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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.59 - 41votes)


Alt Names: alt 三国志
Author: Yokoyama Mitsuteru
Artist: Yokoyama Mitsuteru
Genres: Action ActionDrama DramaHistorical HistoricalShounen ShounenTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: A manga adaptation of the famous Chinese literary classic, Romance of the Three Kingdoms.
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How....how are they supposed to leave now?






FFS, now it's just ridiculous, execute him already!

Meng Huo, pls, we're going to have another three volumes of you being caught and released every alternate chapter at this rate.


Can't wait for when Sima Yi and Zhuge Liang confronts one another. I wonder how it'll play out!

I don't think Meng Huo really wants to get off Kongming's wild ride, considering how much effort he's spending on getting back on it.

Yeah, at this point he’s just embarrassing himself ...

I somewhat feel sorry for meng huo but I can't stop laughing my ass off hahaha

I will carefully study Kongming-sensei's guide in how to properly subjugate stupidly prideful native subjects, for my coming empire. xD



I will carefully study Kongming-sensei's guide in how to properly subjugate stupidly prideful native subjects, for my coming empire. xD



Every single chapter after I scroll down to the comments, this just continues to be as true as it was in the previous chapter. Don't start a land war in Asia is the number #1 thing you mustn't do, mainly because Koming's the local strategist - the more you know.


Any reason the new chapter (309) isn't uploaded here?

rip in peace

Zhang Fei died as he lived, a dumbass asshole.

There is a reason why Guan Yu has been deified and Zhang Fei just passed on like a dumbass

Liu Bei is a fucking moron. You would think that after all these years he’d know better than to act contrary to Kongming’s council. What an utter tool.

History is written by the winners.

One liner history quote.  "If you could kick the person in the pants responsible for most of your trouble, you wouldn't sit for a month".


Sorry couldn't resist. Cliche's are such a love hate relationship (for me) no matter the correctness or incorrectness of the message.

There are some lessons to learn from the recent chapters :

- don't be an asshole toward the men serving you, so they don't murder you in your sleep after you humiliated them for no good reason.

- whatever your age, don't charge stupidly directly into the camp of an enemy army with only 10 guys because of some joke.

Zhang Fei died as he lived, a dumbass asshole.

Additionally, remember it's not a history book but a historical romanced novel , meaning that it's very likely the author taking some liberty with actual history to make his characters more interesting.

The lengths that the author goes to, to explain away the dark side of Liu Bei is getting annoying.


History is written by the winners.

The lengths that the author goes to, to explain away the dark side of Liu Bei is getting annoying.

Although Liu Feng was likely killed to get rid of potential succession problems in the future, Liu Bei's depiction in the manga is nearly the same as Luo Guanzhong's original novel. And Luo Guanzhong potrays almost every character in a direct and honest approach, as he utilizes a third-person objective narration style, meaning that it's really up to the reader to read between the lines to see potentially hidden motives or not.


Really, the only parts that standout as particularly favouring any character are the inclusion of folk poems, which are mostly omitted in this manga.

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