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Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
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* * * * * (4.66 - 194votes)


Alt Names: alt なまいきざかり。alt 盛气凌人alt His Cheekiness is in Full Bloomalt Namaiki Zakari.
Author: Miyuki Mitsubachi
Artist: Miyuki Mitsubachi
Genres: Comedy ComedyRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeShoujo ShoujoSports Sports
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Upon first sight Machida Yuki knows that she doesn’t want anything to do with Naruse Shou, but how can she keep her cool when he is a part of the basketball club she manages?
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Topic English Chapter translation New Window sammyTk
  • 1 Replies





Let's protect that precious smile.

The only question that really matters right now.
Sorry, but does anyone knows when will chapter 48 come out?? Thanks
wish new chapter will release soon

Omg I want the siblings to actually be featured in a chapter so baaaad. And not just as plot devices to make us see that yes, our girl MC is self-sacrificing as hell, but as legitimate characters. 

every time i see a release of this series i think, "how will he try to get her to have sex with him this time" lol


not that im complaining...(¬‿¬)

so disappointed she didnt go for it. after the pinch at least lick it to make it better


Their precious Nee-san is being taken away from them by Naruse! Muhawahwahwa! All according to keikaku! Yuki must absolutely bring Naruse home to show him off! XD

A hug or cuddle is the best source of energy.


Where are chapters 16-22?

Unfortunately, you can only find them on other websites.

Where are chapters 16-22?

Since it is a common occurrence that shoujos tend to use "a love rival appears" trope a tiny bit too much, you will find those comments very often. Not liking that has nothing to do with being a pansie ->weak, sensitive. My only hope is that Naruse - as he always refuses to be your typical shoujo love interest - defuses the situation and that the rival will not be turned into an asshole for the sake of moving the plot forward, only to be tossed away like a used tissue. From what I've seen so far she has something that Machida lacks. So I can only hope that the next chapter will be interesting and doesn't follow the "norms" :)


You guys/gals sound like common pansies.
As soon as a rival shows up "oh I don't like her blah blah" how about being quiet with the repetitive cliche hate comment.
Here, take a feel tissue.

I wanna add the common shout out


oh em gee oh em gee Everytime this release is up asdfghjkllkjkhjagsdfada Fangirling Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



That was fun   XD              ;-)

This is giving me diabetes.

Must have been one hell of a melon soda.

This is giving me diabetes.

Yuki became 1000x cuter once she devoted her energy to building her relationship with Naruse instead of running away from him the entire manga. I've always liked her (her motivations are very clear-cut for the tsundere archetype and make sense), but let the vanilla fluff rain!


I'm also happy that this manga joined the ranks of following the main couple after they get together. It's the best part, and it's disappointing that there aren't more shoujo manga that actually do that.

Not just in shoujo manga but in general there is a lack of manga that keep going after a couple's formed, I get the feeling authors have trouble coming up with things to keep the readers hooked.

Yuki became 1000x cuter once she devoted her energy to building her relationship with Naruse instead of running away from him the entire manga. I've always liked her (her motivations are very clear-cut for the tsundere archetype and make sense), but let the vanilla fluff rain!


I'm also happy that this manga joined the ranks of following the main couple after they get together. It's the best part, and it's disappointing that there aren't more shoujo manga that actually do that.

I think chapter 34 is my favourite chapter so far.. Give me more!


Yes! Finally! Now I sure as hell want to see Yuki introduce Naruse to her siblings as her boyfriend.

I thought the humor would go to shit once the deal was done... but nope, these two will always be friggin' hilarious.

Amo este manga!

Mil gracias por traducirlo!!!

You can go on impatient scan's facebook page for the latest chapters

Out of curiosity, what happened with Chapters 16-22?


You can find them on other aggregator sites, so we just skipped.


Well, shit. That went downhill rather fast. Man, I really, really hope that she learns something from her "rival". And what's with the sudden hug? The more I think about it the creepier it appears to me. They aren't really that familiar.

You guys/gals sound like common pansies.

You sound like a common dickhead.

Out of curiosity, what happened with Chapters 16-22?

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