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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.64 - 157votes)

Komori-san wa Kotowarenai!

Alt Names: alt 小森さんは断れない!alt 小森拒不了!alt Komori Can't Refuse!alt Komori no puede rechazar!alt Miss Komori can't Decline!
Author: Cool Kyoushinsha
Artist: Cool Kyoushinsha
Genres: 4-Koma 4-KomaComedy ComedyRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Komori Shuri is a junior high school girl who is too nice to decline requests. Constantly doing favors for other people has given her incredible powers!?
But even so, she is also an adolescent junior high school girl.
A Manga overflowing with the ups and downs of everyday life!
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I should focus on my English lessons, at least the comprehension parts.


The nuances go way over my head.

The "thanks" was Ootani's response to Yamanaka when he called to cancel. Apparently, Ootani is aware of his feelings for Shuri. Based Cool-sensei, doing away with protagonist denseness.

I don't know what was up with the façade line or what Masako was implying. Maybe it's something we get clued on later.

But ootani isn't even in those 4 panels. It would seem that it is about Yamanaka realizing something and being thankful

I'm a bit confused about the number of nuances in the latest chapter. On page 8, what is the male friend thankful for? As well, the facade quip on page 3 also went over my head. What am I missing here?

Didn't understand either =[

The "thanks" was Ootani's response to Yamanaka when he called to cancel. Apparently, Ootani is aware of his feelings for Shuri. Based Cool-sensei, doing away with protagonist denseness.

I don't know what was up with the façade line or what Masako was implying. Maybe it's something we get clued on later.

I'm a bit confused about the number of nuances in the latest chapter. On page 8, what is the male friend thankful for? As well, the facade quip on page 3 also went over my head. What am I missing here?

I guess ootani plans to introduce komori to his parents and inherit the "family" business together. XD

more like, he wants to "de-flower" her instead...

Cirno9Baka. Yes! The ship~ The ship is sailing~

Thanks so much! Happy as couldn't be :')

Hey now, nothing wrong with watching a romance movie with your bro. Plus, when it reaches the climax, it's not a girl watching you cry.

I guess ootani plans to introduce komori to his parents and inherit the "family" business together. XD

At this point I think they both know that they want each other.

I'm so glad that people brought in their own knowledge in order to expand on what I said and point out the flaws in my statement. T^T That's the way it should be. Be mindful that I was targeting a particular generalization not all matters as a whole coz even saying that Western culture 'entirely' is like that is incredibly wrong. Even today, even in the most developed Western countries, you have this kind of culture. Only the ignorant are unaware of it and the media ignore it.

That's as much of a generalization as the person you're quoting.


I can't speak for other Asian countries but in China (and I can at least speak for Beijing) it IS still a very common mindset that children need to follow their parents' wishes and take care of their elders after they grow up. That isn't too say there aren't people who don't make use of senior homes or hired help, but you underestimate how much of the traditional values remain unchanged. They might not live in the same place exactly, but they often live in the same area (my aunt and uncle live in the same neighborhood as my grandparents so they can visit them daily; they did hire a caretaker though). Many of the families I know are in the same situation.

Same applies to me actually. :) Many of my relatives are like a few minutes drive away and generally at least one close relative can be found near another and one particular bunch have lived along the same road for many generations. I'm not underestimating anything so I apologize if I came off that way. I was just saying rebutting the assumption that we are the way he described. :)



Very nice examples and points made there. :D For the record, I never said that senior homes are an attractive alternative so I'm sorry if I suggested that. Every case I know in my personal experience has the senior folk either living in their own homes or their children's homes and sometimes even grandchildren's homes. Still,


Looks like a job for BANANA BUNKER: https://imgur.com/gallery/EW2SK

That is awesome and weird at the same time mmm...

another lovely chapter, thanks cirno9baka!

otp stronk

Bringing banana in your bag will only make it mushy, it need special case so the banana can stay optimal when you got to the picnic area mmm...


Looks like a job for BANANA BUNKER: https://imgur.com/gallery/EW2SK

Bringing banana in your bag will only make it mushy, it need special case so the banana can stay optimal when you got to the picnic area mmm...

Depends on what do you do with that... If you would want to eat it keeping the banana in bag actually makes it tastier IMO

Dat ribbed sweater...

Bringing banana in your bag will only make it mushy, it need special case so the banana can stay optimal when you got to the picnic area mmm...

That would be a bit of strangely specific knowledge normally, but the mmm catapults it past R-18 and far into the you-don't-want-to-know space.

    • Exa likes this

shuri: "You'll make a great father someday."

shuri(monologue) : (and I will be your wife)

Happy aniversary, C9B. Keep up the good work and may you let us know when something is dropped. Unlike that other group who willfully started on Million Doll and then willfully forgot all about it.

Happy Birthday to Cirno9Baka scans.  Keep up the good work.


I appreciated the explanation of the banana joke, but somehow I kept losing my place while reading it, because I was distracted by the illustration.  I found myself wondering if melons count as a snack. . .

Care to quote specific parts of those "scientific culture studies" papers? I'm a bit interested in those after reading some of the comments. Even pm with them would be nice.

Unfortunately I cannot quote the exact case regarding taking care of your kids as an investment as it came from a powerpoint I cannot find atm during my culture studies years back. I did google a paper that is reminiscent of the cultural study though. 


Young adult members of Asian and Latin American families are sometimes obligated to continue to assist their families by contributing portions of their earnings to family members or by even taking in their parents when the parents become unable to care for themselves (Feldman, Mont-Reynaud, & Rosenthal, 1992; Zinn, 1994).

It came from http://www.academicroom.com/article/attitudes-toward-family-obligations-among-american-adolescents-asian-latin-american-and-european-backgrounds

Do keep in mind that these papers and generalizations are primarily active for the older generations and with the increase of families being "career active", less people will have the resource to take care their parents. However I still stand by that generic senior homes are a big no, particularly when an immigrant due to the language barrier.

Bringing banana in your bag will only make it mushy, it need special case so the banana can stay optimal when you got to the picnic area mmm...


agree ... err ...

*waiting Demi-chan manga release* ... =3= ...


@me imagining yariel seeing cirno9baka right now :)

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