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Himekishi ga Classmate!

Alt Names: alt A classmate is a princess knight!alt 姫騎士がクラスメート!alt 공주기사가 클래스메이트!alt The Princess Knight is a Classmate!
Author: Ekz
Artist: No.gomesu
Genres: Action ActionAdventure AdventureDrama DramaEcchi EcchiFantasy FantasyHarem HaremMartial Arts Martial ArtsPsychological PsychologicalRomance RomanceSeinen SeinenShounen ShounenSmut SmutSupernatural SupernaturalTragedy Tragedy[no chapters] [no chapters]
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: After he and his entire class died on a field trip, Odamori accepts a job offer from a mysterious man to be reincarnated. However his new job turns out to be that of a 'Slavemancer', with the power to dominate the minds of others and turn them into his toys. Soon, however his evil actions lead to a Princess Knight (who turns out to be one of his previous, more popular classmates) being dispatched to apprehend him. But Odamori of course has something different planned for their reunion

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The following content is intended for mature audiences and may contain sexual themes, gore, violence and/or strong language. Discretion is advised.

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You might say that the loli demon...
( •_•)>⌐■-■
Got what was cumming for her.


The funny this is....If the slavemancer was the enemy instead, we would all be raging instead. I know I would. 


You might say that the loli demon...
( •_•)>⌐■-■
Got what was cumming for her.

Ya know, this summary and name remind me of a story I saw on novel18.syosetu.com.  Is it possible that a web novel like that could have gotten a LN or Webcomic verison?

You know.... A lot of web novels on that site have been getting light novel adaptations (and thus manga adaptations)

Himekishi is in fact originally a web novel from that site.

Ya know, this summary and name remind me of a story I saw on novel18.syosetu.com.  Is it possible that a web novel like that could have gotten a LN or Webcomic verison?

power is surging from my crotch... haha

MODERN children's shows. It has gotten better than it use to be, but it is still clearly evident. So, we let our children enjoy violence on a daily basis... but if even a hint of nudity or the wiser of sex comes across it bumps the whole thing up ten levels! (PG, PG13 for death, guns, and violence, R for a little spice of sex.)



There is a clear rationale for that. Even children can differentiate between real violence and pretend violence on a TV show. You obviously haven't seen what children got up to in the days when children actually went outside and played with the friends. I remember getting in trouble for coming back with bleeding wounds after playing real war with actual rocks. Even though we tried real hard to break each other's head with rocks I know we would all be horrified if we witnessed a real domestic abuse scene.


Sex isn't that simple. Children take a real interest to it right away and there is no distinction between pretend sex and the real thing. Also sex is really dangerous for kids. I mean properly dangerous as in "F*** up your life forever dangerous" not "look at you, you got a black eye dangerous". Children discover that stuff really quickly. The danger is that this knowledge comes without the proper education.


There is certainly no problem. Each day i find something new in the world of manga, i believe there will never be a day filled with boredom.


No chapter this month?


It's been bimonthly from the start so no.

No chapter this month?

Rapeman is restored to his proper place on this site. Although I doubt he knows of it. Anyways Novel news, I have translated 1 page out of many in the chapter 4 novel. Well, I will let you know when it is done. I am also translating a hentai RPGmaker game so you know. 


tell me when you're done. I'm interested ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


also, i'm actually kinda good in noticing errors, and i'm interested to bringing it to a new level ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Slavemancer, huh? That so should be a class available in today's RPG's XD . Althrough it'd of course be right up there with the other forbidden schools of magic, such as necromancy, demonology and blood magic...


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

i should consider throwing you some Shekels Tropod ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

WTF with this wall of text in the comment section of a manga about sex, fantasy and slavery mmm...~?


You guys trying to logic with this kind of setup mmm...~?

You are completely missing the point... Our point is: we don't have to use logic... it is FICTION, therefore reality need not apply.


Any logic I was bringing into the fold isn't about this manga, but the idiocy in America and various other countries regarding their stance on violence vs sex... Which I won't go into again - right now.


<still ill...>

Huh, the guy kinda remind me of Greed from FMA.

What with his whole "nobody takes away my possessions" speech and the like.

WTF with this wall of text in the comment section of a manga about sex, fantasy and slavery mmm...~?


You guys trying to logic with this kind of setup mmm...~?

self centered for pointing out that its a fictional story with fictional characters in a fictional setting? no one harmed in the creation or consumption of this story. as to 'emotional scarring' argument, seriously no ones holding a gun to anyones head and saying "you are 100% required to read this right now. READ IT OR DIE." so with that in mind lets see if theres anything that could be a 'warning' of the content that is obviously put there to do so shall we?
tags... ecchi... harem... smut... nope, those could mean /anything/. more seriously they do cover a wide variety of topics and manga.... so what about the description?
​"However his new job turns out to be that of a 'Slavemancer' with the power to dominate the minds of others and turn them into his toys, which he happily takes on"
 nope. no warnings of con​tent there! innocent minds and people could be reading this and be scarred over the morally ambiguousness of this story which obviously is a real setting with real people and absolutely no warning of any kind as to the content.

