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* * * * - (4.44 - 117votes)

Akame ga KILL! Zero

Alt Names: alt アカメが斬る!零
Author: Takahiro
Artist: Toru Kei
Genres: Action ActionAdventure AdventureDrama DramaEcchi EcchiFantasy FantasyHorror HorrorSeinen SeinenSupernatural SupernaturalTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: The "dark action" story will take place a few years before the events in the original fantasy series. The prequel will center on the title character Akame, a girl bought, brainwashed, and raised by the Empire as an assassin.


> Akame ga KILL!
( http://www.batoto.net/comic/_/comics/akame-ga-kill-r219 )
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And this is likely only going to get worse.

ouch. right in my feels.

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻



Dat feeels!

So my guess Akame will get "Papa's" Teigu in the end

Not quite a guess if you read the main story :/

Please author! Please! Let the cute girly live!

Oh wait forgot that this was Akame ga kill...



Uh oh...


That really made me sad when I saw it, but I knew it was going to happen the moment the first kill order was announced. 

The killing has commenced.



Uh oh...

So my guess Akame will get "Papa's" Teigu in the end

Looks like it's just a matter of how much suffering Akame can stand before defecting to the rebels

Chapter 3 has come. Enjoy the killing spree guys :D

after akame kill that group magician, i start to hating akame, cih! talking about sin, she has no difference compare to Esdese.... so esdese deserve good ending, not being bad character and get killed


The difference between Akame and Esdese is vast. Akame was brainwashed and trained early on to be an assassin. It's only natural for your moral compass to align to those who raised you, especially with what they were doing to her to get her that way.


She even admits that she's upset with the situation because of the time they spent together, and that she wished they weren't part of a terrorist group. It may not be true, but people only know what they're told, and she was lied to by the empire to belive that the revolution forces are evil.


Esdese is freaking crazy through and through, enjoying hurting people just for the satisfaction of it. For Akame, it's a job just like any other. I do like Esdese more than I thought I would, but she's got some serious screws loose.

after akame kill that group magician, i start to hating akame, cih! talking about sin, she has no difference compare to Esdese.... so esdese deserve good ending, not being bad character and get killed

Where does it say that the doctor is dead? I've read the original; the doctor is only on one page. You may have gotten him confused with doctor Stylish. They are two different people.

woops my bad, thought he was the same guy :l

well, there we have it. the elite 7.

and murasame~

Akame ga Kill ! Zero : Chance of anyone surviving except for Akame and her sister

Well we know that doctor survives but he dies in the original so whatever :)

Where does it say that the doctor is dead? I've read the original; the doctor is only on one page. You may have gotten him confused with doctor Stylish. They are two different people.

Well, at least we actually know who's going to die and who's not going to die...

Live: Akame, Kurome (albeit driven just a wee bit insane)

Dead:  Everybody else

Well we know that doctor survives but he dies in the original so whatever :)

Another great chapter, thanks for the release!

Well, at least we actually know who's going to die and who's not going to die...

Live: Akame, Kurome (albeit driven just a wee bit insane)

Dead:  Everybody else

Huh....a bunch of nameless characters die...


Next chapter better have one of these named character die...

Chapter 2 has come, enjoy


thank you for your work ^^

aight, got my anti-depressants and tissues


now to go read the new chapter, wish me luck!

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