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Papa no Iukoto wo Kikinasai!

Alt Names: alt 听爸爸的话alt パパのいうことを聞きなさいalt Listen To Me, Girls. I am Your Father!alt Listen to What Papa Says!alt Papa no Iukoto o Kikinasai!
Author: Matsu Tomohiro
Artist: Takemura Youhei
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaEcchi EcchiRomance RomanceSeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: The story is about the daily life of a college freshman in the Literature Department of Tama University. He and his sister grew up on their own together after their parent's departure, but he decided to start living by himself when she got married to a man with two daughters from previous marriages.

Shocked by their marriage, he attempted to distance himself from the family, leaving home before his sister gave birth to the man's third child. Approximately 3 years later he was asked by his sister to visit and babysit the girls...

While he was looking after the girls, the plane which their parents were on went missing. He decided to take with him his three nieces (aged 14, 10 and 3 years old), resulting in the four of them sharing his tiny apartment.

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This is actually cool.
The serious story is in the main manga.
And the 'fun' stories is in the side-adaptation manga.

I can see how it all comes together now.
Each adaptation does not have to worry about keeping the 'tone' and is free to express their own characteristic.
this is too much..

Posted Image
Wow the girls are all such good kids if they didn't have the personalities they have now, things would be so much harder for Yuuta not that they already aren't though.
*Gets to page 56*

Sniff... so.. happy-sad now... T_^

...Okay, on page 64... does anyone else notice something really odd about Sora's anatomy?
*Gets to page 44*
*Gets to page 18*
poor yuuta ><
@askara Moving isn't cheap, and we all know Yuta barely has any money. He was already struggling to feed his family, so anymore than that would be nearly impossible.

@Bagelson I'm not that big on fanservice in things like this either, but some are. Gotta consider who your demographic is and what sells sometimes. Having a bit of slapstick comedy is always good for lightening moods, and Hina's way of talking is pretty spot on for a kid her age. It might be annoying to you, but why take that trait from her character? She won't be Hina if the things she'd say are changed in translation. It's just who she is. If you don't like any of that though, you're really limiting your options.
A lot of people seem to like this manga, so I've tried it but I just can't get into it. The gratuitous slapstick and fanservice, as well as Hina's forced lisp are the most egregious examples of what bothers me.
Sora's slaps are getting deadlier each chapter, feel so sad for Yuuta-kun, in a different note Raika is getting sexier maybe she should fill the role of the mom or Yuuta should start calling her "mama"
I guess the manga has pretty much caught up with the anime now.
64 pages chapter... good manga... nice...
Poor Raika.
This is probably the only manga that makes me want to cry everytime I read it. Hina is so adorable.
I definitely didn't want to see Hina's panty shot...Posted Image
so fucking mean przykladzik :|
That annoying Hina... I hate this little shit :|
9 ch pf manga got to what it took 12 eps of anime to do.... cant wait for more
"i can already see the ending" from chapter 1
Beat me to it Enternal... well played sir. Haha.
@askara Well remember they "ran away" from the evil uncles and aunts who wanted to separate them for "their own good". They were technically hiding. Also, I think they didn't have permission to stay in the house because the deed was in the hands of the other family members and not the children.
@ askara
The other relatives did not agree with what they did. Segawa pretty much just ran away with the girls so he pretty much had no right to live their with the girls. If the girls were to stay there, the family would try to split them up. If Segawa was there, they would have likely to call the police on him because he would pretty much be trespassing. However since he have their approval now, the problem should all be resolved.
So any reason before why they didnt just live in the parent's house??

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