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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.72 - 741votes)

Itoshi no Karin

Alt Names: alt Karin-ku Tercintaalt Mi querida Karinalt Minha Amada Karinalt My Beloved Karinalt 愛しの花凛alt Моя возлюбленная Карин
Author: Horiizumi Inco
Artist: Horiizumi Inco
Genres: Comedy ComedyRomance RomanceSeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Meet Yutaka Hanagasaki, 20 years old and a gardener at the theme park Fuegaoka. Meet Meln-chan, the mascot of Fuegaoka, with lots of popularity. Hanagasaki just so happens to secretly like her, but can never work up the courage to even talk to her, always admiring her from afar like a flower. A sweet story of how Hanagasaki works up the courage and becomes closer to Meln!
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Misleading title. Was hoping for another visit to his place.

...Reading this manga makes me wonder if it's possible for something like this to happen at Disneyland...  :\

Such a marvelous chapter!
I feel like every update would give us warm and chummy feelings.

Thank you for updating, not once.. BUT TWICE! Renzokusei Scans!

The...the c-cutene-hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggggggggg


*Dies from diabeetus*

So this was Renzokusei's plan all along. Uploading 2 Itoshi no Karin chapters in less than two days, that unbelievably high excess of sugar... They plan to kill us all!


Jokes aside, thanks for your hard work!



She wants the D. Give it to her.

D...delicious curry?

So this was Renzokusei's plan all along. Uploading 2 Itoshi no Karin chapters in less than two days, that unbelievably high excess of sugar... They plan to kill us all!


Jokes aside, thanks for your hard work!





Karin-chan MOE!!

Man, it sure feels nice to read a manga like this once in a while, twice is even better! No deep plots, no overextended drama, no violence, just simple sweet love. It makes my heart lighter and my mind calm. Thanks Renzokusei Scans for bringing it to us and Hori Inko for creating such a beautiful thing.

Caution! Cuteness overload.ahead!

Proceed with caution. Those with diabeetus are warned!

She wants the D. Give it to her.


That would bring a whole new meaning to: It tastes like yutaka-kun's "place". 


If you know what I mean ;) .

She wants the D. Give it to her.
This is reality multiplied by the laws of anime.... and i just got diabetes from it. I.REGRET.NOTHING






.........*COUGH COUGH*...
















*Has died from cuteness overload - please return to sender*

god, the drawings of karin is so hnnnggggg

So sweet! The manga like this always makes me feel this life is worth for living because it is filled of love :)

It's so fluffy I'm gonnna diee!!



She's too sweet....

Still screaming "why she have to cut her hair???". Sorry eveyones, i have a fetish about it.

This is mushy, chessy and yet so... LOVELY<3

Man! I love refreshing type of mangas like this!


Thanks for updating Renzokusei Scans!

Despite all the cuteness of this chapter


This page

Just reminds me of

"i wonder if i can become one of those memories for u"


a real man would have just said:"thats my plan all along"

Well nice, I've been itching for another light hearted vanilla romance lately! I hope it continues with these feels for a while longer.

Any suggestions for others :D

Wow. What a pleasant tempo. Friggin super cute couple. Followed!



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