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* * * * * (4.54 - 112votes)

DCD Diamond Cut Diamond

Alt Names: alt ダイヤモンド カット ダイヤモンドalt 異能殺機
Author: Taguchi Kenji
Artist: Taguchi Kenji
Genres: Action ActionComedy ComedyMystery MysteryRomance RomanceShounen ShounenSupernatural Supernatural
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: When he was young, Kurosu Keisuke was in a special TV program showcasing children with supernatural powers, called "Esper Shounen". Seven years after the termination of the program, a murderer appears to be targeting the Esper kids, whom he/she considers to be monsters. Will Keisuke and his old friends be able to discover the murderer and avoid becoming the next victims?!
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Got the girl, got the power, got the boobs, perfect.
Lucky Bastard in the Last Page.
DCD? Dikeido?

so all that elaborate planning...was because you were jealous of her popularity and wanted more fame?

really? That was your reason?

Spoiled little brat
On the subject of "antagonist tells everything", I usually only get irked by that when he reveals his super secret big plans or w/e. This was legitimate back story fill-in, it could've come from either side and seemed natural to me, it just happened to be that the bad guys were the ones who knew this story.
Oh, just to add, while I might be wrong about Otowa being killed by
all my other points still stands.
1. I do believe Anti is the only culprit
2. There's also the possibility that.......(and I believe the chances are high)

It'd suck if my long-ass theory is wrong, lol.

Someone should start a thread on who might be the culprit. :D
@Ashax Liencourt Antagonists explain things because it's a convenient and understandable way of explaining circumstances to the reader. It's somewhat less imaginative imo, but it's appropriate for the age-range that shounen is targeted to. If it's a past occurrence then you don't really have much choice other than having a character in the story explain what happened. Another choice is to have it happen in the story, but even then you can have a character later explain a part that wasn't "shown". (Depending on the medium.)
Some way or another "The Bad Guy" will always TELL EVERYTHING (or anything) to the protagonist
In this case the reason was "Out of' Boredom"

Good manga, worth following in my opinion
@starkiller4299: Where did you get the idea that it's monthly? There's already 5 volumes of this in Japan...
@Joseph: Gengo's opinion is valid, doesn't justify it, but still valid even if it's nonsense, your argument of love it or leave it is nothing more than a false dilemma. If anything, a reply without substance like that is as valuable as the comment replied to.

I just read everything in one go and have to say that it is fairly interesting. Enjoyed it thoroughly.

For this being Shounen i'm surprised the fanservice is kept to an optimal level. Normally everything is mindless fanservice or somehow everything revolves on panty flashing, not here, which is awesome. Character development is somewhat slow except for the MC and the beastmaster girl, but the plot development keeps the reader engaged.



/wall of text
Five bucks says that
To the mind manipulator girl:
WHHHHHHHY is this only monthly! I want moar.
C-C-Cliffhanger~! I want more Chapters :<
@Gengo ~ You don't like, just don't read it. Simple.
at last ><
@Gengo: It's Shounen, what else do you expect :P
this shit been done so many times....
Quite correct I would assume and since our main character doens't use his own senses ( ussually uses others) hes unaffected by the pharamones.
@Tsenzei Wow ! Quite a deep thought there. Are you sure you don't have the same power as Kurosu ?
A few thoughts: The art seems fairly lacking, but it's good enough for what it is, and the character designs are distinct. So far the series seems to have a good potential, and the mixture of mystery with intelligent battle sequences seems good, so it's worth a look. Plus the art seems to be improving slowly anyway.

A few theories:
I think "Anti" is...

Likewise, concerning the latest chapters posted...
@defry, yea I hope anti is not the only antagonist here. Well if they can have powers, there is still possibilities of others that didn't show on the program to have powers also.
Those boobs do not deserve that treatment.
this is awesome


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