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* * * * * (4.54 - 204votes)

Senaka Gurashi

Alt Names: alt せなかぐらしalt 背后生活alt Living Back to Backalt Senaka Lifealt Senakagurashi
Author: Kazama Ayami
Artist: Kazama Ayami
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaRomance RomanceSeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Watami Meguru pleaded to his mom to let him move out on his own to experience being independent. She finally agrees to let Meguru rent out a room for the summer. But his sadistic mother makes the wall between him and his neighbor out of glass, meaning there is no privacy between the two rooms. If living openly with a stranger wasn’t insane enough, his neighbor is a cute girl his age, Kana. They immediately get off on the wrong foot and this isn’t what Meguru imagined it would be like at all.
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where is the next chapter??? :o  It has been a long time since the last one was uploaded!!! Please dont tell me it has been dropped now? (T_T)

Amehara held the idiot ball this time. You've gone this far, listen to what he has to say, he even said he did have feelings for her. But Watami, man, why the hell do you need to wait for the morning? So yeah, double idiot ball this time.



Sure, MC also at fault but plz listen to him.


now what, MC see her with another guy and misunderstand him as her boyfriend ?

everyone's hating on watami, but why does nobody else realize that she absolutely refuses to let him explain himself. she keeps running away when he tries, and he even told her he was going to explain himself, and she up and left. he made an idiot move, but she's being the absolute worst. at least he's trying

I have never thought that best piece of tragic art is when a regretful man looks at an empty room.

The feel.s





Are there seriously guys like that, who can't talk properly to the girl they like who just want him to say "I love you too"? or is just the author never had a romance experience?


Yes. Tons. Especially in their early teens in socially conservative societies.

Are there seriously guys like that, who can't talk properly to the girl they like who just want him to say "I love you too"? or is just the author never had a romance experience?

Sure there are. And that's not even considering the social inexperience he has developed over the years by being afraid of girls. It's easy for someone not accustomed to human contact to not notice the social cues for romantic interest.

Not only that, but it still takes balls to go from being a friend to going out. Being friends is a very safe position to be in. What if she rejects his confession? What if he was misinterpreting her and she didn't really have those kinds of feelings for him? It can pretty easily destroy a good budding friendship with awkwardness. Even worse, if they get together and discover they were better off as friends pretty destroys their friendship as well. Demoting a romantic relationship back down to a platonic one is not easy.

bruh you entirely deserved this

Damn it! I got dumped!........... oh, wait , it's the bakatami who got dumped! YAY! I'm still safe! :)



verb: scuttle; 3rd person present: scuttles; past tense: scuttled; past participle: scuttled; gerund or present participle: scuttling

  • 1.

    sink (one's own ship) deliberately by holing it or opening its seacocks to let water in.



Poor guy.... :(

Or, as my mother used to say "Poor dumb bunny."
verb: scuttle; 3rd person present: scuttles; past tense: scuttled; past participle: scuttled; gerund or present participle: scuttling
  1. 1.
    sink (one's own ship) deliberately by holing it or opening its seacocks to let water in.






Are there seriously guys like that, who can't talk properly to the girl they like who just want him to say "I love you too"? or is just the author never had a romance experience?

The author has had plenty of romantic experience. She's married.

Are there seriously guys like that, who can't talk properly to the girl they like who just want him to say "I love you too"? or is just the author never had a romance experience?



Sure, MC also at fault but plz listen to him.


now what, MC see her with another guy and misunderstand him as her boyfriend ?

Well then, how exactly should I say this....


Watami, you absolute and utter idiot.


Yeah,that works.


 that my head atm

4 words for Watami-kun...


"You fucked up, mate."


Was considering reading this, but then I read the comments.


I can't handle cringe in manga / anime at all, takes too long to have my palm removed from my face between pages.

It's not that bad. I think the manga is actually rather sweet.


Author's experience intensifies

That's what I hate the most in romance mangas, there's always something that stops the confession.


I mean, seriously, confession stopped by a wind blowing up the skirt?

Can you get any more cliche?

Ringing Phone, the ultimate serial cockblocker

Oh, you guys just need to wait for chapter 17

From flicking through the raws, I know I'm going to be seething working on that

That's what I hate the most in romance mangas, there's always something that stops the confession.
I mean, seriously, confession stopped by a wind blowing up the skirt?
Can you get any more cliche?

"I'm sorry, I didn't hear well, did you just say something?"

That's what I hate the most in romance mangas, there's always something that stops the confession.


I mean, seriously, confession stopped by a wind blowing up the skirt?

Can you get any more cliche?

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