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* * * * - (4.43 - 120votes)

Mission! School

Alt Names: alt Mission!すくーる
Author: Ohmi Takeshi
Artist: Ohmi Takeshi
Genres: Action ActionComedy ComedyEcchi EcchiRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeShounen Shounen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Ishikawa Takuya, a high-school student who doesn't stand out in any particular way, is surprised when his principal asks him to take care of some transfer students. He is even more surprised to find that there are actually 30 charming female transfer students in his care, who have come from a boarding school that was destroyed in a fire! At first it seems like a dream come true, but then he notices their knives... and guns... What kind of school did these girls come from?
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You're not human if you hate Jackie-chan!

Wait.. what? Disgusts?! Really? Well, that's only matter of preference, so ...
I for myself never seen an omake or 4-koma that has whole arc dedicated to "saving manga from publisher"


the whole 'saving the manga' thing is 'novel', but there's a reason why it's not done by other mangas - because its so dam stupid and annoying

Lasbossxhero kinda fits that description

While I absolutely hate not having actual STORY to read, and this 4th wall breaking 'crap'.  They COULD have taken the chance and actually you know, did something useful...  They could have had some sort of battle in clearing the original girls school of badguys or something...  and ended it on a note where he was dragged along with them..  I dunno.


Just this 4th wall breaking stuff disgusts me...


On the upside, at least its 'semi' original...  it just reminds me of to many 4-koma's or ...  omakes and I don't really read those... Wait, is it really original at that point?


yeah i agree.


the whole 'saving the manga' thing is 'novel', but there's a reason why it's not done by other mangas - because its so dam stupid and annoying.

Still, i will remmber the uniqueness of this manga for a long time to come.

It back to normal.


Guess they went overboard and certain higher ups had some "talk" with them.

Just this 4th wall breaking stuff disgusts me...


On the upside, at least its 'semi' original...  it just reminds me of to many 4-koma's or ...  omakes and I don't really read those... Wait, is it really original at that point?

Wait.. what? Disgusts?! Really? Well, that's only matter of preference, so ...
I for myself never seen an omake or 4-koma that has whole arc dedicated to "saving manga from publisher"

While I absolutely hate not having actual STORY to read, and this 4th wall breaking 'crap'.  They COULD have taken the chance and actually you know, did something useful...  They could have had some sort of battle in clearing the original girls school of badguys or something...  and ended it on a note where he was dragged along with them..  I dunno.


Just this 4th wall breaking stuff disgusts me...


On the upside, at least its 'semi' original...  it just reminds me of to many 4-koma's or ...  omakes and I don't really read those... Wait, is it really original at that point?

I actually enjoyed this manga quite a bit. Though if it would continue, it would be just like To-Love Ru where IT'S HELLA BORING (No offense) and have some forced jokes mixed into it. I'm quite glad it ended the way it did.

I don't understand whiners, it's probably the best and most original way to end axed series. For sure it's better than some forced rushed ending you usually have. Oh, and gentle reminder it was gag manga from the very beggining so what's the problem?

It seems the axe also brought down the fourth wall along with the manga.


But I am not even mad, it may not be as funny as it once was but still is entertaining, it sure as hell didn't deserve to be axed.

I thought it would be some kind of messing from the author but i guess even he decided to abandon the work, pretty lame imo, i mean, the guy put all his soul into a work just to throw everything up on the first hurdle he had, at least finish fighting till the end.


After this one i will be away from this author works.

well it's less a "first hurdle" and more of a... you know, final thing, it did get axed

...this stopped being interesting 5 chapters ago

It's done.



"Whaaa? Axe my work? Alright.. I'll fuck everyting up till the end."


-some mangaka-

What am i supossed to feel? Honestly it's kinda shame that author went that route, for all he cares he could give finish the story even if axed it's still better than 4th wall shattering gags and references (heavy references) which also ends with axe.

Say what you will (well you already have), but I have never seen an author create such a unique story (which is quite arguably made up as he goes) to such a tragic end. This uniqueness has already made this entire ordeal worthwhile (in my opinion) because it created something special and memorable. I will probably soon forget the plot of this manga but I will not forget the creative end or brazen will of the author who endied it on his terms.

I thought it would be some kind of messing from the author but i guess even he decided to abandon the work, pretty lame imo, i mean, the guy put all his soul into a work just to throw everything up on the first hurdle he had, at least finish fighting till the end.


After this one i will be away from this author works.

What am i supossed to feel? Honestly it's kinda shame that author went that route, for all he cares he could give finish the story even if axed it's still better than 4th wall shattering gags and references (heavy references) which also ends with axe.

Yep, he's going down swinging.

Oh god this is amazing. It's like the very ink is made of zerofucksgiventite.

I haven't read anything this meta heavy or fourth wall shattering in a long ass time, if ever. A true display of a captain going down with his ship.

"Alright, if we change to Jump we will sell."

If you change to Jump you will get axed.

It makes no different either way though lol

"Alright, if we change to Jump we will sell."

If you change to Jump you will get axed.

Holy shit it didn't calm down instead just go even crazier.

So this is what it's like to see an Ecchi Comedy evolve into a 4th Wall Shattering Work of Vengeance.


The mangaka just does not give a fuck; one cannot give fucks they no longer have.

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