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* * * * * (4.68 - 209votes)

Marginal Operation

Alt Names: alt マージナル・オペレーション
Author: Shibamura Yuri
Artist: Kimura Daisuke
Genres: Action ActionDrama DramaHorror HorrorSeinen SeinenTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: A 30-year-old Japanese NEET joins a PMC in the Middle East and becomes the handler of some soldiers.

Adapted from the novel series of the same name.
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Hahaha... Someone says something stupid and his first thought is that it's Sofia.. xD

Then you have a name to cry out.

Snake? ...Snake?!? SNAAAAAKKKKKEEEEE!!!!!

Oh boy, those last pages.

Japanese author has tendency to make japan related things as better, its like that with other countries too actually, but in manga its more pronounced due to sheer volume of works it churned out each week in average

This seems so blatant here though but fair enough.

When i saw the last few pages, i screamed in joy "Thank god!!! Those characters have names! Hell yeah!!!" ps. unnamed characters usually dies easily in a manga



Japanese author has tendency to make japan related things as better, its like that with other countries too actually, but in manga its more pronounced due to sheer volume of works it churned out each week in average

And they have to give those kids names... Damn it author!!! What if I grow attached to them, and suddenly they die in combat!? Orz

Then you have a name to cry out.
And they have to give those kids names... Damn it author!!! What if I grow attached to them, and suddenly they die in combat!? Orz


otakus will still be otakus...


>Calling your child "Dick"

Some parents really don't want their child to have a bright future.

God Sophia is adorbs....




just maybe shes just want the legal one > yeah



I have a question, LN is further than the manga?


I have a question, LN is further than the manga?

Personally, I'm more disturbed by the fact that you think this work doesn't have a proper understanding of modern conflict


I suspect you misunderstand what I mean by "proper understanding"? The general gist of the atrocities depicted--that is to say, unscrupulous mercenary work, casual killing of civilians, child soldiers etc.--are not out of line with the tragedies of war, certainly. Other details seem to be less accurate, according to those more knowledgeable than myself (which was what the thread of discussion was when I interjected).


But when I say I think the author has only an armchair understanding, I am saying it's all comprehension from a distance: The writings of someone with some idea of what goes on in the world from the media they consume, but has little to no personal experience in the matter. So they fill in details with their imagination, and that--I should hope--is where all this otaku male wish fulfillment comes in.

You know, I for one would honestly be pretty disturbed if the creators of this work had a proper understanding of modern conflict and then wrote this thing with elf-ear girls, sexy translators... and now all the child soldiers who are oh-so-happy about their new MC commander?


I can appreciate the head-games, and plot twists of this series just fine either way, but some of the elements I would find downright hair-raising (in a bad way) if I thought the authors had anything beyond an armchair appreciation of the realities of modern warfare.


Personally, I'm more disturbed by the fact that you think this work doesn't have a proper understanding of modern conflict

This is pretty typical for authors who have no idea what combat is supposed to be like. It's stupid on so many levels. Why would someone give their body armor and therefore their spare ammunition to their subordinate? Why does Omar need to give detailed orders to his squad when they are ambushed from the front, and why would they even dismount the truck instead of reversing out of the killzone?

[etc etc...]


You know, I for one would honestly be pretty disturbed if the creators of this work had a proper understanding of modern conflict and then wrote this thing with elf-ear girls, sexy translators... and now all the child soldiers who are oh-so-happy about their new MC commander?


I can appreciate the head-games, gritty setting and plot twists of this series just fine as it is, but some of the elements I would find downright hair-raising (in a bad way) if I thought the authors had anything beyond an armchair appreciation of the realities of modern warfare.

Because, they're just some militia kids, maybe?
well, probably because authors lack of researching.

I can't comment on the author's lack of research, but as someone who has read the light novel this is based on, I can attest that a lot of the ways things happen are different in the novel than in the manga. Plus, in the afterword, the author describes a lot of things that they embellished or made up for story purposes. So I would be much more inclined to believe that the author is not the one at fault here.

This is pretty typical for authors who have no idea what combat is supposed to be like. It's stupid on so many levels. Why would someone give their body armor and therefore their spare ammunition to their subordinate? Why does Omar need to give detailed orders to his squad when they are ambushed from the front, and why would they even dismount the truck instead of reversing out of the killzone? Even dumber is dismounting your squad but telling 1/3 of them to remain behind the vehicle. Ultimately the authors don't understand the details of how infantry are trained or how basic battle drills are executed.

Because, they're just some militia kids, maybe?
well, probably because authors lack of researching.

The 2 casualties were from the previous chapter, when the truck exploded.

Edit: didn't see the previous post...

Thats anime war for you. Ordering forces to hold position until support fire can arrive, getting the amount of time wrong, miraculously suffering no losses despite being outnumbered, outgunned, outflanked and pinned down AND doing it all with child soldiers and limited ammo.

This is pretty typical for authors who have no idea what combat is supposed to be like. It's stupid on so many levels. Why would someone give their body armor and therefore their spare ammunition to their subordinate? Why does Omar need to give detailed orders to his squad when they are ambushed from the front, and why would they even dismount the truck instead of reversing out of the killzone? Even dumber is dismounting your squad but telling 1/3 of them to remain behind the vehicle. Ultimately the authors don't understand the details of how infantry are trained or how basic battle drills are executed.



The previous post stated "miraculously suffering no losses," which is accurate based on what happened this chapter.  As you stated, yes there were two casualties but that doesn't necessarily count as a death (it can be a injury instead). So in this situation Omar (and I'm assuming that kid who fell) was included in the two casualties that were reported (even though they weren't killed).


Pretty sure the two "casualties" were the kids killed by the RPG. Again, shitty tactics on Omar's part. If you dismount your vehicle while in an ambush it's stupid to stand near it as practically every one of your ambushers will be aiming at it. Not to mention he completely failed to fire and maneuver and instead spent the whole time standing behind some rocks or standing around in the open.

Actually, the guy said there were two casualties. Sorry for being a smart*ss

The previous post stated "miraculously suffering no losses," which is accurate based on what happened this chapter.  As you stated, yes there were two casualties but that doesn't necessarily count as a death (it can be a injury instead). So in this situation Omar (and I'm assuming that kid who fell) was included in the two casualties that were reported (even though they weren't killed).

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