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* * * * * (4.61 - 354votes)

Fudatsuki no Kyoko-chan

Alt Names: alt ふだつきのキョーコちゃん
Author: Yamamoto Souichirou
Artist: Yamamoto Souichirou
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeShounen ShounenSupernatural Supernatural
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Fudatsuki Kenji is known in school for two things: for being a delinquent and for having a sister complex. He constantly follows his sister Kyoko around, fixing her giant ribbon and chasing off any boys who might be interested in her. However, the truth is much stranger than people believe. He actually doesn't have a crush on his sister-- in fact, he likes Hibino, the only girl in class who isn't afraid of him.
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Why all of the side characters in this manga are so damn annoying?

It's actually kind of impressive. Bad character writing just makes the reader apathetic, but Yamamoto-san has managed to make me actively dislike most of his side characters within one chapter or less of their introduction.


KILL HIM KENJI !!!!!!!!!!



Why all of the side characters in this manga are so damn annoying?

Death to the student president!

Poor girl's holding back on his account. In manga, this never helps, though. Still cute as all get out.

Biology is just chemistry applied to a specific domain of compounds.
Chemistry is just the physics of atomic interactions via their electromagnetic fields.
Clearly therefore, the existence of manga is just an involved physics problem.
. . . this kind of reductionism obscures a lot more than it illuminates.

Add to it that what we learn depends on our ability to experience, comprehend and process the information, which would imply that we are needing to place our understanding of physics as dependent on our ability to observe our surrounding and the manner in which we relate to this reality of ours. Thus physics would be subservient in a way to physiology, psychology and philosophy, which in turn would ultimately be subservient to physics itself.

All in all things get strange when we try to rank fields of science by their "purity".

Biology is just chemistry applied to a specific domain of compounds.

Chemistry is just the physics of atomic interactions via their electromagnetic fields.

Clearly therefore, the existence of manga is just an involved physics problem.

. . . this kind of reductionism obscures a lot more than it illuminates.

Fundamentally everything is a branch of quantum mechanics or applied mathematics, take your pick.

Culture is just biology applied to a particular environment.

that doesn't even make sense. Culture is common learned behavior and beliefs transferred and maintained within groups. If youre gonna start that phrase with anything natural selection or evolution is a better choice. If you wanna stay with culture biology and environments maybe something like: culture helps where biology fails in particular environments.

Culture is just biology applied to a particular environment.

Biology is just chemistry applied to a specific domain of compounds.

Chemistry is just the physics of atomic interactions via their electromagnetic fields.

Clearly therefore, the existence of manga is just an involved physics problem.

. . . this kind of reductionism obscures a lot more than it illuminates.

Yes. Culturally, Family comes first for us.

Culture is just biology applied to a particular environment.
its been awhile... when did hikari become so buddy buddy with the mc?

Wait, what? When did they explain that she was dead?

Jiangshi is a living dead creature, a strange vampire created by rituals usind a fresh corpse. Being a Jiangshi automatically means that she had died.



Incest denied! Maybe Kyoko should have been nicer to him from the beginning. 

 As if she had been really harsh to him at any point in time...

You guys have to remember that she is fully aware of how she acts when her ribbon is taken off. Also, Kenji can see though her act easily, the reason why treats him harshly  is because her emotions are laid bare as soon as her ribbon leaves her head, her usual atittude is a kind of self defense mechanism to protect her ego(psychoanalitical meaning of the word here). Thing is, like I said, her acting is pretty transparent, so her "treating him harshly" wouldn't really influence his emotions for her in the slightest. 

Yes. Culturally, Family comes first for us.

I wouldn't even say it's a cultural thing. It's called being a decent human being. 

That's fine. Family always comes first.

Yes. Culturally, Family comes first for us.

3 more chapters Hibino's gonna give up on your ass and find someone who actually makes time for her.

That's fine. Family always comes first.

3 more chapters Hibino's gonna give up on your ass and find someone who actually makes time for her.

It Really Ended at 7th Volume


So the author explained everything and gave a real ending to it? I just cant see it.

SO MANY LOOSE ENDS THO. They can't possibly cover them all in 1.5 volumes

It's 2.5 volumes btw.

SO MANY LOOSE ENDS THO. They can't possibly cover them all in 1.5 volumes


To be fair, the only thing that really needs some closure is the Hibino ship, I doubt the author ever intended to reveal their background more than what already has been said and will not go for the incest route. 

I think what they've told is enough. She's a Jiangshi. She was dead, now she's not. Whatever they did came with side effects. That's it.

Wait, what? When did they explain that she was dead?

Darn it the more i read this the more i want to know the backstory... seriously they may need to put a "mystery" tag on this if they don't explain to the viewers WHY Kyoko is how she is.

I think what they've told is enough. She's a Jiangshi. She was dead, now she's not. Whatever they did came with side effects. That's it.

It Really Ended at 7th Volume

SO MANY LOOSE ENDS THO. They can't possibly cover them all in 1.5 volumes

Incest denied! Maybe Kyoko should have been nicer to him from the beginning. 

Kinda wondering, if she manages to stay herself whilst in that hairstyle, then why does she need to the high-up ponytail ribbon that constantly gets removed ?

Girls be girls, that's the answer.

Oh wow, I really like side-ribbon Kyoko.

Kinda wondering, if she manages to stay herself whilst in that hairstyle, then why does she need to the high-up ponytail ribbon that constantly gets removed ?

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