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Maou no Hajimekata - The Comic

Alt Names: alt Cara Mengawali Karir Sebagai Raja Iblis - Komikalt 魔王の始め方 THE COMICalt How to Book on the Devil - The Comicalt How to Build a Dungeon: Book of the Demon Kingalt How to Get Started as the Demon King - The Comicalt 成为魔王的方法
Author: Warau Yakan
Artist: Komiya Toshimasa
Genres: Action ActionEcchi EcchiFantasy FantasyHarem HaremSeinen SeinenSmut SmutTragedy Tragedy[no chapters] [no chapters]
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: "I do not trust humans. They’ll betray you without fail.” Aur, the man who had obtained the ability and right to become the Maou at the end of his life of research. Summoning the succubus Lilu, he then sets out on creating his own domain, a gigantic labyrinthine dungeon… The misanthropic Maou taking on the world, the curtain rises on a dark harem fantasy!


adapted from web novel series of the same name

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  • 4 Replies


Hmmmm...... the MC reminds me of Thrawn.


I wholeheartedly welcome this dungeon overlord.

This is like the story I've always been waiting for...

Oh man, is there anything left thats still good in Shounen except for One Piece and Fairy Tail?

>Fairy Tail



At this point, you might as well stop reading manga. That's some shit taste right there.


But, since I imagine you still want to read stuff regardless of your taste, try Black Clover. It's still got that good ol' friendship stuff. Assassination Classroom has got some top tier humor and it's about over. Boku no Hero Academia is an up and comer that's doing pretty well.

In exchange for more potential titles, can you explain to me why you think Fairy Tail is good? I've yet to see any substantive argument aside from "really nice ecchi".

This. the story was mildly intriguing at first, but has gotten formulaic and repetitive. aur isn't doing anything (at least not anything worth writing about) to further his goals, he's just sitting around twirling his mustache while women walk into his arms to be brainwashed and raped. that's the entire story. he'll end up conquering the world by having queens walk in one by one.
this chapter was particularly bad. it was a bunch of sex scenes followed by "ha ha! i've been slowly taking over your mind this whole time!"
at least the chaper with yunis you could kind of follow what he was doing and be morbidly interested in the process.

demon lord in games/anime wouldn't be seen outside adventuring / killing slimes to level up, would you?

This douchebag of a MC is not only unsympathetic, he commits the crime no good character in fiction should ever commit. He is BORING. We know next to nothing about the guy outside of he was wronged in a way, he has all the personality of cardboard, what makes him special?

This. the story was mildly intriguing at first, but has gotten formulaic and repetitive. aur isn't doing anything (at least not anything worth writing about) to further his goals, he's just sitting around twirling his mustache while women walk into his arms to be brainwashed and raped. that's the entire story. he'll end up conquering the world by having queens walk in one by one.

this chapter was particularly bad. it was a bunch of sex scenes followed by "ha ha! i've been slowly taking over your mind this whole time!"

at least the chaper with yunis you could kind of follow what he was doing and be morbidly interested in the process.

I think they root for him because they recognize that, though.

In my opinion, villain protagonists and dark anti heroes can only work well if the author can successfully make us sympathize with the character. Why does this person do the things they do? Do their motivations make sense? Are his actions justfied? and to a lesser extent can we see aspects of humanity in the subject? Recent examples of villain protagonists/dark anti heroes done well are Walter White from Breaking Bad and Ken Kaneki from Tokyo Ghoul or Guts from the early chapters of Berserk.

We understand why Walter builds a drug empire even as he becomes increasingly villainous. We can sympathize with Kaneki's desire to gain power even when he kills, terrorizes and tortures others to do it. We understand Guts' motivation to kill Griffith because we know what Griffith did to the band of the Hawk and their own friendship before the eclipse.


Walter at the beginning started dealing drugs as a way to help his family.

One of Kaneki's motivations to seize power was to protect those he cares about. Slowly losing his mind in the process.

Guts was immensely loyal to Griffith and formed a family of sorts with the Band of the Hawk. This made Griffith's betrayal all the more painful and adds  more depth to Guts' revenge quest.


These characters are obviously not paragons of morality but the motivations and reasoning behind their actions make them sympathetic and compelling.


This douchebag of a MC is not only unsympathetic, he commits the crime no good character in fiction should ever commit. He is BORING. We know next to nothing about the guy outside of he was wronged in a way, he has all the personality of cardboard, what makes him special? He only looks good in the story because everybody else there is so much worse or downright incompetent or in the case of the women is there to suck his dick both figuratively and literally. Really, I could care less if the guy is evil or not. his lack of personality only seems to paint him as a self insert character. Hardly differentiating himself from dozens of other generic Battle Harem protagonists.


