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* * * * - (3.93 - 124votes)


Alt Names: alt Builderalt 빌더
Author: Moon Ha-Neul & lee Dong-Joon
Artist: Moon Ha-Neul & lee Dong-Joon
Genres: Action ActionComedy ComedyDrama DramaEcchi EcchiFantasy FantasyRomance RomanceSci-fi Sci-fiSeinen SeinenTragedy TragedyWebtoon Webtoon
Type: Manhwa (Korean)
Status: Ongoing
Description: In the near future, humans have created technology to allow them to dream whatever they desire. Those who seek to become gods in this dream world are called "Builders". A girl uses this technology for the first time for the same purpose. Why does she want to become a Builder?!

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This feels kind of "shounen" to me lol (unless there's some more graphic content that I haven't reached yet)

The closing argument is: Fuck my life. Lifeless fetishists will always emerge and drag down everything down to the dirt. Be it tits or muscles...But, for the very least, tits require less leaps in logic, than muscles.


Well, who's to say in this particular world where you can somehow control dreams, hack shit and kill people (or whatever this story is about, I lost track to be honest), that there isn't some kind of medicine, treatment, genetic modification or really anything anyone could think of that could explain all those muscles. He could be an alien, a demon or an angel. Hell, for as little as we know, he might be going to the gym every single day. It's not like we have his schedule, do we?

Frankly, there is no more logic behind your distaste (or mine, while we're at it) for this fairly exaggerated case of the alpha male (but also sensitive, mysterious and smart - teehee -) protagonist trope than there is behind someone else's inclination for it.

And since I only see one person shitting over the others about their preferences, I really wonder who's trying to drag things down.

Yeah, she is definaltly the new god's sister...

NAH NAH NAH I won't accept tehm trying to sink mah ship!


I'll agree with the fact that big boobs require less work to get than abs and muscles like that, but then again, you either have big boobs are you don't. I don't care how "meaty" (lolz) your diet is, they don't really get much bigger unless you go the breast implant route, my point was simply that every female character so far depicted (including the made up girls inside the one Copy-Jack guy's dream (though them being large makes complete sense since they are artificial)) have large breasts.   The real world isn't like that, to begin with, the two female character are probably both about...f-cups in size? Which is exceedingly rare and actually rather painful to have to deal with, it leads to back pain and other issues. Most women aren't even close to that, typically more along the B-cup size or C if on the larger side. So no, the huge boobs aren't more realistic than the crazy abs. And at this point, we actually know very little about Shi-ah, maybe he is some crazy gym rat (I'm aware this is unlikely, and I'm equally aware there will never be an explanation given for his physique) and maybe the two female characters both got breast implants and we can call it a day.   You found the crazy abs jarring because it's unusual to see a male character portrayed in such a fan-serviceesque manner, but no one here has had an issue with the panty shots and the cleavage hanging out all the time. It's a double standard, which hey, I'm not going to tell you to fix your view on the world, I'm just pointing it out. It probably isn't even deliberate, it's simply that fan-service using a female body is normal (take the blonde woman as an example, she is a walking, talking, breathing, fan-service tool) but using the male body isn't, and over time we've all gotten used to seeing the female body depicted in the media that way.   TL:DR You can have your boobs if you let me have the abs and we'll call it even XD
Yes, you either have big boobs or you don't. Which is why, while it is retarded for every girl this protagonist sees to have big boobs, it is theoretically possible. As you said, you are born with them, and it is always possibility for these 2 girls to have been born with them. You are completely right that we don't knoe about Shi-ah's life. But, the thing is, the first comment made about this was just a simple remark about how his abs were impossible, considering the Builder lifestyle he is living. You are the one who turned this into a big discussion. The reason we (at least I) found this jarring is completely not because it's unusual or whatever. Again, the simple comment that Solipsist made is simply because it is weird for a Builder to have bodybuilder abs. Frankly, men usually love their protagonists to be this handsome, badass guy with abs. I don't know how you made the huge leap to double standards and females depiction in the media, but those are pretty irrelevant to this argument.


