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Gunnm Mars Chronicle

Alt Names: alt Battle Angel Alita: Martian War Chroniclesalt 銃夢火星戦記alt Gunnm Kasei Senki
Author: Kishiro Yukito
Artist: Kishiro Yukito
Genres: Action ActionSci-fi Sci-fiSeinen Seinen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Third part of the Gunnm series after Gunnm and Gunnm Last Order.
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I can't even take this woman seriously as an antagonist. She's too cartoonishly vile.

Can't blame Baron Muster for his actions since pretty much anyone will become a villain after going through all of that.

Alright this is more the kind of stuff I expect from Gunnm. 

Where the hell do you live? India? In the civilized world burying corpses has been a priority for centuries if not millenia for higienic reasons.

Then I guess the Black Plague was just a myth created by the uncivilized world. Europeans must've been killing themselves by the tens of millions every year just for the hell of it.

Didn't we have one of those during the ZOTT tournament?

we did. a flashback within two others, in the vampire lady ark.

A flashback within a flashback.

Can't remember the last time I saw something like that.

Didn't we have one of those during the ZOTT tournament?

A flashback within a flashback.

Can't remember the last time I saw something like that.

I agree with that.

A flashback within a flashback.

Can't remember the last time I saw something like that.

I imagine the average life of one of Munster's henchmen is extremely interesting and dearly short.

as long as you are covered in scars and (or) male, i believe you can last a while, just dont stand around the boss.

Who exactly am I supposed to root for, these days? It seems like everyone is a scumbag.


The original manga itself, Gunnm, was about redemption, and several times at that. Everyone starts a villain, some stay, some fall back to it, some become better and elevate themselves. Metaphorically, practically, technically, this is an ever-returning rule of the whole series.

Who exactly am I supposed to root for, these days? It seems like everyone is a scumbag.

Corpses used to be left on the road because no one cared enough to shove them into the ditch.

Where the hell do you live? India? In the civilized world burying corpses has been a priority for centuries if not millenia for higienic reasons.

Well, that escalated quickly.


Munster's no Desty Nova, but he's growing on me with his over the top, unashamed mustache-twirling.



Kids these days are so cute.


We never "recycled" corpses by burying them without caskets. We buried them without caskets because no one gave a damn. Corpses used to be left on the road because no one cared enough to shove them into the ditch.


When humanity gets to space colonization, humanity will either have Star Trek levels of technology or building houses out of compressed human bones.

To be fair, in the case of space colonization we would rather use the corpses to grow edible stuff.

I imagine the average life of one of Munster's henchmen is extremely interesting and dearly short.

Remember, she's a kid, right? Maybe they don't teach kids how their corpses get recycled huh?

I mean, we used to "recycle" our corpses too when we buried them without caskets. Incineration is also a form of recycling, since the ashes have lots of nutrients needed for plant growth. We know all this, but we don't teach our kids how they'll have maggots, mushrooms and plants eating their bodies to decompose it and us harvesting in behind for our own food. Most of them will figure this out from science classes, but that's different from seeing mountains of dried corpses getting excavated like we're in 40k. Jesus.

Kids these days are so cute.


We never "recycled" corpses by burying them without caskets. We buried them without caskets because no one gave a damn. Corpses used to be left on the road because no one cared enough to shove them into the ditch.


When humanity gets to space colonization, humanity will either have Star Trek levels of technology or building houses out of compressed human bones.

Very nice of him to have his code in a completely foreign language based on completely foreign concepts. Made it nice and easy for the translators.

Why is she so surprised by the recycling of human corpses? And on Mars no less? American astronauts on the ISS already drink recycled urine. The idea that Martian colonists wouldn't recycle their own corpses is just plain childish.

The thing here is that these persons didn't die of natural causes, it was intentional. And remember that she was here and almost died because of the himmel bruch so she can imagine herself dead among the other corpses which for a child is terrifying. She could have ended up there in that mountain of corpses, be made into brick and disappear without leaving a trace of her existence.



Remember, she's a kid, right? Maybe they don't teach kids how their corpses get recycled huh?

I mean, we used to "recycle" our corpses too when we buried them without caskets. Incineration is also a form of recycling, since the ashes have lots of nutrients needed for plant growth. We know all this, but we don't teach our kids how they'll have maggots, mushrooms and plants eating their bodies to decompose it and us harvesting in behind for our own food. Most of them will figure this out from science classes, but that's different from seeing mountains of dried corpses getting excavated like we're in 40k. Jesus.

Well no, we don't "recycle" our corpses even buried without caskets or cremated because we don't make things with these corpses. It's the necrophagous organisms that will feed on them and decompose them and then give something to plants etc. and eventually we will receive something from these corpses but we don't use them directly. (We don't use natural cycles, we're part of them)

I'm with you, if there is anything Mars has in abundance is rocks (damn, is the only thing there is).
Making them fertilizer would make much more sense.

I think Muster does it purely for the irony.

 Incineration is also a form of recycling, since the ashes have lots of nutrients needed for plant growth.




The incineration process (at least in first world countries) is extremely severe, and the ashes coming from it are nothing but pure carbon. There are even some companies that transform these ashes in diamonds.

That said, I'd have imagined bodies would be recycled for agricultural purposes, rather than brick & mortar.


I'm with you, if there is anything Mars has in abundance is rocks (damn, is the only thing there is).

Making them fertilizer would make much more sense.

Why is she so surprised by the recycling of human corpses? And on Mars no less? American astronauts on the ISS already drink recycled urine. The idea that Martian colonists wouldn't recycle their own corpses is just plain childish.


That said, I'd have imagined bodies would be recycled for agricultural purposes, rather than brick & mortar.

Something about the previous chapters got me wondering.



Why is she so surprised by the recycling of human corpses? And on Mars no less? American astronauts on the ISS already drink recycled urine. The idea that Martian colonists wouldn't recycle their own corpses is just plain childish.

Remember, she's a kid, right? Maybe they don't teach kids how their corpses get recycled huh?

I mean, we used to "recycle" our corpses too when we buried them without caskets. Incineration is also a form of recycling, since the ashes have lots of nutrients needed for plant growth. We know all this, but we don't teach our kids how they'll have maggots, mushrooms and plants eating their bodies to decompose it and us harvesting in behind for our own food. Most of them will figure this out from science classes, but that's different from seeing mountains of dried corpses getting excavated like we're in 40k. Jesus.

Why is she so surprised by the recycling of human corpses? And on Mars no less? American astronauts on the ISS already drink recycled urine. The idea that Martian colonists wouldn't recycle their own corpses is just plain childish.

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