukuchi Tsubasa
Artist: Fukuchi Tsubasa
Genres: Action ActionComedy ComedyDrama DramaMystery MysteryPsychological PsychologicalSchool Life School LifeShounen ShounenSupernatural Supernatural
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: The story follows an unambitious, introverted middle school student called Saike Kuzushiro. After witnessing the death of his childhood friend, Mikan Karatachi, in a road accident, he cries out to God. After a fall, Saike wakes up in bed the previous morning, the day of the accident.

Will history repeat? Can he save Mikan? What power does he have to change the future?
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make him amnesia
make him friend with badguy(?)

how this one gonna end

I hope Mikan ends up awakening some oracle to help him, i still think they both got one at the same time ten years ago, and his awoke when he lost her, maybe when she loses him she will awake again.
I say again since Mikan was the one who saved herself and Saike ten years ago, which makes no sense for a little girl that didn't know how to swim to suddenly learn how to swim and be able to save not only save herself but another kid that was most likely heavier than her.

Get in the Van Saike :^)

Damn... this is pretty good. Looking forward to more

He saved Mikan 10 years ago (same time the Oracles started showing up), so I am gonna guess that he has a certain amount of "resets" before he undergoes memory loss and that's why he couldn't remember the time capsule? That's my bet at least.

I'm guessing the Power Researcher guy

He saved Mikan 10 years ago (same time the Oracles started showing up), so I am gonna guess that he has a certain amount of "resets" before he undergoes memory loss and that's why he couldn't remember the time capsule? That's my bet at least.

Prediction (spoilered on the off-chance I'm right, so nobody can claim that I spoiled things for them):

Both him and Mikan were in focus when he said that... Kinda curious if Mikan doesn't end up having more to her than meets the eye. It felt a bit too obvious actually. For whatever reason our resident dragon radar user just can't see hers, or maybe it hasn't manifested just yet.


"Have him take a bite of this apple, it'll make him look like more of an asshole."

This really is everywhere, isn't it...


Well at least he didn't take a potato chip...and eat it. 

"Have him take a bite of this apple, it'll make him look like more of an asshole."

This really is everywhere, isn't it...

So does Yumewo really have two oracles in the end?

Yumewo could always see the future In his dreams his oracle is the ability to erase other oracles that he got after his sister went to sleep

Unless this manga ends very soon indeed, there is no way he isn't going to find some way around this brain problem he's having.

I'm guessing that his little girlfriend will gain an ability to help fix him. The last page of chapter 42 sort of hints that she'll show up more in the future, and there's no way she won't visit him now that's he's ill.

I'm loving Igors in Igors.

So does Yumewo really have two oracles in the end?

Either that or his precognition is not an oracle but something else

So does Yumewo really have two oracles in the end?
Fun fact, homo neanderthalensis went extinct. Though we may have part of their genes through inter-species breeding, we're mostly descending from (and still are) homo sapiens.













Highly portable kids with built in tape and luggage cases.

Igor and ana gonna make cute kids

by the way, ,how I filter spoiler?

Semi-long comment.

He kind of brute forces it for a while, but he learns from his experience as well. He's not as dumb in recent chapters as he was at the start. I can't really say any more than that, though.

indeed, he was a coward at the first time. He wanted Mikan to live while avoid to do any risk to help with it. But at the last time, he decided to risk himself.

I think he's extremely afraid of not able getting back when he fights Hizu so he decided to brute force to get perfect walkthrough of it. Nobody able to back him up if he fells after all.
Now that he got friends, someone can just dump his body if he's dead so he's more to information gathering rather than brute force all his way out. But I'm not sure how much death would damaged brain though.


by the way, ,how I filter spoiler?

Never said that he should walk away, just that normally you would hesitate at least a little before immediately going for it.  You're banking hundreds of lives on the chance that removing his power would do what you expected it to.

And you're banking on the chance that he finds him again after searching for years.


Meanwhile, those hundreds of hostages are being mindfucked into being his literal slaves.


Meanwhile, the physical bodies of those hostages are either comatose in a hospital bed somewhere in the world or dead and rotted away because hes being doing this for years.


But lets stop and think about it. *Just in case*

Two Chapters in and this really reminds me of the song Kagerou days.

Last one is a legit question btw, does he wisen up? Cos I really hate dumb characters.


He kind of brute forces it for a while, but he learns from his experience as well. He's not as dumb in recent chapters as he was at the start. I can't really say any more than that, though.

Oh lord. I really like groundhog day stories. But I got to the 3rd chapter on this one, and I'm just bashing my head against my desk.



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