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Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Ani ga Imouto de Imouto ga Ani de

Alt Names: alt Ani-Imoalt 亦兄亦妹alt 兄が妹で妹が兄で。
Author: Kurumatani Haruko
Artist: Kutumatani Haruko
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaGender Bender Gender BenderRomance RomanceShoujo Shoujo
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Youta and Hikaru, a twin pair of siblings, have grown up together and been close all their life. Since their parents are gone from dusk til dawn running a bar, Youta has stepped into the role of housewife of the family, cooking, cleaning, and generally getting things done. His twin sister Hikaru has always had trouble showing emotion, thereby leading to people misunderstanding her and showing fear of her. One morning after certain things come to light about their family, Youta and Hikaru are involved in a car accident. Upon awakening, they find they've switched bodies!


This is a manga published in a Shoujo magazine. Please do not edit Demographic to Shounen or Josei.
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  • 1 Replies


hikaru is totally a yandere and poor youta he dosen't have a chance with oda again
I must admit this does read like many hmanga i've read before. This will hopefully last longer than 20 pages though >.>
I can smell incest and yandere. Oh wait...
lol i can see her raping him
Another Gender Bender
I feel like this is taking a well used plot, but then with tweaks to make it something that makes it unique and in which the story can go anywhere.
Interesting manga! Evil little sister now wants to dominates her big bro >:D
@kingot I used to think the same but then I tried one shoujo manga. then another and now i'm reading about 40 of them. Gave me an important lesson. Dont avoid a genre. You never know what your missing. Except for yaoi. Shits gay yo.
I got curious reading the comment and give it a read, its shoujo but the view is from the guy(?) :P
That was interesting even though I don't read shoujo.
I want to drop this cause it's a shoujo manga, but the story seems interesting and can't wait for the next chapter.
Ya it is interesting, I normally don't read shoujos... or any type of shoujos besides like Love so Life, but this is a good read, and art style is unique compared to other shoujos =P
not really a fan of shoujo but this might be good
Interesting xD !!

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