You found the crazy abs jarring because it's unusual to see a male character portrayed in such a fan-serviceesque manner, but no one here has had an issue with the panty shots and the cleavage hanging out all the time. It's a double standard, which hey, I'm not going to tell you to fix your view on the world, I'm just pointing it out. It probably isn't even deliberate, it's simply that fan-service using a female body is normal (take the blonde woman as an example, she is a walking, talking, breathing, fan-service tool) but using the male body isn't, and over time we've all gotten used to seeing the female body depicted in the media that way.


TL:DR You can have your boobs if you let me have the abs and we'll call it even XD


I'll agree with the fact that big boobs require less work to get than abs and muscles like that, but then again, you either have big boobs are you don't. I don't care how "meaty" (lolz) your diet is, they don't really get much bigger unless you go the breast implant route, my point was simply that every female character so far depicted (including the made up girls inside the one Copy-Jack guy's dream (though them being large makes complete sense since they are artificial)) have large breasts.


The real world isn't like that, to begin with, the two female character are probably both about...f-cups in size? Which is exceedingly rare and actually rather painful to have to deal with, it leads to back pain and other issues. Most women aren't even close to that, typically more along the B-cup size or C if on the larger side. So no, the huge boobs aren't more realistic than the crazy abs. And at this point, we actually know very little about Shi-ah, maybe he is some crazy gym rat (I'm aware this is unlikely, and I'm equally aware there will never be an explanation given for his physique) and maybe the two female characters both got breast implants and we can call it a day.


You found the crazy abs jarring because it's unusual to see a male character portrayed in such a fan-serviceesque manner, but no one here has had an issue with the panty shots and the cleavage hanging out all the time. It's a double standard, which hey, I'm not going to tell you to fix your view on the world, I'm just pointing it out. It probably isn't even deliberate, it's simply that fan-service using a female body is normal (take the blonde woman as an example, she is a walking, talking, breathing, fan-service tool) but using the male body isn't, and over time we've all gotten used to seeing the female body depicted in the media that way.


TL:DR You can have your boobs if you let me have the abs and we'll call it even XD


You know, you are probably right... What annoys me the most, is not the fact the he has a body that I will never ever be able to come close to, but the fact that is terribly drawn..

I'll agree with the fact that big boobs require less work to get than abs and muscles like that, but then again, you either have big boobs are you don't. I don't care how "meaty" (lolz) your diet is, they don't really get much bigger unless you go the breast implant route, my point was simply that every female character so far depicted (including the made up girls inside the one Copy-Jack guy's dream (though them being large makes complete sense since they are artificial)) have large breasts.


The real world isn't like that, to begin with, the two female character are probably both about...f-cups in size? Which is exceedingly rare and actually rather painful to have to deal with, it leads to back pain and other issues. Most women aren't even close to that, typically more along the B-cup size or C if on the larger side. So no, the huge boobs aren't more realistic than the crazy abs. And at this point, we actually know very little about Shi-ah, maybe he is some crazy gym rat (I'm aware this is unlikely, and I'm equally aware there will never be an explanation given for his physique) and maybe the two female characters both got breast implants and we can call it a day.


You found the crazy abs jarring because it's unusual to see a male character portrayed in such a fan-serviceesque manner, but no one here has had an issue with the panty shots and the cleavage hanging out all the time. It's a double standard, which hey, I'm not going to tell you to fix your view on the world, I'm just pointing it out. It probably isn't even deliberate, it's simply that fan-service using a female body is normal (take the blonde woman as an example, she is a walking, talking, breathing, fan-service tool) but using the male body isn't, and over time we've all gotten used to seeing the female body depicted in the media that way.


TL:DR You can have your boobs if you let me have the abs and we'll call it even XD

Damn ch.23.. so short.. We need Moar!!!!

But, who give the request this time? to think asuna is the target this time... her father??


It looks like they are targeting people associated with the new god and his clan.  If, as I suspect, her brother is the new god that beat MC in chapter 0, then when she became a builder, she got on their radar.

Damn ch.23.. so short.. We need Moar!!!!

But, who give the request this time? to think asuna is the target this time... her father??

Omg. They're just so fucking cute together.

OMG that ending on chapter 23...

Hey girl need manservice too xD


The guy got just the god gift "genetically modified" like some mouse get gene convert fat to muscle.