This story brings to mind fanfiction. Badly written fanfiction. You can literally go to fanfiction.net and look up any God!Naruto in name only crossover with harem in the description switch the names around and you won't notice a damn thing.

Seven Seas Entertainment licensed this manga, wasn't expecting that.

Saw that. It's odd. Will they censor it? It doesn't seem like the typical SSE fair.

I think they root for him because they recognize that, though.

Hard to tell these days isn't it?

Seven Seas Entertainment licensed this manga, wasn't expecting that.

Reminds me in a way of Re:Monster

I don't have a problem with the content, I have a problem with so many people lauding the MC as the best character ever and eagerly awaiting his next victims.   It's disturbing how they don't recognize an evil antagonist when they see one.

I think they root for him because they recognize that, though.

And with that said, I'm out. The only reason I would ever come back to this manga is to see the MC die a horrible death.



Okay, cool. Make sure to close the door on your way out. The rest of us are fine in here. I don't think we will ever get to see you here again, so I wish you all the best on your travels, wherever they may take you.

Lol what a twisted chapter. It's like they took Vanilla, NTR, Mind-Control, and Reverse-Psychology; threw it all into a bowl to mix it all up, and had a mind-fuck salad.

I miss the other girls.. where are Yunis and Spina? :(



Yes, because hypnotizing someone to betray all that they have ever loved(twice), asking for virgin sacrifices, gimping someone on loli blood, and treating living beings like cannon fodder is "treating them well"./sarc

The MC is practical, that's all there is to him, he does not "give his opponents a chance to avoid bloodshed", but rather,  it would be better for him to avoid bloodshed. He does not "treat his allies well", but rather his fucktoys easier to manipulate if he isn't a total dick to them.

If you're going to go on hero MCs being copy-pastes, then this guy is a copy-paste of that goblin bastard. And the story isn't even that good anyways. Guy gets power> guy curbstomps> guy fucks chicks. There's none of the meaningful interaction from Overlord, or even just the world setting of the goblin bastard's manga.

Heck, I said last night that this was good fap material, but I wasn't even able to cum once, the netorare and mind-break was stale compared to a full-fledged hentai, but didn't have the detail you would expect from a full-fledged story. This is like hentai without the cocks and pussies. The author is just some guy cashing in on the fact that there hasn't been much mind break in non-hentai literature. He basically copy pasted a nukige into a manga, and toned down the sex.

And with that said, I'm out. The only reason I would ever come back to this manga is to see the MC die a horrible death.

I dunno he seems kinda Neutral. Like he was selfish and destroyed anyone in his way but also he appeared to help people who sided with him honestly. He's still manipulative and forces people to conform to him or die and he's even very cruel in his manipulations but its not like he's ruining these people or throwing them away. People who are useful to him will have a place in his world and I guess that's a form of kindness.... Rather than call him Evil I can understand that he probably just has no time for pity or trust. Like the embodiment of "done with your shit"
I had expected to see a more devilish dungeon master... but he was just playing with girls, then using dungeon at excuse to bring in more girls.
#throw the bookmark into hentai folder#
Going to check again when I need some fap materials.
Hentai with story are always welcomed.
Thanks for translating.

This. THIS! 

Villain protagonists exist to be hated. Sympathized and understood, perhaps, but in the end still be hated. I mean, if Joffrey was a little more bad ass would any of these people have liked him? Joffrey is a villain done right, he has a "reason" for what he does, he is a pitiable little kid, but in the end, he is hated.

Anything else is just masturbation fuel.


So? Are you saying we are not allowed to like the villain? Maybe we enjoy seeing an actually evil motherfucker in the role of the fucking demon lord? Maybe we are tired of all these copy/paste protagonists in other series? Maybe we don't want to see characters who always do the "good" or "right thing"? It gets boring fast.


There are many manga with demon lords. Heck, the Yuusha vs Maou trope is fairly common these days, yet for some reason, the maou side is either never really getting shown aside from merely being said to be "utterly and completely evil", despite never really being seen doing such evilness, or worse, the maou is actually just a misunderstood good guy.


Aur, for one, finally is a character who calls himself the maou and actually acts like someone worthy of the title. He doesn't fuck around (well, he sort of does, but you know what I mean) and fits the role properly. As sad as this might sound, that in itself is already commendable these days. To have an actual maou in a maou story.


Your comparison to Joffrey lacks substance. Joffrey is a spoiled little brat, obsessed with voilence and authority, yet lacks positive traits completely. There is absolutely nothing to like about him. He just acts like the spoiled brat he is. When not even getting a chance to like a character, of course he will get utterly hated. The author didn't even try to put him into a more positive light.


