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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.63 - 195votes)


Alt Names: alt バーテンダー
Author: Joh Araki
Artist: Nagatomo Kenji
Genres: Drama DramaPsychological PsychologicalSeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: The story of the Sasakura Ryu and Eden Hall, a small cocktail bar in the Chiba area of Tokyo, where troubled customers come for the "glass of the gods," which with Ryu's assistance helps them to resolve their often highly emotional problems.

The above is the synopsis of the anime. In the manga, Ryu starts out working in a bar called Lapin.
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ahhh.. those are the managers you want to work with.. 


Parfait D' Amour. What beautiful word to say. 

Sometimes ya just gotta learn the hard way.

It's nice to hear some of you talk about belgian beers. I myself am from Belgium; and have enjoyed quite some alcohol during the years of my life.
I'm only 18, but the drinking age being 16 here allowed me to drink for 2 years now. (leaving the alcolol before that)
It's also part of the culture here. I'd often go to a typical 'student pub/cafe' after school, with a group of 10-20 people, and everybody would drink beer, boys and girls alike. It's the culture here. No coffee's or cola's, whisky or rakija, beer is the protagonist here.
Typically, most heavier beers have an alcoholpercentage of around 8.5%, the mostly tapped beers have around 5.2% alcohol

I myself, having been to France, The Netherlands, Germany and Serbia can say out of experience that the beer in Belgium is top notch.
I've just come back from a month in Serbia, and they litterally had like 4-6 different kinds of "Serbian Beer", aswell as the typically imported 'Heineken','Amstel' (NL) and 'Beck's'.

In Belgium, there's loads of beers, hundreds of different beers. Every monastery and every city even, seems to have it's own special beer, every one having a different refined taste and flavour. Fruit beers, Light beers, blonde, dark ones... My former house used to have a brewery, before we moved in.
It's also being used in cooking alot, and it's a popular choice for tourists to go on a 'beer-trip'. As if one'd be having a wine-tasting trip through the Champagne or Bordeaux region in France, we have beer tasting trips. haha :)

On glasses, there's alot of different glasses, one that immediately comes to my mind is 'Kwak', one of my favourite beers.
and so on...
Enjoy your beer, dear fellow readers of 'Bartender' ^^

He just had to be an idiot in this one.

dude you're screwed.

squirm newbie.. :P


learn the lesson of shut-up theory.. XD


<p>Now.. I know he is new (that everyone new is bound to make mistakes) and supposed to add more vibrant to the story plot. But, I really hate his kind, a typical smart alec. And why do we need a supplementary character when we just need Sasakura.</p>
<p>I rather see more plot growth in potential romance between Sasakura and those 2 girls.&nbsp;</p>

Actually, it's Gone with the Wind Starring Vivian Leigh as Scarlett O'Hara not the other way around. Vivien Leigh is the actress, not the character.

Stupid idiot >_O

Shit son, you dug your own hole and buried yourself in it too...

That chapter 99 reminds me of the first job I ever had with a company, when, after three weeks, I accidentally made a 4000€ worth machine crash and break T___T

oh shit, your fired bro

And yes, I <3 beer. :D

there's not really a rule on how to pour, but a perfect Belgian beer has two fingers of foam and the foam is so solid? i think that it leaves a angel ring whits means that i leaves little rings of foam in the glass even after the beer has passed that point. 

if you want to try it:


Belgian beer is a little bit 'special'....partially because every beer is so unique, and every beer has it's very own, custom designed glassware to go with it!


But a common theme in Belgian beer is a rich, thick head on top of the beer.  In most other regions of the world, that would be a big no-no.  But in Belgium, that is commonly sought after.  They actually design the beers, and the associated pouring technique, to ensure a thick head.  Why?  The thick head encapsulates the beer and protects it from oxygen (and to a lesser extent, sunlight and bugs).  You can usually tell if a beer was designed for this by looking at the glass; if there's a large 'bulb' in the bottom of the glass, it's going to have a huge head!  The bulb design allows for the foam to float back and out of the way of the liquid beer goodness underneath when you tilt the glass to drink.  Here's a short video showing a belgian Tripel being poured; note the 2-3 inches between bottle and glass, the very tall head, and the bulb on the glass:



Now, that's gotten me wondering.


Since there are beer experts around here, and I'm not being sarcastic, would you know if there's a "rule" to pour Belgian beers ?

45 degrees, vertically, fast, slowly, etc... ?


Meaning : rich, tasty beers, not as thick as Guinness (is anything even remotely comparable ?), but, still, beers that are full of life and of flavour, with rich brown and ambers... <3


there's not really a rule on how to pour, but a perfect Belgian beer has two fingers of foam and the foam is so solid? i think that it leaves a angel ring whits means that i leaves little rings of foam in the glass even after the beer has passed that point. 

if you want to try it:

Ah, good to see he has finally learned his place!

When in doubt, either ask for answers, or shut up and watch the professionals do their job!

Of Course he's amazing!!! The only thing that's not amazing about him is that he doesn't have a girlfriend with all that talent and flag raising attitude of his.

Tch. I wanted him to be trashed by Sasakura.

Now, that's gotten me wondering.


Since there are beer experts around here, and I'm not being sarcastic, would you know if there's a "rule" to pour Belgian beers ?

45 degrees, vertically, fast, slowly, etc... ?


Meaning : rich, tasty beers, not as thick as Guinness (is anything even remotely comparable ?), but, still, beers that are full of life and of flavour, with rich brown and ambers... <3

Any employee with experience/certification/knowledge will always feel pride, even when they move to a new job where there are a lot of company-only knowledge. It's just being human^^

Though I'm surprised with this ch because it's the first time I've seen Sasakura being 'high and mighty' and the customers picking on him also.

I mean, that girl, Sasakura was so soft on her.


Was she ever Sasakura's apprentice? I can't remember. That might be why though, giving someone advice, and then being someone's boss/teacher are two different things imo.

The funny thing is that after being schooled by a client, no less, he still thinks he's something.




That said, I couldn't help but think during that whole thing: "That's NOT how you poor a beer!" Maybe it's just a Japanese thing.


edit: after reading starkiller4299's comment - that makes sense. I was always told less head = better(aka, pour at 45 degrees to minimize the head). I learned something new! The More You Know~~~

Unfortunately, in the US, I have seen professionals (bartenders, chefs, and others) of many years standing jerked around by some upstart with an MBA who is a boss of some sort.  The bar/restaurant gets run into the ground because the new "boss" understands only business models and knows next to nothing about actual bartending/cooking.  From the meeting in the beginning, it seemed that the board wants to put the kibosh on Eden Hall since the chairman is ill.

That's not about bars and restaurants.  That's the modern Anglosphere (US, Britain, Canada, Australia) business model, no matter what the industry.

My experience in the restaurant industry is that very few (perhaps 1%) of people possess both acuity of pallet and sufficient interest to discern good food or drink in any context.


Most people simply can't tell the difference between the crude concoctions of a newbie and the smooth refined product of devoted experience.

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