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Maou no Hajimekata - The Comic

Alt Names: alt Cara Mengawali Karir Sebagai Raja Iblis - Komikalt 魔王の始め方 THE COMICalt How to Book on the Devil - The Comicalt How to Build a Dungeon: Book of the Demon Kingalt How to Get Started as the Demon King - The Comicalt 成为魔王的方法
Author: Warau Yakan
Artist: Komiya Toshimasa
Genres: Action ActionEcchi EcchiFantasy FantasyHarem HaremSeinen SeinenSmut SmutTragedy Tragedy[no chapters] [no chapters]
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: "I do not trust humans. They’ll betray you without fail.” Aur, the man who had obtained the ability and right to become the Maou at the end of his life of research. Summoning the succubus Lilu, he then sets out on creating his own domain, a gigantic labyrinthine dungeon… The misanthropic Maou taking on the world, the curtain rises on a dark harem fantasy!


adapted from web novel series of the same name

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Chapters removed due to content
that violates our Guidelines on
Inappropriate Content.
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  • 4 Replies


I can't claim that I really understood what happened here. Oh well, at least there was seks.

Still better than overlords..... Hope next girls is the sorc....

at first i though he willl follow the standard NTR procedure, 

rape her till her mind Break in front of her Boyfriend..


Its not,


This is a mainstream manga ?

I didn't see any rape. She clearly initiated first and consented to all the following scenes. Whether or not it was actually Alan is irrelevant.



Rape, Brainwashing, and Stockholm Syndrome, ugh.


Usually these things are reserved for nukige VNs, not mainstream manga.


This is a mainstream manga ?

Was getting a little worried when chapter 08 didn't deliver on the monthly dose of PLOT. I mean that's what we're all here for right? Gotta have dat PLOT or else why bother reading this to begin with?

Rape, Brainwashing, and Stockholm Syndrome, ugh.


Usually these things are reserved for nukige VNs, not mainstream manga.


Embrace it or go back to vanilla.

Rape, Brainwashing, and Stockholm Syndrome, ugh.


Usually these things are reserved for nukige VNs, not mainstream manga.

When this manga become a mainstream manga ?

Rape, Brainwashing, and Stockholm Syndrome, ugh.


Usually these things are reserved for nukige VNs, not mainstream manga.

I think it is good shit


Rape, Brainwashing, and Stockholm Syndrome, ugh.


Usually these things are reserved for nukige VNs, not mainstream manga.

First is Ainz, now there is Aur.


Sorcerous Overlords FTW.

All Hail Aur Sama!

my fav MC 2015 

da best :D 

Aur, you magnificent bastard.

ps: i noticed ch.8 became v2. what was changed?


Last page, second panel (fourth bubble), slight rewording.

Hurray for Tropod doing an amazing job again. can't wait for the next chapter ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


ps: i noticed ch.8 became v2. what was changed?


careful ... considering this manga ...

might even have more NTR as the chapter progress ...

There's one more later I believe. iirc 


i don't like NTR so i will wait for chap 11


careful ... considering this manga ...

might even have more NTR as the chapter progress ...

This is hentai... full of hentai logic. The story is not going anywhere... but raping girls & making sex slave. Of course, what else did I expect...

He's a dick...But I can't bring myself to hate him...
He probably brainwashed me already...

i'm afraid, we all are

NO! i'm... a... seasoned.... vanilla.... Warrior! Must.... Crush... NTR...

Hail... Hail... Hail....


He wuz a gud henchman who put hisself thru goblin skool. He dindu nuffin wrong. #goblinlivesmatter

This is clearly netori and not NTR because NTR is the MC's girl being stolen while netori is the MC stealing a girl. And my first thought was why not turn Alan into a girl too? There is not really any reason to let another guy hang around since the girls "love" Aur and killing him is too standard sounding.

There's no need. Alan will be "dealt with" soon enough. You'll see in the next chapter.

This is clearly netori and not NTR because NTR is the MC's girl being stolen while netori is the MC stealing a girl. And my first thought was why not turn Alan into a girl too? There is not really any reason to let another guy hang around since the girls "love" Aur and killing him is too standard sounding.

Is it wrong that I semi-skipped the steamy scenes just so I could read for the plot?

Why would you do this?

Lewd is part of the plot.

Is it wrong that I semi-skipped the steamy scenes just so I could read for the plot?

when you watch the same type of scene over and over, you get used to, and well it wasn't that kinky as with the others one xD ... I was expecting that she was gonna kill Alan xDD

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