Aur is evil, yes, but he is smart and powerful. He treats his followers well and does not treat his vassals cruelly either (by demanding ridiculous taxes for example). He gives his opponents a chance to avoid bloodshed, yet does not fail to use violence if his offer is met with defiance. He is a protagonist you as a reader can get interested in. Plus, with the author not really making an effort to show the hero side's good/strong points, there is currently no reason not to root for Aur, unless you are kind of stuck up and basically feel the NEED to always root for the "good" guys, even if you basically know nothing about them. Heck, for all we know, the opposing king could be a tyrant as well.


You make it sound as if a villain needs to be hated. Don't force your strange ideals on everyone. Just because you seem to think every evil character does not deserve to be liked, it doesn't mean everyone has to share your views on this. A villain can be written well even if he is likable as long as it is still clear he is the villain. The only problem you will have as an author is if your villain becomes more likable than the hero without you having the intention of it being that way. If that happens, then you effectively failed as an author, but everything else is fair game.

Oh man, is there anything left thats still good in Shounen except for One Piece and Fairy Tail?

Wait, Fairy Tail is good? Well, sure, in Shounen Jump there's Hunter x Hunter, Assassination Classroom, and I guess World Trigger and My Hero Academia are also kinda good. For one's not in Shounen Jump there's the To Aru series, Magi, Accel World, Amari Mawari, and I guess Yamada-kun.There are also older manga I haven't finished yet like D. Grayman, Beelzebub, Nurhariyon, to name a few. There are a lot I don't remember.

Anywho, that bit at the end was really a reference to a certain good loser, perhaps I should have put [ ]? That's from another good Shounen Jump manga that's already finished. Medaka Box, it's a good manga that contains no villains :3

Edit: Oh and inb4 someone says, "If you hate it so much, why are you here reading it then?" Well, as I have said before, it's good fap material. I would have rated it better if it was on e-hentai or something instead of batoto.

You know... there aren't really any villains in pro-wrestling. Their anti-heroes at best, nothing they do can really be considered "evil". Same with Payback in that it's a case of evil vs evil where the lesser evil takes an anti-hero role.

This guy, this guy is just plain evil. Selfish, cruel, and hedonistic. Same with that goblin bastard. At least Ainz has something about him that makes him, I'm not sure how to call it, but it's the quality that gods have. He cares about his creations, and his concept of morality is based around them. Still hate his light novel incarnation though. Why? Because my concept of morality is based around little girls..... and I'm beginning to rant.

Anyways, this influx of "villain" protagonists is just reactionary drivel born from people who grew tired of shounen, and have seen to much hentai. As for me, I will never graduate from Weekly Shounen Jump.

Oh man, is there anything left thats still good in Shounen except for One Piece and Fairy Tail?

Get over it, people.  As the promo said for the movie Payback and as Scott Hall said when played Razer Ramon, "Its time to root for the bad guy!"

You know... there aren't really any villains in pro-wrestling. Their anti-heroes at best, nothing they do can really be considered "evil". Same with Payback in that it's a case of evil vs evil where the lesser evil takes an anti-hero role.

This guy, this guy is just plain evil. Selfish, cruel, and hedonistic. Same with that goblin bastard. At least Ainz has something about him that makes him, I'm not sure how to call it, but it's the quality that gods have. He cares about his creations, and his concept of morality is based around them. Still hate his light novel incarnation though. Why? Because my concept of morality is based around little girls..... and I'm beginning to rant.

Anyways, this influx of "villain" protagonists is just reactionary drivel born from people who grew tired of shounen, and have seen to much hentai. As for me, I will never graduate from Weekly Shounen Jump.

Get over it, people.  As the promo said for the movie Payback and as Scott Hall said when played Razer Ramon, "Its time to root for the bad guy!"

I don't have a problem with the content, I have a problem with so many people lauding the MC as the best character ever and eagerly awaiting his next victims.   It's disturbing how they don't recognize an evil antagonist when they see one.

This. THIS! 

Villain protagonists exist to be hated. Sympathized and understood, perhaps, but in the end still be hated. I mean, if Joffrey was a little more bad ass would any of these people have liked him? Joffrey is a villain done right, he has a "reason" for what he does, he is a pitiable little kid, but in the end, he is hated.

Anything else is just masturbation fuel.

Embrace it or go back to vanilla.


I don't have a problem with the content, I have a problem with so many people lauding the MC as the best character ever and eagerly awaiting his next victims.   It's disturbing how they don't recognize an evil antagonist when they see one.

I didn't see any rape. She clearly initiated first and consented to all the following scenes. Whether or not it was actually Alan is irrelevant.

There is such a thing as "rape by deception". It describes amongst other things doctors tricking their patients to have sex with them as part of a faux treatment, but also pretending to be some else, such as during a BDSM play where one party is blindfolded. This situation is clearly comparable to the latter example.

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