Did you see tatsuya from mahouka got the same bodybuild. :P

I would totally be fine with that random excuse, that at least covers the minimal amount of lampshading of something absolutely absurd (in a story which is not riddled with stupid fanservice-logic, other than that one instance).

Hey girl need manservice too xD


The guy got just the god gift "genetically modified" like some mouse get gene convert fat to muscle.

Did you see tatsuya from mahouka got the same bodybuild. :P

So his abs are impossible, but every female character having massive boobs isn't? Least we girls get some form of eye candy in this Manhwa.


As for the time he chooses to kiss her, I think that sort of thing happens in real life too tbh.

As for the kiss thing...I'm not saying it doesn't exist, I'm merely pointing that it makes him a disgusting sleazebag.

As for the muscles...I'm commenting on it from the opinion of a person whom do not care about female fanservice, or male fanservice. I do not care for tits or muscles, all I want are characters which follow their basic premise. Ergo, if the author wants to insert any sort of fanservice, at least make sure it makes sense.
It takes enormous effort and time to build such a muscular body,
But it only takes genetics and a fatty, meaty diet to grow huge tits.
One takes direct, artificial effort, while the other takes passive effort -- shoving food down your throat.

One is more logically plausible than the other, the leap of logic is not that insane when you consider big boobs, unless the tits are inhumanely ginormous. On the other hand, it's completely incongruous for an apathetic, lazy person to get and maintain such a body.
As for the eye-candy-for-the-ladies argument, for the very least -- help the rest of us who will be critical against that sort of thing, give some excuse. How about, that character is sporty, and likes to workout? Boom, done. No questions asked.
People only need to eat to grow tits, but in order to grow muscle you need a particular life style. And the muscles this guy has suggest his at the gym 24/7...Which is implicitly impossible.
Again: the problem being is 'character-premise dissociation'. There's nothing that suggest that he should be so muscular, and everything else points out that he should NOT be muscular.
The willing suspension of disbelief allows me to believe that females grow tits naturally, just by existing. On the other hand, you cannot AT ALL say that about muscles.


The closing argument is: Fuck my life. Lifeless fetishists will always emerge and drag down everything down to the dirt. Be it tits or muscles...But, for the very least, tits require less leaps in logic, than muscles.

What a smooth operator.  ;)

Uhmm... He kissed her then asked... Smoooth

Very smooth. Remember kids.. Always do it first and always ask later, that's the right way to do it...  B )

Also works remarkably well when meeting people for the 1st time...

"You're emotionally vulnerable and hurt from the alleged accusation of your brother's sorry state. It isn't your fault, let's kiss."

Why do authors do that? That's really creepy. It's almost as creepy as his impossible abs.
Did he get those from a dream?

I wonder even how more peculiar this manwha is going to get from here.


So his abs are impossible, but every female character having massive boobs isn't? Least we girls get some form of eye candy in this Manhwa.


As for the time he chooses to kiss her, I think that sort of thing happens in real life too tbh.

Yeah, pretty sure her brother is the current "god", reread chapter 0 prologue, he looks like the guy who beat MC


Yeah, you are right.

And this plot makes me sad. :(

Yeah, pretty sure her brother is the current "god", reread chapter 0 prologue, he looks like the guy who beat MC

well at least a MC that isn't a wuzzy

"You're emotionally vulnerable and hurt from the alleged accusation of your brother's sorry state. It isn't your fault, let's kiss."

Why do authors do that? That's really creepy. It's almost as creepy as his impossible abs.
Did he get those from a dream?

I wonder even how more peculiar this manwha is going to get from here.

Wow... an mc who actually got that far that quick...never happens....

Because it's a korean manga. :P Different from those wussy japanese MCs!

My guess is the brother transferred his mind into the virtual world.

yea..maybe he's the current god. i believe the current god was brought up by shi-ah but he somehow 'failed' at something. it would be the perfect cliche conflict for them later on. that shi ah is the one at fault for his brother's current situation. or maybe everything i typed is wrong and it's all bs lol.

Uhmm... He kissed her then asked... Smoooth


That last page is a joke made by Lone Manga, its a crop from before. :)

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