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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.64 - 42votes)

Shima Shima

Alt Names: alt シマシマalt Have a Good Night!alt 재워드립니다
Author: Yamazaki Sayaka
Artist: Yamazaki Sayaka
Genres: Drama DramaRomance RomanceSeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Shio Houkigi runs an aromatherapy salon by day, but has another occupation by night. She runs "Striped Sheep," a service that provides relief to women who have a hard time falling asleep without a man by their side.
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bwahahaha  a pair-look date!

Ha!  Silly little chapter.

Yes! It's back!!@!@!@!!@!@!@!@

Not arguing with the classification, but- shouldn't this be classified as Josei, rather than Seinen?

It's listed as Seinen on Mangaupdates and was published in Weekly Morning magazine, which is classified as a Seinen publication.

Not arguing with the classification, but- shouldn't this be classified as Josei, rather than Seinen?

Oooo . . . he kept it.  Did he just feel embarrassed about forking it over, or did he wish it was his?


I don't get the feeling that he's in love with her, just that he feels responsible because his brother bailed on her.  He seems to be the only person who knows a little about how screwed up she is from being abandoned.  Probably just didn't want to upset her.

Yaaay, there's a new updates. Thanks Tokky~~

Oooo . . . he kept it.  Did he just feel embarrassed about forking it over, or did he wish it was his?

willing to buy those services for a night. especially if they make me a yummy breakfast

Thanks for the new chapter tokky

O-O didn't know what to make of this based on the summary.  So glad I read it...Dx I want more!

Thanks for continuing the scanlation for this series, it's very interesting.

There is also a J-Drama made from this series that came out in 2011 in case anyone is interested

This is good,please keep translating it !

Aaaaah I had forgotten how good this manga is

YES! finally I can know what happens after chapter 9! thank you!

Wow, I'm surprised that there has been a feedback on this manga immediately after I released the chapter - even though its been so long, and it's only a re-release. I'm glad to see there are still fellow fans here :)


Anyway, good news! I've been contacted by a translator, and we're going to start the work soon. Stay tuned~~!

this really grabs you. i was done reading befor i noiticed

I felt bad for the dude, he really thought he had a chance...

Wow... it's been two years already, I suddenly feel old xD

On another note, thanks a lot. It'd be great if yo could translate future chapters as well :D



PS : Since I'm am unable to meet the requirements, I'll highlight the tokky's request again for advertisement:


Contact him under [email protected] if you'd like to aid as a translator in this project.

Read it over again. Damn it I want MOAR. It's amusing how Gai seems so "flighty" but, like Ive said before, I don't buy that ditz attitude of his. He's too calculating and responsible  at the right times to be a true airhead.

It's probably strictly legal, but just try to actually explain that to anyone.


"I have a business where lonely women call me and I send a guy over to sleep with them… yeah, you're arresting me anyway, aren't you?"


Get your mind out of the gutter for a moment please...


"to sleep" with someone doesn't automatically equal having sex.

E.g. children often sleep with their parents for some time to feel safe.



Btw: And there I though it was a new chapter... I have to read it RAW I think :(

It's probably strictly legal, but just try to actually explain that to anyone.


"I have a business where lonely women call me and I send a guy over to sleep with them… yeah, you're arresting me anyway, aren't you?"


They have government-licensed medical workers in Japan who help masturbate people with severe disabilities.


I couldn't even make this up if I tried.


So in response to your question, for all I know it could be aboveboard and legit.

Hmm, did I just miss it or is their business even legalized...? I like this manga though, the athmosphere and the art and all the possiblities...

It's probably strictly legal, but just try to actually explain that to anyone.


"I have a business where lonely women call me and I send a guy over to sleep with them… yeah, you're arresting me anyway, aren't you?"

Good. Very good. :)) Tee-hee!
Hmm, did I just miss it or is their business even legalized...? I like this manga though, the athmosphere and the art and all the possiblities...

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