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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * - (4.49 - 103votes)


Alt Names: alt 狼の口: ヴォルフスムントalt Ookami no Kuchi Wolfsmundalt Ookami no Kuchi: Wolfsmund
Author: Kuji Mitsuhisa
Artist: Kuji Mitsuhisa
Genres: Action ActionDrama DramaHistorical HistoricalHorror HorrorPsychological PsychologicalSeinen SeinenTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Europe, early 14th century: the St. Gotthard Pass is the main north-south artery through the Alps. It's guarded by a merciless tyrant and nobody can cross the border without a thorough interrogation. His impregnable fortress is called Wolfsmund, the "Wolf's Maw."
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"Hilde! Grab on!" 

oh you Walter, that was smooth~ 

many thx for the translations

a small correction though : the giant crossbows are ballista, rather than their engrish version of barista ;)

Well, we are currently a Month before the Battle of Morgarten.


I hope were going to see it. Just look at this shit:


"According to Karl von Elgger, the Confederates, unfamiliar with the customs of battles between knights, brutally butchered retreating troops and everyone unable to flee. He records that some infantry preferred to drown themselves in the lake rather than face the brutality of the Swiss"


have seen the raw and the judgement on wolfram by the Confederates was pretty middleage style (brutal)

And now there's the devil doing his diabolic thingie. Can't help but think of Berserk and how much I miss it.

Doubt the bolts would have stopped at just one body, but then again, chain mail was likely involved. (Though would likely still been moot at those distances.)

Well, we are currently a Month before the Battle of Morgarten.


I hope were going to see it. Just look at this shit:


"According to Karl von Elgger, the Confederates, unfamiliar with the customs of battles between knights, brutally butchered retreating troops and everyone unable to flee. He records that some infantry preferred to drown themselves in the lake rather than face the brutality of the Swiss"

Uh, was hilde getting dp'd in that first page? Am I imagining things?

no wonder those two servants so loyal to the mistress eh .....


I though Vampire legend is born in Wallachia (Romania) with the name of Vlad the Impaler. There is very far from Italy.

1, that was kinda joking. Regardless that the manga has a realistic portrayal of the time era, it's still ficticional, so yeah, don't take it to heart.

2, I said "vampire" legend, not "Dracula's legend". Regardless that the most modern portrayal of vampires is based on Bram Stoker's Dracula whose character is based on Vlad Tepes,  he wasn't the only one with a vampiric myth, plus there were many legends of creatures similar to vampires from way before him, and a lot of frenzy over vampires in the late middle ages and early renaissance was spread from Eastern Europe all the way to England, yes, crossing Germany and Italy.

3, back to what I said, vampire legends are born from sadistic characters that loved war and often were stained with blood, like our little fictional Hilde, so if she had been a real known character from Tell's times, then you bet your ass she would've been rumored to be a vampire.

Uh, was hilde getting dp'd in that first page? Am I imagining things?

heh even with such a bloody chapter

Good Guy Mangaka still has time to put in some some Fanservice

Hope Hilde don't be killed, she is another cool woman in this series.

And that's how vampire legends are born. DAT MURDER FACE.


I though Vampire legend is born in Wallachia (Romania) with the name of Vlad the Impaler. There is very far from Italy.

And that's how vampire legends are born. DAT MURDER FACE.

Never heard Karma Houdini, but I like it. 

Might i interest you in an educational page? It will bring joy to your life :D

I hope he doesn't die. I hope he gets captured alive and tortured in some hidden chamber every second of his life until he dies of old age.

I would fucking hope so you sick bastard. Sweat all you want. (not that i believe for a second that he'll actually die. Smells like a ginormous Karma Houdini to me) 

Never heard Karma Houdini, but I like it. 

Rage train never stops.

I would fucking hope so you sick bastard. Sweat all you want. (not that i believe for a second that he'll actually die. Smells like a ginormous Karma Houdini to me) 

Now he's getting antsy


A realistic view of the middle age... yup

Cool an update

Cover your spoilers

I can just see the mangaka meet up with his editor. 



Why did she die... She was so cool :,(

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