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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.72 - 741votes)

Itoshi no Karin

Alt Names: alt Karin-ku Tercintaalt Mi querida Karinalt Minha Amada Karinalt My Beloved Karinalt 愛しの花凛alt Моя возлюбленная Карин
Author: Horiizumi Inco
Artist: Horiizumi Inco
Genres: Comedy ComedyRomance RomanceSeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Meet Yutaka Hanagasaki, 20 years old and a gardener at the theme park Fuegaoka. Meet Meln-chan, the mascot of Fuegaoka, with lots of popularity. Hanagasaki just so happens to secretly like her, but can never work up the courage to even talk to her, always admiring her from afar like a flower. A sweet story of how Hanagasaki works up the courage and becomes closer to Meln!
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The art style reminds me so much of Homunculus.

This is wonderful...


I was having such a bad day until this

This is so cute.


She makes so many cute faces, gawd dayum, this is almost too much for my heart.

This big stupid grin on my face, I can't get it off it won't go away

I've been giggling like a girl and my parents are just giving me the weird look. But, this manga is just so good; I love it!

At first I thought Karin was the most adorable character in this series, then chapter 7 came out and now it seems I'm gay.

This big stupid grin on my face, I can't get it off it won't go away 

Only one thing to say, death to the mangaka if this doesn't end with these two together. Also if a tragedy occurs and you kill Karin, I'm going to torture you first ;)

Karin-chan captured!

You ain't seen nothing yet.

I feel only one thing... and its probably my heart failing

Karin-chan captured!

The moment i saw it updated.. I made sure i read all other mangas first , and leave this particular manga last one to reead.. Soo sweet! Leaves me smiling always!

thanks for the double updates, renzokusei scans.
pretty sure that u know how to kill me with sugar overdose.

1 Hibi Choucho + 2 Itoshi no Karin chapters = *Dies with a smile on the face*

What is this? Why is this manga so heartwarming? :D

So this was Renzokusei's plan all along. Uploading 2 Itoshi no Karin chapters in less than two days, that unbelievably high excess of sugar... They plan to kill us all!

Jokes aside, thanks for your hard work!

It was worse for me since I had a mocha frap and a large boba milk tea when ch 6 was released x___x

The sugar high was totally worth it!
Okay, that was revoltingly adorable! Excuse me while I go drink something super bitter to balance out reality here. :D

From the title of chapter 7 I was expecting her to accidentally burn her house down and then move in with Yutaka lol

Misleading title. Was hoping for another visit to his place.

If you expected that, the title would have been "The taste of Yutaka-kun."

...which I was tempted to write the first time when I translated it.

"For use on flowers"


UGGGH! Curse you Renzokusei Scans for brightening my crappy day! I was trying to be mopey and depressed and emo!


Huh, i still alive? Pretty sure my heart stop beating...

Karin lost? is she challenging him in being sweet? wow this is sweeter than 10 cups of sugar




GAAAHH everytime i'm reading yukata instead of yutaka, wth !


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