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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.66 - 136votes)

Is Reiroukan Still Alive?

Alt Names: alt 玲瓏館健在なりやalt Reiroukan Kenzai Nariyaalt Reiroukan Kenzainariya
Author: Tomi Akihito
Artist: Tomi Akihito
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaEcchi EcchiRomance RomanceSeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Reiroukan is a beautiful house that is currently renting rooms to male and female students. Shirai Genta has just moved to Reiroukan, turning over a new leaf in his life. The house is full of other people with strong personalities, such as the nerdy Tokimaru and the careless and uninhibited Mikoto, who frustrates her friend Midori with her messiness. Genta gets embroiled in all sorts of wacky situations. Soon, though, Genta finds that Reiroukan is scheduled to be closed in a year. At least, there is still a year for Genta to build fond memories with the lively inhabitants of the house!
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It has to be the house. It is up to something!

I really like manga blushing. The artist drew really good blushing in this chapter.

guess tomorrow morning Genta will think it has been all a very good and wet dream :D :D :D

But Genta's girlfriend is so mean to him... He must break up with her.

I hope you're just joking.

Mikoto is really cute.

She said Touto and her school were both West of Reiroukan but the wording makes me think at least one was a typo...


Also, holy shit what the fuck is going on. I think Genta was like half asleep or something. He had to be...

I can get just why they can't do what they want. 


Anyway, the art of this author is just exquisite!

Whoaaahhhhh........I never expected him to just go for it.....that was a really unexpected move!!! I'm a bit torn about the situation since he is cheating but still makes an interesting twist. 

I feel like this was meant to be funny and there's a joke somewhere but I completely missed it. Now I'm just disgusted. Cheaters should all just go to hell.

But Genta's girlfriend is so mean to him... He must break up with her.
Genta half-asleep? That escalated really quick. Really, he basically didn't hesitate.

Edit: Nvm, Batoto did its usual comment section refresh after posting a comment, and someone early on mentioned that this series is only two volumes. I think I have a bit of a better understanding why it moved like light through empty space.
I feel like this was meant to be funny and there's a joke somewhere but I completely missed it. Now I'm just disgusted. Cheaters should all just go to hell.

It's getting hot in here

So take off all your clothes....

*came in hyped because of chapter 9's title*

*came out his hype satiated*

Wow, just wow. I have pretty mixed feelings about this: on one hand, he is already going out with another girl. On the other hand, Mikoto is too damn cute to deserve an heartbreak and that was one hell of a confession.

Eagerly waiting for the aftermath chapter already.

Contents page spoilers, lol.


Really wish i hadn't noticed that...

I wish this would get licensed so I could buy it

Contents page spoilers, lol.

the art is sublime

Loving this manga

This manga gives me boner and make me laugh. *ECSTASY*





-said no one ever-

Except for people who actually give a shit lol

aaaand... followed.

Wow this manga is absolutely amazing. I gotta buy this.

-said no one ever-

Wow this manga is absolutely amazing. I gotta buy this.




I'll have what she's having.

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