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* * * * - (4.43 - 120votes)

Mission! School

Alt Names: alt Mission!すくーる
Author: Ohmi Takeshi
Artist: Ohmi Takeshi
Genres: Action ActionComedy ComedyEcchi EcchiRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeShounen Shounen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Ishikawa Takuya, a high-school student who doesn't stand out in any particular way, is surprised when his principal asks him to take care of some transfer students. He is even more surprised to find that there are actually 30 charming female transfer students in his care, who have come from a boarding school that was destroyed in a fire! At first it seems like a dream come true, but then he notices their knives... and guns... What kind of school did these girls come from?
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Hold out hope, friends! One day, Ishikawa will surely die.

This is too fucking good,


The service cut I mean. 

Holy shit. This is how you treat an axe sentence. A legend in making.

There's 6 more chapter yet the author is already losing all hope?.

So I'm guessing that the author ran out of all fucks to give eh?

If you're going down, go down in flames burning walls.

Such a lame way of addressing the fact that your manga is shit. Just get axed like normal, please.


goes nuts after knowing getting axed ?

This last chapter was soo bad I had to stop reading after the first half. Good way to justify being axed, well played by the author.

Such a lame way of addressing the fact that your manga is shit. Just get axed like normal, please.

Got axed? Screw plan, scew story, I will let them break the wall and fight for it. At least they don't have to act rushly to their end storywise.


But it's still sad though...

so, to be short, it getting axe since it doesnt sell well?



author might aswell stay at H works where he actually makes money

be happy MC. tonight you will see that lingerie up close XP


getting close to MC ... and don't have much time left ...

kinda guessing she will become harem member latter ...

Ahaha... This manga is just as funny as I remembered. Comedy gold, I ROFL'd a lot. In my top 3 most hilarious manga I've ever read. Looking forward to reading the rest.

I had forgotten what this manga was about, and the whole chapter I was wondering what was happening.

It's about lols.

And making up random -dere types...



So many references... But I've got them all!





And on that day there were no f*ks given....

Dat JoJo reference. However...


buddhadere? my horizons have broadened

Follow the path of enlightenment and you too will be able to assemble sheep into an amorphous blob that reluctantly runs over children.

I had forgotten what this manga was about, and the whole chapter I was wondering what was happening.


Higurashi ... wow ... I miss that guro anime ...


mononoke hime reference


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