Thank you.
I am currently ill. I've been spared the nausea that is a flu, but damn well everything else came in its place...
You enabled me to not have to think too clearly about whether the person is joking around or an unthinking skumbag that seems to fester in the US and other countries with extremist conservative ideohyprocracies about sex... but enjoy a good war or riot any time. The type of people who couldn't possibly comprehend the meaning of - or would go so far as to even silence an academic paper which would even DARE to suggest that women are safer when men have "an alternative" to get their rocks off to. The kind of people who see "crime rate" as equal in "progress" to those buildings or facilities that clearly do little more than desecrate what little natural resources we have on this planet...
Wait. What was I talking about again? Oh... right. The difference between sex as a concept and violence in its ever present permitting throughout society... Children's cartoons have death and violence in them... MODERN children's shows. It has gotten better than it use to be, but it is still clearly evident.
So, we let our children enjoy violence on a daily basis... but if even a hint of nudity or the wiser of sex comes across it bumps the whole thing up ten levels! (PG, PG13 for death, guns, and violence, R for a little spice of sex.)
I suppose I should say that I would be fine if the hyprocracy ended and a dead space entered our media whereby NOTHING, and I do mean NOTHING: books, tv, movies, video games, NOTHING was allowed either sex OR violence. But I would prefer a world where victims of assult, be it sexual or (purely) violent got the help they needed, the perpetrators of said crimes were found and punished, and the rest of got to enjoy what ever fictional setting and environment our "little minds" were 'capable' of recognizing as "not real."
And, hey, the person you replied to so eloquently _could_ have been being sarcastic. _Could have_ but it is far more likely that our unlearned society produces those incapable of recognizing things with "sex" in it as anything *close to* not-real... or fictious.
(I mean, seriously, when a judge's arbitrary enjoyment can determine a person's guilt via "I'll know 'it' [obscenity] when I see 'it'[something I don't like myself]"... you _have_ to know something is wrong. By the way "obscenity" is federally illegal and while the charges may be longer or shorter, it is akin to posession, production or distribution of drugs.)

In the red box

The following content is intended for mature audiences and may contain sexual themes, gore, violence and/or strong language. Discretion is advised.
I felt, through the thick ocean that is this damned cold, a "hint of sarcasm" in their post. I believe it is likely that they left out the actual, literal "do not read this unless you want to f'ing die" sign on purpose...
Heck, some months or years ago I had to look up "smut". Ecchi is a Japanese word which, ironically means exactly what we use "hentai" for. And in less damning manga I have advocated for the removal of the "harem" tag for the VASTLY more appropriate and accurate "love-polygon" one... well, air guess here it gets about as close as I have seen barring any additional "historical" tags...

Anyway, I ask you all to forgive me. I am doing this on a phone and have a cold... some "corrections" made by my phone may have gone unnoticed... and I am completely incapable of text manipulation (bold, italic, underline) the bar doesn't even show up...
Have a nice day and... for the love of everything... stay healthy. (First illness is somewhere over four years. ;p~)

They see me fuckin', they hatin' .......

Dammit MC, don't fuck around in the middle of a fight.


self centered for pointing out that its a fictional story with fictional characters in a fictional setting? no one harmed in the creation or consumption of this story. as to 'emotional scarring' argument, seriously no ones holding a gun to anyones head and saying "you are 100% required to read this right now. READ IT OR DIE." so with that in mind lets see if theres anything that could be a 'warning' of the content that is obviously put there to do so shall we?
tags... ecchi... harem... smut... nope, those could mean /anything/. more seriously they do cover a wide variety of topics and manga.... so what about the description?
​"However his new job turns out to be that of a 'Slavemancer' with the power to dominate the minds of others and turn them into his toys, which he happily takes on"
 nope. no warnings of con​tent there! innocent minds and people could be reading this and be scarred over the morally ambiguousness of this story which obviously is a real setting with real people and absolutely no warning of any kind as to the content.

In the red box

The following content is intended for mature audiences and may contain sexual themes, gore, violence and/or strong language. Discretion is advised.

Because people like you are dangerously self-centered.


self centered for pointing out that its a fictional story with fictional characters in a fictional setting? no one harmed in the creation or consumption of this story. as to 'emotional scarring' argument, seriously no ones holding a gun to anyones head and saying "you are 100% required to read this right now. READ IT OR DIE." so with that in mind lets see if theres anything that could be a 'warning' of the content that is obviously put there to do so shall we?

tags... ecchi... harem... smut... nope, those could mean /anything/. more seriously they do cover a wide variety of topics and manga.... so what about the description?

​"However his new job turns out to be that of a 'Slavemancer' with the power to dominate the minds of others and turn them into his toys, which he happily takes on"

 nope. no warnings of con​tent there! innocent minds and people could be reading this and be scarred over the morally ambiguousness of this story which obviously is a real setting with real people and absolutely no warning of any kind as to the content.

Dammit MC, don't fuck around in the middle of a fight.

A sheckel that MC will hesd cum shot the demon to be his slave :o

Those last 2 pages.


Looks like sex will save the day.

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